Participation trophies

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Immortal Kyrro, Apr 15, 2016.

  1. Immortal Kyrro Loyal Player

    At the rate the devs keep decreasing content difficuly, how long before we start getting top loot as a participation trophy. Three rolls just for queuing into the instance.
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  2. DEMONIZER1 Loyal Player

    Politically Correct in DCUO....thank god I left when Division hit.

    Everyone gets a

  3. Entrust Committed Player

    Participation trophies!!!!! YES, GREAT IDEA!

    Mepps, next April fools we need a GIANT participation tropy for our base! Or maybe a little gold one that hovers over our head like a halo (you know so everyone can see that we tried).


    Edit/ps: Content difficulty is fine. Not everyone is an omega level gamer. Eady/hard is a matter of personal opinion and experiences.
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  4. Immortal Kyrro Loyal Player

    I'm far from being an omega gamer. Truth I get on a couple times a week for a couple hours and sometimes I run stuff sometimes I fly in circles around my base. I beat BBS on launch day once and then last night was the second time I played it. 1st time took about 75 minutes. Yesterday was about 15. Same group averaging 161 cr. Curb stomped. I got hit by braniac spikes as a dps not blocking and didn't die, they nerfed the crap out of it. I don't even recall seeing the lasers last night. If they were there they were a non threat.

  5. Backseid Devoted Player

    Ask for more content to play than one Raid, at a time, each month.

    That's the actual issue. We cannot have difficult content (in your eyes) because we only have one single instance fir EVERYONE at end game to play.

    The current Solo/Duo is irrelevant before it even goes on test, and last month's Raid/Alert is irrelevant the day a new one comes out (If not sooner).

    They really screwed the game all up.
  6. Entrust Committed Player

    Sounds like a group of players who learn & get better. 75 min, down to 15 min, whole group over cr160. I would hope that the same group of ppl would be able to identify the mechanics & improve the next time. Doesn't sound like overly easy content, but good players.

    In DCUO, as in life, surrounding youself with good ppl makes the difference! :)
  7. Twilight Avenged Dedicated Player

    Patiently waiting for Final Fantasy 15 to ease the pain...