OP items collection

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by gold heart, Aug 18, 2017.

  1. gold heart Active Player

    Hi, I'm a returning player so I'm a bit lost about these OP items collection, I recently just got the chronon active feat but I was wondering if I had to have just the feat or have on gear which give Chronon particles to actually get the collections. I was also curious as to if they had a higher drop rate in raids as so far im yet to get any from my dailys or alerts.
  2. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    Once you get the feat, you don't need to wear the gear (you can also unlock the feat on your alts and collections will drop for them too). The only thing that increases the drop rate of collections (and really in only one specific part of the raid instances) is once you finish the OP back style, if you wear it (the style) when running US elite and JFA elite, you can summon a special boss that has a 100% chance of dropping a collection for the people wearing the style.
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  3. gold heart Active Player

    Thanks, looks like I should attempt to get the backpiece first
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  4. COMBATICUS Dedicated Player

    This is something I see a whole lot on dc. For ex. I was shouting for a specific af3 op collection, and someone sends me a tell and says "you can save yourself alot of trouble if you just equip the shim'tar gear and you get one every 2 runs

    I honestly didn't know how to reply to that one lol, but yea once you get the feat that's it the rest is on RnG, and we all know RnG is not really in our favor lol

    So some ppl go weeks, yes weeks without seeing a single one. Yup, after I bought most op collections, and got maybe from release till now a total of 4, yes 4 op collections drop lol. But yes just keep playing, you'll get one, eventually.

    P.S. ppl say it's usually better one alts to farm these because they usually drop more often there than on your main.
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  5. CookiePhilosophy New Player

    I have been running them for a more than a month and a half now and have yet to get a single one. I have been also using an alt with no luck as well.
  6. COMBATICUS Dedicated Player

    Well damn lol. I get they rare and a little extra to chase, but holly hell how much extra lol
  7. Alrighty Then Loyal Player

    Probably the easiest way to get them is on the broker.
    All you need is a lot of in game cash.
    If you can figure out how to get the cash, then you can buy the collections and get the gear.
    Some game this is. You want it, buy it.
    There are players with Billions of in game cash; so it must be easy to get.
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  8. 1 ncmike Dedicated Player

    I haven't had any of the collections drop for me in a few weeks so I've had to buy them off the auction house.
  9. ozzy1111 Dedicated Player

    have to wear it all at same time to get the feat. as for the drops. just like its always been. only the (chosen few) will get the rare stuff. the rest of us will never see it!!!!!
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  10. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    Cut that "chosen few" BS. RNGesus blesses who he wants when he wants. I got a lot of the rare ones early on...and sold them all. Now I'm collecting them...and see less now...because someone else is being blessed. So is the will of RNGesus. There's always the broker for the rest...learn to sell other goods to get the ones you want/need.
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  11. Dene Devoted Player

    weird.. im getting the "now that you have it all we are no longer giving you any" syndrome LOL
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  12. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    good luck getting collection pieces though, I've had the feat for a month and only seen 1 collection lol
  13. Alrighty Then Loyal Player

    It would seem that there are more people willing to help you get cash, then there are collection pieces.
  14. MastaMind Dedicated Player

    In all honesty I believe it is pure luck. The back piece was the first one I went for because it was the only one I liked "style" wise. Since I started the game (At that time I was munitions) all I wanted style wise was the spec ops chest (Finally got it) and the expert marksman back style. I think the PVP is trash so this was a nice substitute.

    I had a lot of people ask me if it increased the "OP" collections drops. Not even in Elite stuff did it seem to really make a difference, and this back piece was something I had on 24/7 until just here recently. It took around 3 weeks before I got one drop and that is counting that I had quite a stockpile of replays built up. So I was running the living Lucille Ball out of this content. Of course after getting all three pieces I was told by others that it was the "belt" that was causing me to get more drops. There was a 4 day period where I got a drop from every single mission I ran, but then it went back to the "here and there" drops. I never wore the style to the belt ever.

    I noticed a big difference when I got the "Divine Favor" feat which many probably already had. My brother in law has been running this content since it came out and never got a single drop from release til this week. I helped him get "Divine Favor" and he finally got his first one. Not saying that it is any kind of guarantee but it's an easy feat anyway. All in all I think this guy summed it up:

    Not just the broker though. Most serious players are in leagues. The system I used was simple. I had league mates who throw me their duplicates and I do the same. I've already helped one member get the full collections for all three, and all the others are really close (Most are around 9/12 on all collections and even further on the Af3 ones). I purposely keep my league small and close knit now after seeing how low some people truly are. So if a group of 10 people could make that happen then it should be no problem for bigger leagues.
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  15. ozzy1111 Dedicated Player

    hum. been playing the game for 4 years now. run everything. everyday. that needs to be run. and...I NEVER GET THE RARE STUFF. well. cant say...never. COUNT EM. 3 OP DROPS. 2 HANDS. I U-BELT. THATS IT. never get the rare drops out of the new stuff. ran it ALL enough to buy the 3 op gear for 1000 MARKS. I SPEND NO MONEY ON THE GAME. AND NEVER WILL. other then the sub. why would I????? not sure why your always there to support the way the game works. maybe your one of the...(chosen ones)...
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  16. ozzy1111 Dedicated Player

    and maybe its all (hum) random. many in my league that spent a LOT on TC'S and get, got all the drops before. this time around. they said there done spending. it never ends. and guess what happened. most of them don't get many drops anymore. strange huh???? ask any league. its the same way for all of them. yes, yes. I know. your league, its all spread out equal. sure...
  17. Alrighty Then Loyal Player

    It may be random; but the percentages are set by DCUO.
    It may be random, but the house can and does change the rules.
    One day a 5% Drop rate, the next a .05% drop rate.
    So RNGesus has nothing to do with it.
    If the percentages are set; DCUO should post them.
    Any legit gambling spot has to print the odds of winning.
    If you blow cash and don't know the odds; the onus is on you.
  18. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    Other then the kryptonian trinket that I got well after its relevanc

    I've never once gotten any op drops from prime up to now not a single one ... I'm guessing my luck is just that bad
  19. gold heart Active Player

    My last op piece was the 97 necklace from lockdown :(
  20. gold heart Active Player

    Im still wondering how im supposed to get 330 war bonds without replays in a decent amount of time loool