Overlapping Combo and Weapon Mastery Issues

Discussion in 'Old Arkham (Bug Archive)' started by Carbon Based Unit, Nov 30, 2016.

  1. Carbon Based Unit Well-Known Player

    I have seen many times where the overlapping combo commands cause issues. Additionally, the use of overlapping commands relates to problems in Weapon mastery I will give specific examples for Rifle and Martial Arts.

    For Rifle there are several overlapping combos, but the two most common used are Hold Range (HR) and Up or Down (Dn.) These cause Rolling Barrage, a roll to target, and Flip Burst, a roll away from target, originally. They later add in Flamethrower and Mortar to the same two combos. However, this does not work as intended.

    I have targeted an opponent at maximum range them intended to open combat with Mortar fire. So I do HR-Up as a combo. Sometimes I get the Mortar. Other times I get Rolling Barrage! Wait a second... Rolling Barrage is HR-Dn, not HR-Up! So why am I getting this? Is it because they are both for FAR from target? Is it because I moved forward to target the opponent, let off forward, but was still drifting when I shot? If so, then how can I reliably trigger mortar? But, here is where it gets more confusing. While those two are proper for long range, I also get Flip Burst at times! Flip Burst, putting me out of combat range, going off when I am far also makes no sense.

    There are similar issues with being near and trying for Flamethrower. Now, Flamethrower does fire up (ahem) more often. But then, it sometimes fires off a Mortar, Flip Burst, or Rolling Barrage...

    The real problem, as far as I can see, is that these combos have the same commands and the combination between the client and server and control buffer ends up with the wrong combo firing off. This makes it very hard to get the most effective rifle action for the moment because doing so simply happens so rarely.

    Now, while that is very annoying, the one that got me to post is Weapon Mastery which has some combos problems, not triggering problems, and not existing problems.

    I have a Rage tank with Martial Arts. I took up that to Mastery then Two Handed to Mastery to get Knee Launch Mastery. My goal was to be able to overpower the Rage Crash avoidance attacks. I have to do the combo to prevent the crash, so why not get more out of it. End goal:

    Severe Punishment (8 seconds until crash)
    One attack.
    Remorseless Recovery to reduce the crash if I am stunned.
    Mtap-Mtap-Mhold to get my Knee Launch Mastery going and follow it with Eviscerating Chain or Revenge to get added damage, some lower cost, and prevent crash. If the timing is off, etc., the Remorseless Recovery is there.

    Now, to work out the timing, I first tried doing bits and pieces against a target dummy. But Mtap-Mtap-Mhold never got me Knee Launch Mastery. Instead, I got Cartwheel Kick, the primary for that combo. So I decided to try it out in the field with some solos, play with the target dummy some more, etc.

    I am not getting more crits. I am not, as far as I can tell, getting a cost reduction on the power following.

    Somewhere between the combo overlap between the Two Handed Knee Launch Mastery and Martial Arts Cartwheel Kick I am simply not getting the Weapon mastery bonus.

    Now part of this seems to be caused by the other problem in Mastery: figuring out Weapon Mastery itself is a total nightmare. For example, I did not know my Shield and Staff tanks were getting the short end of things when it came to Weapon Mastery. There is NONE that helps those two. Looking for what Mastery helps a martial Arts user means going through every mastery out there and digging out the one you want. It is just a mess and unbalanced for those two weapons without cross-weapon mastery bonuses.

    If the Cross Weapon Mastery for X was on X and not Y, then it would be easier to manage and fix those two weapons. For example, if Knee Launch Mastery was under Martial Arts, not Two-handed, I bet the programmer would not have missed the fact he was using the wrong combo and could have changed it to the correct combo or made it Cartwheel Kick Mastery. Better yet, call it Cartwheel Kick Grand Mastery.

    Grand Mastery makes so much more sense than Cross Weapon Mastery. The second weapon is a prerequisite, not the end result. The result is that you become a Grand Master in a certain skill.

    So say Cartwheel Kick Grand Mastery is under Martial Arts. The description goes like this:

    Tap Melee x 2, Hold Melee
    Requires Martial Arts Mastery and Two Handed Mastery [NOTE: Cartwheel Kick is a requirement for Martial Arts Mastery so there is no need to list it again. This may not be true for all Grand Mastery skills.]
    Perform a high damage version of Cartwheel Kick Mastery. Using a super power at the moment Cartwheel Kick impacts will increase the super power's chance to crit by 360% and its critical damage significantly.
    Control, Tank and Healer Roles: Using a super power at the moment Cartwheel Kick impacts will decrease the super power's Power cost.

    The biggest two advantages of doing it this way are these: First, it is clear to a the user that they will need to get X Mastery or Y Mastery for a particular skill. For Spinning Punch Grand mastery it would say, "Requires Martial Arts Mastery and either Bow Mastery or Two Handed Mastery." so they would know they could use X or Y mastery in that case. Second, it would let you easily fix both Staff and Shield by having other Mastery skills add to them simply by being prerequisites for new Grand mastery skills.

    Finally, if you ever did add another weapon, there are thousands out there to choose from, you would be able to add Grand Mastery to it without it becoming some huge deal. Oh, and even if staff and shield only had two combos each with mastery, it would be something! Right now they have nothing.
  2. Tilz Loyal Player

    You're confusing and I really don't get what you want... Still trying to help you there.

    Ok the combotimings on rifle are tricky and maybe lag is a factor that can mess combos up. Or just more practice on timing. As far as i know, no weapon combos are bugged timingwise (damage is something different :rolleyes: )

    About your Rage-Tank problem:

    As a tank you should prevent the crash EVERY time with E-Chain. You don't need to use the full E-Chain combo. The pure traypower is enough. You still need to know, when you have to cancel your ragecrash.
    If you use E-Chain on 7 o'clock of the cooldown, you won't crash.
    If you're stunned, use an Immunity before (Breakouttrinket, Ire, Ferocity).

    Weapon Mastery is only the use of your "cross weapon combo" (-> 2 different weapons). Some weapons have longer combos. Some don't. It is what it is and you only get your bonus (damage as dps ; powercost reduction as support) when you hit the correct window (that "ching" + red and white ring around you).

    Just checlked the combos https://forums.daybreakgames.com/dc...o-weapon-mastery-edition.210326/#post-2643329 <-- Might be usefull for you

    Knee Launch (or Knee Launch Mastery) is MTap - MHold
    Cartwheel (Mastery) is MTap - MTap - MHold
    ---> Those are the pure weapon combos.

    If you want the "Crossweapon" combo (with Loftshot from Dual Pistol) Mtap - Mhold (kneelaunch mastery) - Mhold (loftshot mastery)

    So after you unlocked the WM icon (top right corner) on both weapons of the combo (Material Arts and DUal Pistols) you need to unlock the weaponcombo in the MA tree.
    Know you're able to perfrom the WM-Combo (Weaponmastery - Comb): Loftshot Mastery. It's the combo where you shoot at your target from below.

    Now about the "Mastery" word

    The whole combo (with the 2 weapons) is called WM-Combo. If you time it right with a power, you will get the WM-Bonus (dps: crit; support: powercost reduction). You can hear and see that you hit the correct window.
    Words like "Knee Launch Mastery" in the regular weapon trees (not the 2 "crossweapon") have reduced damage if you have unlocked weapon mastery by using the top right point to unlock WM.
    Reason is pure balance of weapons from the time where DPS used Weapon Mastery.
    So if you see in combat log something like "Knee Launch Mastery hits for..." it simply means you did the regular Knee Launch combo and have unlocked the WM.
    In the link above, you'll see the difference between "regular" and "mastery" damage.

    Hope it helps.
    If you have trouble understanding stuff (or if I was too messed up und confusing) feel free to PM me about that.
  3. Carbon Based Unit Well-Known Player

    It is as much a rant as issues...

    The issue is not preventing rage crash. That is really not too hard as long as you have power. The issue is wanting to get some extra damage in at the same moment and not being able to.

    Yes, which is the timing I was trying to work out. The problem there for martial Arts is that I NEVER get Cross Weapon Mastery Knee Launch.

    I have enough skill points to get Mastery in Martial Arts and Two handed. That was not the issue. What I did not get, and still amkes little sense is this:

    My problem was I was trying to use a Martial Arts skill in Martial Arts. It turns out my misunderstanding was in it meing a martial art skill. It is not. it is a Two-Handed skill. So without the weapon, I can't get the combo... which is odd, but does help Staff and Shield some. The problem I saw with those dies not actually exist.

    In the end, it means I need to rethink my skill buy completely to stay in Martial Arts.

    Oh, and as for what combos they used... I don't think it has anything to do with ballance. Now that I know it is using a forign weapon in your skill tree, it seems the goal is to PREVENT extra overlap. So they have taken into account PART of the issue I was talking about above.

    So the only one I am really having regular problems with is Rifle. Good news is, I managed to get Mortar off 4x in a row today... then it went wonky again.
  4. Tilz Loyal Player

    Ah so you're equipping the Two-Handed weapon and you have problems getting the WM-combo to kneelaunch (mtap - mtap - mhold)... am I right?

    Rifle: haven't used it in ages.. but i remember the tricky timing and positioning.
  5. Tilz Loyal Player

    I've re-read your post and I think I found "your issue"

    To get the Weapon Mastery Combo off, and with that the benefits of the WM-combo (dps: 360% crit ; support: powercost reduction) you need to equip the Weapon where you unlocked the Weapon Mastery Combo.
    So for you example:
    You unlock the needed skill points for the Weapon mastery on MA and Two Handed (you know the top right corner, etc.).
    Then you unlock the actual combo in the 2-Handed Tree (the one under the stat-skillpoints).
    Now you're able to perfrom the Two-Handed Combo into Kneelaunch. Thats the Weapon Mastery Combo.
    Equipping MA to get the knee launch weapon mastery combo is wrong.

    If you uinlock WM and all and use MA and then tap - tap - hold (melee) you'll get cartwheel kick. Tap - hold (melee) will do the knee launch from MA. THIS IS NOT A WEAPON MASTERY COMBO IN THAT CASE. It will be called Kneekaunch Mastery in combat log, but it's played from the MA tree directly and not from the two-handed.
    With unlocked WM symbol those "masteries" directly from the weapon (no "crossweapon") will do less damage.

    If you want damage to do more damage as a Rage tank, I would go for faster WM combos or no WM at all and normal wepaon. That will also do some good damage. But your aim as rage tank is not doing damage.
  6. Carbon Based Unit Well-Known Player

    Yes, as I said in my reply to yours, "My problem was I was trying to use a Martial Arts skill in Martial Arts."

    Yes, I am re-thinking weapons for every toon and I know the tank's job vs dps job. I am just looking for ways to maximize DPS while doing the role job. Keeping aggro is not hard. I have a fire tank and between a lasso to pull people in and the fire DD that has an aggro, I can keep aggro while doing 1/2 to 1/3rd the damage of everyone else. Let me look at another example for a second.

    My problem on my fire tank, which uses staff (to build supercharge and do knockdown/stun a lot,) is a lack of a good range attack. Now that I understand Cross-weapon a bit, my goal on that one is to get the Rifle mastery because it has an easy to proc combo for Mortar... easier than on the rifle! LOL. Anyhow, it would not be about doing a fire attack, but I would probably follow with one for the crit chance, etc. It would be about filling in the missing range. My fire tank, at just barely the level to get into an area with level 80s, was standing toe to toe and surviving as a tank and self heal. Keeping aggro let everyone else kill things without taking much damage.

    Now back to the other tank. (I did 1 each of tank, troller, and healer for both hero and villain to try and really get to know things.) My rage tank is fun with Martial Arts, but I am not sure it is the best choice. Once I have enough skill points, I am getting about 50 a toon now, I can more easily try different ones. Doing the solo missions I can work out if it is a better style for me or not. If not, I may stick with Martial Arts. Also, there is the question of stats that come along with it. For any sort of a melee person, tank or not, crit chance and damage is good to boost. So I may want to look into which weapons are effectve for tanks and boost those the most.

    As for my troller with the rifle... I like the range and lack of spray. I tried pistols, but they hit EVERYTHING out there. LOL. So if I want to use combos with the troller, I will need to do some testing, and (as you point out) pick the one with an easy combo. It will also need to be friendly to being a troller, and not put me at the front. My first troller used martial arts and gadgets... ugh. bad combo for me. Had to change up completely because I did not get parts of gadgets and martial arts puts you too much in the middle of it for a troller.

    So my real issue, in the end, is that the description of the Mastery Cross Weapon skills is not well explained in the game. The lack of any real documentation makes it so you learn from the game and random web sites. I was reading about how staff and shield don't get cross weapon on a web site and completely misunderstood how they work. That web site was incorrect and started my confusion. It is NOT that they do not get them, it is that they are NOT USED AS THEM. And really, that makes sense. Shield is just new and fee/member based. Staff, what would you have them do? A martial flowers combo? When would the red ring be? LOL. It is just too complex of movements to be used in another skill.