one guaranteed elite gear drop in elite content!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by RLManuel, Mar 11, 2016.

  1. COMBATICUS Dedicated Player

    That is probably my biggest problem with the loot. The fact when u get the drops and u look at ur options, and they giving u 2 of the same green pieces to choose from lol. Seriously? Have no idea how many alerts and raid did this, my wife ran PZR and each boss dropped her a purple gear BUT 2 out of those 3 bosses gave her 2 of the same crap. First boss purple head, purple head and last option base, 2nd boss purple hand, and another purple hand then FEVII lol. Even though that's probably better drop to some, unlike those who run and get green gear, 2 132 pistols green trash. I could of sworn about 3 epsiode ago I read somewhere here that they were looking into this and try to change it. Guess it was just BS
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  2. Malachee Committed Player

    Couldn't agree more. Thanks for summarizing the frustrations of so many of us.
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  3. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    It is possible. You have HH, NGN, Bomb, DC, UM, DP, BD, BN, DP, PZ, and PB. All of this content impacts your drop rate. Not just the latest content.
  4. Ala Rebeldex Loyal Player

    OP Items or Elite ones are not mandatory to complete any content.
  5. mexmex Dedicated Player

    Yes you are right, however my comment was due to the fact you dont need those affinities in order to finish succesful any raid or alert and the also the fact that elite pieces stats are the same of the regular ones
  6. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I think he was saying it's 'not possible' to limit your drops to garbage in those other runs...then run something you want good drops from. My understanding of the 'Bad luck' system is that once a piece of the good gear is in the loot choice your bad luck is reset to 0. If it works off of not CHOOSING the good gear, fine...then you might be able to tweak the system by running the other content and choosing the garbage drops...forcing better gear to come up where you want it...but I don't think that's how it works. Tried to find the article that discussed the mechanics of the bad luck system, but didn't find the one that laid it out.....didn't look much work.
