Option to Respec Per Tree

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Lady Thren, May 29, 2014.

  1. Lady Thren New Player

    Im getting tired of having to respec all of my skill points just cuz I happened to mess up with one or two points. It would be MUCH easier if we could respec a specific weapon tree or the movement mode tree. [>_<]
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  2. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    Yea... yea... it's a huge pain going through that. Especially due to Weapon Mastery and skill points being so important now. They should have released a feature like this with GU36.

    EDIT: There is a lot of basic stuff that should have launched with GU36 but didn't.

    EDIT EDIT: So basically I don't expect this getting done anytime soon via the reasoning of "it would make too much sense".
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  3. quirkers Well-Known Player

    I would so like other options at the respec station especially now with WM and its possible variations.
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  4. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    Just a little tip, use the reply button. It gives the person you're having a conversation with a notification that you've replied to them :)

    I know, it would be helpful. Armories have definitely helped, but they're only a step that needed to be taken.
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  5. Kid Sorbet New Player


    This option is long overdue!
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  6. Lady Thren New Player

    Yeah, its time we get this option already. I agree that Armories help but they're not enough.
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  7. Terrible Theo Well-Known Player


    i often misclick.... especially near the end....
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  8. LoArlequin Well-Known Player

    That option and "lock" in items from inventory. I hate when you nearly delete/salvage a weapon or something.

    And, about R&D, how about we get our plans a new skin? I hate the long list. Make them contract by default
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  9. Lady Thren New Player

    Omg the freaken R&D plans list needs an overhaul... god its a pain to get to the bottom. Same annoyance as the SP trees... ugh.
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  10. quirkers Well-Known Player

    I know, I have to be better about it. :oops: It was due to the fact that I was so enthralled with the possibility of skill point shortcuts. Darn you good ideas, you foiled me again ;)
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  11. Lady Thren New Player

    LoL Thanks for all the likes and replies. :)
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  12. IELL New Player

    I will definitely say yes to this, but I discover the Space button :D

    (Dang those old day I tortured my hand to move the mouse to click "Yes")
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  13. GJGBlackDragon Dedicated Player

    The day WM was released I end up resetting my skill points like 5 times before the first test just because I screwed up after some point and there's no way to unassign a point.

    It was like 1, 2, ... 89 (screwed up) Doh! Reset, start again, 1, 2, ... 123, 124, did I buy the jet pack/grappling hook from the acrobatics tree? DOH! Reset again. I hated WM before testing it. After I finished, I'm not planning in resetting for quite some time.

    I can imaging those with over 150+, after the third Doh, apply the armory and keep clipping powers, or doing some zen mediation before trying again, LoL.
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  14. Lady Thren New Player

    Yeah, Im about to go over the 150 mark on SPs myself and had a lot of those moments happen while trying to find the best WM for my character. >_<
  15. LoArlequin Well-Known Player

    We really need a "lock" fuction in our gear.
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  16. Lady Thren New Player

    YES PLEASE. >_<! Better than the one we have.
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  17. TechBender New Player

    Liked / supported / here here
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  18. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    PC: If you click on a skill you can press space to quickly spec into it. No hassle to drag your mouse. Shaves off quite a bit of time in respecing.
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  19. Draco8573 New Player

    I don't think that its that bad.
  20. Rox New Player

    I spend like 5minutes respeccing then I start running and can't go fast. Damnit I forgot the movement mode... +1
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