Open Episodes & Bonus Weeks - Extended!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Mar 18, 2020.

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  1. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    Hey, I'm born and bred in America.

    But the resentment of other people having good things happen seems unusually American. I'm not saying it's only Americans that feel this way or that all Americans feel this way, but we do seem to have a much higher percentage of citizens with a hatred of the idea that anyone else should get anything "free" or have anything good happen to them without suffering as much as the speaker did.
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  2. AtrocitusPS4 New Player

    not sure what's more offensive your post or the one you are quoting.
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  3. Aren Sul Committed Player

    I want to add to the group of people saying thank you. However, I'm not thanking you for the specifics (which are great), I'm thanking you for just doing something within the limited framework you have as an online game. It means a lot to me whenever I see anyone pitch in to help in anyway they can.

    Please stay safe and healthy, and thank you.
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  4. Captin Raptor Well-Known Player

    preach on brother. If there are 3 things in the world that really upset me, they are

    1. Seeing homeless people get free food after ive paid for my own meal

    2. Seeing sick kids not having to pay for medicine after i had to drop a $12 co pay

    3. Now this

    Seriously who the heck thinks like that.

    Something might actually be wrong with u


    Good stuff devs. Top notch
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  5. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

    Oh goodie.

    Awaits all the people with their far-fetched claims that F2P gets more benefits than premium to come out of the wood works.


    In all seriousness, thanks devs.
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  6. Maxwill Committed Player

    Hear hear ! Very well said ! I couldn't have said it better myself .Amen !
    But it's not only in America, it's in some european countries too.It's that kind of selfish mindset that makes them think like that.
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  7. Lantern_AdamK4 Committed Player

    They can and do both things. It doesn't take an enormous amount of time to have a meeting to decide what to do, and then adjust the game code to do it.
  8. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

    Please don't lump "Americans" as the reason crap like that happens.

    It's not "Americans" it's a older generation mindset. It's a set of people who carry the notion "Hey, if I had to work and do so and so for this and that, you should do the same; no handouts!"

    A lot of Americans can't even go to work right now because they are told to stay at home, so they are missing out on their paychecks; they are missing out on an extra $15 they could use to keep their subscriptions going.

    I'd imagine there's a very similar situation going on where other places also have the corona-virus impacting them.

    Your right that Nobody should be hurt by having free-episodes getting handed out as a result of the corona-virus, but to lump Americans like myself and others as "Resentful of anybody getting free stuff" is distasteful and wrong.

    The right message should be to appreciate DCUO for opening up this content for everyone to enjoy for a limited time, not to strawman a group of human beings as resentful and envyful jerks.
  9. Lantern_AdamK4 Committed Player

    First, Put my tongue away? Grow up.
    Second, You're incorrect. Mepps addressed LPVE feats on 03/02/2020 in which he said they're not doing anything with LPVE with the exception of potentially adjusting feats, which means they are addressing it. Just because they aren't telling you every step of the way does not mean that it's being ignored.
    Also you don' t need these currencies? You get no benefit?
    You don't need source marks? Everyone needs source marks. What if they have double XP for artifacts next week? You don't need that?
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  10. Chia Death Well-Known Player

    The people saying there's no benefit for members obviously aren't thinking about the increase in content they'll be able to run since the f2p and premiums without those episodes are going to be trying to get the most value out of this event.
  11. inferno Loyal Player

    i'm a subscriber and I want to thank the dev and everyone there for these extra stuff you are doing and planning. For your safety and everyone else.

    Wear masks when outside of your houses and in the office. This is a better solution than social distancing whose primary function is avoiding sharing a close atmosphere than anyone infected. It may be inconvenient at first but you'll get used to it and it should greatly reduce your risk.

    You don't need to disinfect every surface before you touch it, just make sure that before you bring your hands or fingers anywhere close to your face to wash with either soap or disinfectant.

    Stay safe everyone and let's all do our part to lessen the spread of this disease.
  12. TymeBlast Well-Known Player

    Awesome as we sit and wait to see how this plays out.
  13. TheLastSuperman Well-Known Player

    You've got to be kidding me right now and it has 10 likes? Yeah GG there. I pay and this doesn't matter right now, there I just cancelled out your vote on this, done.

    I think you fail to realize the seriousness of what's going on in the world right now. Sure the memes were trying to ward it off, make it seem not so bad at first but that time has passed. We didn't realize how bad it was, we stuck our foot in our mouth farther than we thought - this has spread, in fact the symptoms revised, the numbers too, even the models they had. Dimensional Ink did the right thing here, making it so people can enjoy a game more while they're locked inside... over 7million in California are "shelter-in-place".

    Not this. Not today. Tact. Timing.
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  14. Bladejack Level 30

    I have to commend the dev team for what they have done for players over the next few week. I paid a monthly sub until the life time deal came up two tears ago so I have put a fair bit of money into the game and have no issue with people" getting something for nothing."

    The next few weeks and months will be rough for a lot of folks and if it gets more people in game, playing and finding new friendships then it can only help to take people minds off the worries and isolation they may be feeling.

    I'll may get nothing "material" out of the game being almost maxed, but if I help anyone by playing .. then I'm in ;)
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  15. Tabby Belle Well-Known Player

    I really really really would like for Week 3 or Week 4 of these bonus weeks to be a big 50% sale on the Marketplace stuff. All these alternates we'll be leveling during the free weeks will need armories, seals, and replay badges to buy feats over! ^_^
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  16. Pale Rage Dedicated Player

    Good work devs!
  17. GalaxySniper Loyal Player

    Ohhh how a couple of days change.

    The very same ppl who was arguing tooth and nail with me, and was AGAINST me saying I rather play the game with NO subscription if their going to have microtransaction is now all the sudden trying to act all happy that they did this,

    So to all the FTP and premium players you welcome. I've debated against so many ppl on the forums with literally no one to back me up.
    But the fight isn't over cause they can do better than this, but I see their kinda testing the water in a DCUO kinda way ( which is a lil annoying) but I leave my criticism of DCUO out the door for now.

    NOW! To all the ppl who called my idea d.u.m.b, players who made fun of me, players who wished I would get permanently banned, reported me, bullied me and made fun of my dyslexia due to my unpopular opinion, and said this will never happened.

    I got two words 4 you.

    Told you

  18. Citryphus New Player

    Hey, it would be nice if teh devs gave a character slot, so the player could be levelling a whole new hero/villain. Like FTP can only have 2 of them, it would be something nice to test some powers and etc..
  19. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Uh....thanks? I honestly can't say I've seen these tooth and nail debates....and not sure which side you are on really, but if you want to claim some sort of victory....yea you! I've got a few accounts I've played on successfully for years with no sub, but have now convinced me to do so I guess.

    And I was aware dyslexia made you read/spell things in non linear ways...but it also gives you unpopular opinions? learn something new every day. What's your stance politics/religion.

    Told us....I guess.
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  20. DiscoSoup Active Player

    Thanks for this, Mepps. We're spreading the word,trying to get more recruits for the game. If I could make one suggestion for Metal Part II content it would be a mat/chroma based on the tenth metal effect from Into the Dark Multiverse.
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