Option to Respec Per Tree

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Lady Thren, May 29, 2014.

  1. Lady Thren New Player

    Idk what negativity this would bring tbh! It benefits everyone. :D
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  2. Dametria Loyal Player

    Well, by positive response I meant the devs say yes. :p
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  3. Lady Thren New Player

    In that case... time for me to post linkage to this thread onto Twitter with Spytle & Mepps tagged on it. #win LOL
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  4. Lady Thren New Player

    Posted on Twitter. :D
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  5. Lady Thren New Player

    Thanks for the likes!
  6. Agnetta Dedicated Player

    theres no reason why this shouldnt be in the game after over 3 years. get it together, devs.
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  7. Lady Thren New Player

  8. Lady Thren New Player

    We seriously need this please!
  9. Zim New Player

    I never even saw this. :)
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  10. Hero of Justice New Player

    Hopping over to support this thread too now that I've been alerted it exists :p
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  11. Skidmarc Committed Player

    I cannot count how many times I've done this hahahaha
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  12. Lady Thren New Player

    We really need this and an undo button!!!
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  13. Dametria Loyal Player

    I was working my way to bump this thread. You beat me to it. :)

    After seeing all the awesome UI that are coming for league management, revamping the SP trees should be easy-peasy. :p
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  14. Lady Thren New Player

    I just messed up AGAIN and had to redo all of them... geeze we need the undo button AND tree respecs.
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  15. Kid Sorbet New Player

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  16. Lady Thren New Player

    For the love of feats PLEASE give us these options (undo button included)!!!
  17. Lady Thren New Player

    Ugh! I respecced a lot today cuz I got another weapon and messed up a lot... even while going super slow. Freaken hate this game sometimes.
  18. bareheiny 10000 Post Club

    And now I just place SP 100.....oh crap. Goddammit. Now I have to do that all over. Gah.*

    *Throws controller down in disgust and storms off*

    * story may, or may not be true. most likey is very, very true.
  19. sterl320 New Player

    What would be great is if the skill points only locked after you have exited the menu. You would even be able to switch to the other menu tabs while putting them in, but once you hit O (and whatever button it is for PC) and you were back controlling your toon, whatever points you had put in are therefore locked in place.


    There can be a lock button that you can click to lock or unlock the skill points. It would cost a fee to unlock the skill points, just like there is a fee to reset the skill points. And the only way the skill points would be in effect is when they are locked, so you can't leave it unlocked and still have them count.

    Just some ways to make speccing & re-speccing better.
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  20. Lady Thren New Player

    THIS IS HELLA NEEDED! Plus an undo button.