Is the power trees and the communities intake on them. I dont necessarily hate the tree,i just hate the lack of variety. Not in terms of how much skills there are, but more in terms of originality. theres almost no room for it. then the community sets the norms and creates loadouts that most people use which is fine. what isnt fine is getting hated on for creating your own loadout. who knows, it may suck, it may be mediocre, but its your load out man. configure it the way you want and not to the ideals of the common populace. improve it the way it fits you. im not hating on the loadouts,i just hate the lack of versatility
Blame the new power mechanics. Anything that doesn't fit into those is mediocre, and unfortunately, that isn't just an opinion. :-{
There have always been optimum rotations for powersets. They used to be much more complicated than they are now, but they've always existed.
I never argued that. There were ways to make those more unique before, though. Even the best loadout could have at least some competition from another loadout. The other loadout might do 90% or 95% of the optimum damage-wise, but it was still enough to complete content. Anything outside the new power mechanics will be lucky to do 40-50% of the damage.
For the electric AM you are pretty much forced into the dps power tree selection to get all you need to setup DoTs, electrocute, voltaic bolt, and 2 damage iconics. You basically have 1 power point you can use for whatever you want. Some people like to use tesla ball, but that forces you to even give up 1 of the damage iconics. At least for electric the AM forces the selections.