Opposing Faction Lock Box Styles?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Backseid, Oct 19, 2015.

  1. WhiteW0lf Devoted Player

    I love the lockboxes, and how is a stackable 5% increase in all stats useless??
  2. DustyAnkh Loyal Player

  3. AbsoluteZero Committed Player

    Sweet I was under the impression the original avatar bombardier helmet was forever gone
  4. DustyAnkh Loyal Player

    Nope, all of the original versions of the variants (as well as the variants) are in the Lockboxes :)
  5. AbsoluteZero Committed Player


    Awesome cuz I hate the variant head style of that set lol
  6. protecter of tomorrow Committed Player

    Put into consideration that there are still lots of people playing this game. TOTAL amount of boxes given out in a day per person for EVERY 6 HOURS gameplay ( legendary ) then ADD up there is over 800 + styles to randomize through. This number will EVEN be HIGHER due to PREMIUMS that get about twice as many boxes. This will EQUAL to " YOU PAYS YOUR MONEY AND YOU TAKES YOUR CHANCES ".

    BOTTOM LINE: YOU already STATED the FACT that these are REWARDS for PLAYING. MEANING they are FREE just for playing the game. IF the DEVS really wanted to they could give YOU NOTHING.

    That being said YOU should just not worry about it and " IN TIME " you will get what you are seeking through the FREE REWARDS as they come.
  7. protecter of tomorrow Committed Player

    Everybody seems to think that the DEVS don't know what they are doing for the most part. AGREED they don't always make the wisest of choices BUT I'M sure they know what they are doing in their game. That being said I'M SURE they don't rely on people buying PRO BOX KEYS. Why do you think they give PREMIUMS twice as many PRO BOXES. ? This is because they already know that the AVERAGE person doesn't WASTE money on keys when they can just save them for per say 29 days and then SUB UP for 1 month to OPEN said SAVED BOXES.

    BOTTOM LINE: There is no NEED ( and i'm sure from a DEV point of view ( NO PLANS ) ) to change these anytime soon. Again PATIENCE can go a long way.
  8. protecter of tomorrow Committed Player

    This was in another thread somewhere BUT can't remember where. For LEGENDARY PRO BOX drops every 6 hours of GAMEPLAY. PREMIUMS get about twice as many in this amount of time as a TEASE to get people to SUB UP.

  9. SkullGang Devoted Player

    Mayan I can somewhat understand although they are making it the trash gear in the next episode so maybe they should take them out.
  10. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    During the release week(?) the drop rate was increased to half the usual time, Legendary's get a drop every six hours normally
  11. protecter of tomorrow Committed Player

    When they did the increase during the release date that was i believe for 2 - 3 days and it was twice as many as normal. Also YES i read in another post somewhere that LEGENDARY will receive a PRO BOX every 6 hours of GAMEPLAY. If i'm not mistaken it will be the first KILL after a 6 hour time spam being in game that will yield the PRO BOX. Then as a market sense to get MORE PEOPLE to SUB UP the PREMIUMS get about twice as many in the same ALOTTED TIME. I'M not positive if FREE members even get PRO BOXES but my guess is that would be the same as the PREMIUMS. They do that so people will SUB UP due to the FACT that most people will not open any until they reach near the deadline for the first one in their inventory to SUB UP and open ALL of them instead of BUYING the KEYS.

    BOTTOM LINE: From a BUSINESS stand point this is VERY INTELLIGENT. They give you the option to buy the keys BUT know that the average player will just SUB for a month or so just to open these. AGAIN for others to understand that these are in FACT FREE REWARDS and if the DEVS decided would not have to give these to us in the first place. IMHO i think the drops in these are just fine as i have almost every HERO style and when i get a VILLAIN style it is that much more PLEASING then to get NOTHING at all.
  12. Backseid Devoted Player

    Well that just doesn't make any sense. I haven't seen an aura since they added the slim ones. They used to be somewhat regular. The dinos? I got 3 of the same when they first put them in. Nothing since. That was a looong time ago. And now, only two Villain styles ever.

    Until recently, I've been an every day player for over 4 years. Typically, I get at least 1 box a day (though it's been less frequent this past yearish).

    So either:
    1. There really is a difference between Legendary and non, when it comes to LB's
    2. The system, as with almost every other part of this game, is jacked up
    3. You're full of cap
    I'm leaning more towards number three, cause that's what I'd rather belive, but it's more than likely one or both of the others. ;)
  13. Backseid Devoted Player

    Cause now everyone has stacks of them. So, they have just become a new standard. Not to mention, you can't even tell a difference anyway.
  14. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    Recently had been 'farming' the Prom Boxes (like things to be as 'even' between the Main Six as possible) and they do drop approximately every six hours for Legendary
    • Like x 1
  15. protecter of tomorrow Committed Player

    I got an aura just about 3 days ago so they are still in there.

    BOTTOM LINE: Every thing that has been in the previous boxes are still available in the NEW boxes BUT that being said we will essentially have 800 + styles , PROTO whatevers, COMPOUND OMEGAS, AUX and ATK BUFF COLAS ( i know because i just got another one of those the other day as well ) , VAULT tickets , AURAS, BASE items and who remembers what else i'm missing. I mean YOU just have to be PATIENT, not every one has the BEST LUCK, look at me if i didn't have BAD LUCK i would have NONE at all.
    • Like x 2
  16. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    They don't. After 10 hours of play as a Premium, I've seen two boxes, and the first box I saw was within 3-4 hours of being Premium. I don't know where this rumor started, but it's not factual.
    • Like x 1
  17. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    Two in 10 hours is still quicker than for Legendary
  18. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    I think you misunderstood. I got one toward the end of that 10 hour period. I'm guessing I got two within 6-8 hours on the edges of that time period, meaning I received one, and then 6-8 hours later, I received another one. I'm actually thinking of creating a little GUI that will determine exactly how long it is between lockboxes for a given character.
  19. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

  20. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    Blacque just got a Hero PVP style chest in a Prom Box (Elemental Android)