Only Problem I see

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by NewbieDougie, Apr 12, 2016.

  1. Backseid Devoted Player

    You're perfectly free to play whatever way you like.

    It's ignorant, childish and part of the problem with our community though.

    Just FYI ;)
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  2. BipolarDiva Loyal Player

    Confused. Are you saying because you play a role it should be your choice to deny others to practice theirs before they enter and screw up raids? That's what it looks like.
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  3. ProfessorKanua Committed Player

    No, I'm saying that when you are aware of what is expected from each role and you have a full grasp of what each of those roles entail. You can form a personal preference as to how you'd like to run a duo. Just like I won't deny 2 people wanting to run the duo as healer and troll, I wouldn't want them to deny me the right to run with 2 dps.

    (Try to assume the positive.)
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  4. IIThe QuestionII Loyal Player

    One of the few "planets aligned" situation where i see eye to eye with Backseid on the forums :D. Anytime i enter a duo with a lower cr or a support i'm all like "oh yeah!!" then change into my fun armory
    *Actual depiction of me changing armory...true story.

    Really, even this last duo that was called "tough" you may die once or twice on your first run, after that, if you can't solo it...:confused:...yeah...the other player is not the problem.
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  5. TheArmorsmith Dedicated Player

    So you want a solo....? I think we have those...not many mind you but there are there if you look hard enough...
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  6. GhostFly Killah Committed Player

    I dunno.. seems like you're just being a jerk lol. My goal is to simply complete it, no matter who's in there with me. When I started this game in beta we didn't have armories, so I leveled 1-30 on a nature healer. Looking back I dunno how the heck I did it lol.
  7. Lights Derp Loyal Player


    I don't care what my duo partner is. Give me any role, any power, any CR, any skill level and I'll still run it and finish it. People will play the way THEY want, not the way YOU want then to. It's not my place to tell anyone how to play and enjoy the game.

    If only more players saw it like I do. We might have more non-damage players, and the player base may be a lot less cranky.

    Oh well. OP next time you're stuck LFGing for a non-damage to complete a raid remember YOU are part if the reason there is so few of them.
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  8. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player


    Can you get the bomb feat in the flash duo without a tank using a breakout, yeah you can but it is a lot easier when going to get said feat with a tank.

    I always like to run with players who play roles as content is easier.

    1) Tanks hold aggro so I can focus more on damage and not worrying about being targeted
    2) Controllers use CC on adds, again, I am not target due to CC effects so I can focus on damage
    3) Healers keep me alive

    With other DPS players I have to pick them up at least 1x on a boss when content first comes out due to most players not willing to spend the time to get as close to max CR. Oh I'm 157, I will go ahead and run the new duo. Oh that 163 DPS will help me beat it.

    Support roles don't make duos harder, stupidity does.

    CR recommendation, yeah that matters to an extent.
  9. metalmechanic77 New Player

    I just started an alt atomic tank and I havent switched out of tank role since I could be in it. Ive never had an issue dealing my fair share of damage or holding agro at the same time. Every duo i run is with a dps and I always seem to match them or keep them alive by diverting boss agro/pickups. I dont feel like support roles are the problem, maybe the players sometimes, but not the role
  10. DoflamingoGT Level 30

  11. Bhanqwa Well-Known Player

    Cheers. Liking the boa too.