one guaranteed elite gear drop in elite content!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by RLManuel, Mar 11, 2016.

  1. RLManuel Committed Player

    I love running elite content for the "greater reward" but all I get to choose from is common gear that I don't need on all three bosses. Higher difficulty means higher rewards doesn't it?

    I'm not asking to fix the drop rate since in a couple weeks it'll be back to dropping crappy gear again.

    Just one guaranteed elite drop is that to much to ask?
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  2. Veritasum Loyal Player

    Higher difficulty means a chance at a higher reward. If it was guaranteed, they wouldn't need an RNG system or too many RB. I believe the system will remain RNG. GL.
  3. ncgreenlantern Loyal Player

    I support this 100 % seeing that we have to reset to run the elite raids we should have a guaranteed drop from the the last boss at least.
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  4. Delta796th Loyal Player

  5. Malachyte Devoted Player

    I can't agree more in that getting one Elite drop per run isn't a huge thing to ask and expect. I do think the Elite should involve at least another boss round that isn't in regular along with the increased difficulty to justify the one guarantee drop.

    This loot drop system is a joke and is designed for one reason only.
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  6. TybeeTahiri Devoted Player

    Play the system. Run other stuff first and make sure you don't get purple drops. Then run the content you want. ;)
  7. Backseid Devoted Player

    All that they would do is have the same exact piece drop 99% of the time.
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  8. ErnieB Loyal Player

    I would agree if it was actually greater, but it's mearly a style item, even if you get a full set of elite you would still need to buy the mods, which pretty much remove the whole point of elite only one of the components is available for everyone. Also the mods aren't even that great, even if stats mattered again elite mods don't really give you the advantage elite gear used to give back in Thrones or during the WoL1/HoP1/WoL2 days when raid gear was the same level as vendor, but with higher stats.
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  9. Malachyte Devoted Player

    That's a bunch of shouldn't have to "plan" your runs around a loot luck of the drop system
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  10. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I just wish the loot table in Elite did not include the same crap gear as the lower level runs. If PZR has 143 regular gear, 139 gear, 132 gear and the normal random stuff like FE7s or base items, the 132 stuff should fall off the table in elite and the drops shoudl be the OP head, 143 Elite, 143 regular or 139...and the FE7s and base items. This should not change the fact you might not get Elite, but the 'crap' you get is at least 139.

    I ran PZE the other day (after a reset) and all 3 drops were 132 gear, one a double 'dual pistols' drop....some choice. Same stuff I can get in the solo or even the last 2 duos (although top gear in there).

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  11. Backseid Devoted Player

    This is why I was so against the Devs even telling people there was a rare loot "system" put in.
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  12. TybeeTahiri Devoted Player

    I'm not saying I agree with it. But that's how it is. So you have to learn to navigate the labyrinth if you want the cheese at the end :)
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  13. Derio 15000 Post Club

    They should of just had it to where you do the following.

    Elite tokens.
    Every time you complete Elite content the last boss will drop an Elite token
    3 Elite tokens + MOV = Elite gear of your choosing from an Elite vendor

    That way it proves you actually completed the content instead of farming the first or second boss.
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  14. ozzy1111 Dedicated Player

    random loot drop? sure it is. it is all about the replay's. the one and only reason they have monthly DLC. want the elite mod bonus, have to use replays. plane and simple. wont get it playing once a week. lol, even with RB your still going to get the green loot 90% of the time. RNG
    • Like x 2
  15. TybeeTahiri Devoted Player

    Interesting. I haven't used any Replays, I'm 6/8 Elite, with many repeats that I've used for my other Role and salvage.

    Heck, last night's Elite run I got 2 more pieces.
  16. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    If anything the drops should not be GREEN. They should blue, normal rare and than Elite.

    75% to get uncommon
    15% to get rare
    10% to get elite

    With each boss you do not get gear the bottom two goes up 5%. Elite gear is the only that resets the counter, not normal rare gear...

    That is how it should be designed.
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  17. Malachyte Devoted Player

    I understand, but when I'm paying for something I shouldn't be in a maze chasing I'm not saying that we should get all drops from all bosses but everyday many people don't have the time to "plan" runs in order to achieve a drop that at least 1 piece should be a given.
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  18. Alrighty Then Loyal Player

    The game is designed to be fun.
    The Dev's believe it is fun not to get the desired gear.
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  19. Proxystar #Perception

    Not possible.
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  20. TybeeTahiri Devoted Player

    I think you misunderstood. I meant "check that you didn't get purple drops."