Paradox Raid video

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by AndezMT, May 23, 2013.

  1. AndezMT New Player

    swer 2 christ if u nik me dool weelds agen i'll hook u in the gabber m8
  2. LIVETASER New Player

    Awesome videos, but why the heck are you not spamming orbital strike if it is not on cool down. That could have made it a little bearable. I spam orbital srike each time it is off of cool down. That was hard.
  3. Pew New Player

    It's better to save orbitals for certain moments. When everything is going fine you should not waste resources. What happens when people go down and a large wave of adds spawns. I'd rather have a team burst ready for that than to have wasted it in times of complete safety.
  4. LIVETASER New Player

    If you saw the video, it was not used at all. My point is for the boss.
  5. AndezMT New Player

    r u dizzee blud? mans only on that ting when adds are making man vexed. DO YOU EVEN PARADOX FAM?
    • Like x 1
  6. Clu New Player

    He was in the video, have you ever played PvE before? if you have the boss fight under control then save stuff like Orbitals for burning down the adds when they spawn, will help prevent random deaths.
    Infact ignore that, come back when you finish the raid.
    • Like x 1
  7. Clu New Player

  8. Dump Truck New Player

    Thanks. We actually have been running one tank on the mini bosses and two tanks on the final boss - just incase the penalty box creates an issue or batman (Is it batmans or batmen?) needs revival.