one guaranteed elite gear drop in elite content!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by RLManuel, Mar 11, 2016.

  1. Wallachia Devoted Player

    May I hijack the thread quickly for a question?

    Is it me or low CR equips (30~45) stats seem to reduce power pool rather than increase it? My hero is at CR 41 and it has 3.4k power, while my villain, when he had the same cr, it had I think almost 4k? Is it just me or stats in equips differ from hero to villain?
  2. Proxystar #Perception

    lol nah i know :p
  3. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    If the devs caved to your request and gave you 1 guaranteed piece per run, they'd simply decrease the weight of some pieces to make sure they were extremely rare.

    A better request would be to ask for the best gear to be taken out of RNG distribution and made fair and achievable by all players through effort.
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  4. Real2TM Well-Known Player

    I don't feel like it would be a wise idea since there are only 4 Elite pieces per content. I would like to see either 139 or Elite gear drop in loot tables. 132 should be drops from trash mobs so everyone can roll on them and keep them out of loot drops.
  5. The Jelly Bean Dedicated Player

    What about the problem of it dropping gear, but never that 4th piece. I have 3 toon's who run pzr and each one cannot get a specific piece. Back in wotl2, it took 2 weeks for me to get the 96 gear style. Ran that multiple times a day too.
  6. Neidler123 Dedicated Player

    Replay badges
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  7. Malachee Committed Player

    Lately it feels like this has become the "answer" to EVERY question asked about this game. :cool:
  8. mexmex Dedicated Player

    Well the only thing of the elite gear is the style, so unless you really really want that particular style dont bother in replaying.
  9. Unida Dedicated Player

    the only guaranteed things in life are basically

    and for almost everyone else, taxes.

    Leave it as it is, 29 pts to reset for a guaranteed piece of top gear.
  10. GhostFly Killah Committed Player

    I can totally deal with not getting a drop in elite.. but what frustrates me to no end is getting the feet on 2 or all 3 bosses. Wtf with the same drops in same instance.. how many feet do u think I need?
  11. TheDeuce Well-Known Player

    Only if we go back to the Need v Greed system so I can totally ninja your 'Elite' drops.
  12. same Johnny Dedicated Player

    This needs to be pushed, honestly.
  13. lukelucky Devoted Player

    Or crazy idea time. The dcuo boss who makes these calls could say man I appreciate these guys spending their money so I will create a rewarding fun experiencs. I mean the pay a sub and weed through th crap list of guesses as to how the luck limter works and then nail it is simply not fun or an ok way to treat players ponying up sub fees. I feel dcuo is the least rearding its ever been. I still love the game but man it is far from what it was and further from what is possible
  14. lukelucky Devoted Player

    Not even close to true. Tanks have an instant break out mod where u constantly pop up which for fire and rage are huge. Trolls benefit nicely also. These are the two rolls I hear about from two long time close freinds and see in action because rest assured despite daily playing and multiple years of subbing I never reached a full set. Non the less some are helpfull and all add something fun to mess with in a game lacking options.
  15. Ala Rebeldex Loyal Player

  16. megamanzero Loyal Player

  17. OANGL Well-Known Player

  18. SSeid Committed Player

    Not much to ask for sure.

    But we are talking about a team of people that have abolished the 3 star/50pt feats and "plagued" us with 2 star/25 pt feats because resetting 25pt feats costs more replays.

    A tactic known as: "Milk the milk that has been milked while being milked."

    Regardless your idea will inevitably lead to the an explosion of entitlement that will argue for a guaranteed gold item after 20 runs or something similar. This is the main reason I am against it.

    To be fair, I have and always am annoyingly lucky with loot drops ( not gold items though :( ). First time I run the new alert I got 3 purple normal pieces and 30 min later I had also received another 3 elite pieces all this within 50 min of playing and the same happened for my alt. I have 2 full elite sets in my bank waiting to either be scraped or my main role changing.
    I can sympathise but don't really understand how people don't get drops.
  19. Controller Devoted Player

    I understand the OP's angst.

    My current "Lack Instance" is PB E. That raid is stingy with Elite pieces.

    My only thing though is that IF Mepps / Devs guaranteed us "One Piece" of Elite gear in a raid or alert what happens when that Elite Piece is a repeat performer?
  20. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    Yep, it's because almost every problem in the game links to replay badges.

    The devs have one last chance to save this game, with their progression overhaul coming this year. If they mess it up and it ends up being "the same as before, but masked as something else" again, then I think I'll be wrapping up my time in DCUO and hope others follow suit.

    For years, I've been asking, begging, arguing for a better, fair progression system. Where has it got us? A monthly replay badge grind, content that is complete bollocks, now with monthly Omnipotent items and 4 to 5 levels of new gear, each episode. What a waste of ******* time.
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