Open world PVP

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by Funky, Nov 7, 2014.

  1. Funky New Player

    Hey I'm an old player hoping to jump back into the fray soon(-ish?) But I'm wondering what's the state of open world PVP USPS? Are there any new events?
    I'm also aware of the balancing in arenas, but how does that affect the open world or duels?
  2. Dcon34DCUO Loyal Player

    Beyond Ring War and Diamond Heist, no new open world pvp events have been added.

    Due to the recent changes to arenas, I, and some others, would recommend you get a break out trinket from the pve vendors to use for open world. (unless something recent has changed with the pvp one working in open world.) Also, there has been a third boost added to Home turf mainframes. 15625 MoT for each one, i.e. Henchman, Orbital, etc.
  3. Master Play Committed Player

    Too be honest, now is a bad time to jump back into the PvP world for pure fun. A lot about PvP is messed up at the moment, it's basically an open bug test on the live server. No new events, not sure why. A revamp to open world pvp events has been requested by the community so many times, with no dev responses.
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