Ok, I just finished taking down Oolong Siege Robot and before/during two players said that they reported me for "excessive question marks"? I've never heard of that and not to mention I never said anything to them... Is this true? Oh and can I report them/file a ticket for falsely reporting me? I didn't post anything to them at all before they said that. And sorry if this is in the wrong forum, I couldn't seem to figure out where this would belong.
Were you using a lot of question marks? And is it possible that they were just making fun of you for using a lot of question marks? As far as I know you can't report someone for reporting you. They report you, a GM investigates and then they decide on a course of action. However, although I'm not an expert on the terms of service I don't think you have anything to worry about with regards to excessive question marks. Don't know that something like that is actually a thing.
I wasn't using question marks at all, I was talking to a Villain in Versus chat and suddenly they posted that in Say chat... I actually ignore people who do use excessive question marks. I already reported the two and ignored them, but I was curious because I didn't do it... I thought that maybe they were just trolling, but I wanted to make sure.
Yeah, it sounds like they were just trolling you, although "excessive question marks" is a new one on me.
WOW! Are people really that low to be reporting other people for excessive question marks, i would understand if they reported you for swearing or being aggressively abusive but questions marks, come on! i'm sure they have bigger things to be dealing with other than banning someone for "excessive question marks"
I hate people like that -.- Now I feel like an idiot. LOL But they said they had screenshots? Saywhut? xD Bleh. Thanks for the help. I feel at ease now.
?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????Pls? do explain? why? you are worried about this???
I'm sure you have nothing to worry about. It's probably just typical trolling and if they did report you I doubt anything would happen. Hell, me and a friend were reported for "ninja looting" almost a year ago and we are still playing.
Did he say you by name? Maybe he was talking about other players. It wouldn't be the first time some responded in the wrong chat channel.
They did. I was the only "Titan" In proximity to read their posts... I checked, thinking they were talking to someone else.