once again we must.....

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by willi3bx, Aug 10, 2013.

  1. willi3bx Committed Player

    discuss that all trolls should have P O T (power over time) in their loadout. doing nexus main troll freezes backup will not throw P O T, i'm asking as the tank, knowing if i'm out of power the group must be starving. come to find out his thinking " since i'm backup troll i don't need P O T". i say yes you do for reason that just happened he still says no i don't. Lo_OL please keep P O T in your loadout at all times when in troll role
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  2. Galklife Dragon New Player

    Easier to take it out the bar than to accidently press it on accident/out of habit and get kicked out of a run.

    Sure its nice to have the pot ready when the other troll goes down, but its nicer to vote kick the pot troll when it goes down so you can have all the loot to yourself.
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  3. surge914 New Player

    haha some people only think for themselves and not the group. Let me guess he had another power to do more damage instead.
  4. willi3bx Committed Player

    more than likely he did,
  5. surge914 New Player

    Actually I would think it would be better to have some power than no power at all plus if you know you threw POT on accident just say so so the other guy can throw it again. Most runs I'm in it happens but people don't make a big deal about it.
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  6. willi3bx Committed Player

    so let me ask you, what happens when the other troll freezes or dies?
  7. Whiteroom New Player

    Worse is when you get a back up troll in an alert...
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  8. Galklife Dragon New Player

    This is also the way I believe things should go.

    While the home turf additions and new cola plans help offset some of the power issues, I believe that a lack of POT puts an immidiately noticeable strain on the groups performance. I mean, it's not to the same degree as losing both healers at once (wherin the raid becomes a "tuck your head between your knees and pray ordeal) but still, things can get really ugly really really fast.
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  9. Statman New Player

    I have to agree... better to accidently hit it than to not have PoT at all. People shouldn't be so programmed into their rotations anyway that they can't do anything else, get some ability to adapt to the role you're playing at the time.
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  10. Multiverse Creator League

    Some actually do get quite angry about it.

    When I was a young troll... I was taking out the PoT from my loadouts after some got angry that I dared overwrite their PoT.

    It was pretty much a reflex by then. I would have my PoT on the triangle button and when I was smashing buttons.... using the triangle was a reflex.

    So I took the habit of taking out PoT when I was not the main troll.

    But sometimes.... the main troll would not put up his PoT for some reason.

    So after a while I changed my loadouts so that my PoT would be on the X button that is somewhat out of reach and that I would not use by accident.

    That way when the main troll decides to not use his PoT for some reason... I can use it if needed.

    But I can understand the trollers who take out the PoT from their loadouts.

    Some get quite angry over this.
  11. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    No, I always appreciate polite group members and community members. :-} I try to say thank you after every alert/raid/duo, too. Even if it was a bad run.

    As a question to those who are higher CR than I am, do controllers still use PoT too often by the time they reach Nexus?

    I've noticed some do so in T3 and T4 content, and it lowers the controller's power with no benefit to the group.
  12. Maxx_Watt Loyal Player

    Heres the thing my P.o.T is part of my normal rotation so if someone else wants to do it then im taking it out, if you dont like it kick me i could care less.
  13. dr strangeonline Loyal Player

    2 trolls can throw pot if there ticks are relatively close and it won't affect the group overall. Likely it'll help keep the group up with power easier as long as they know when to throw it. Both trolls should carry PoT regardless but this is what happens when a new power come's out. You likely had a troll who was a DPS switched to quantum and realized people need trolls so now he's learning how to play that role. Sucks and it'll take time but that's the pug life.
  14. willi3bx Committed Player

    again, yes again, i do not understand this trend. last night again!!! please when you backup troll please keep POT (power over time) in your loadout
  15. TroEL Dedicated Player

    what's even worse than that was when you get a troll in an alert who thinks he's a dps. that really grinds my gears
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  16. OutRage Level 30

    If you live the pug life as a troll you should always keep pot on your load out. That's part of being a backup trolls job. Main troll goes down then you step up and start casting....MY motto is "low ticks are better than no ticks"...lol . Now once upon a time when I was in a actual competent league and certain mates and I would run together, I would take pot out if I was the lower vit troll and just go pi heavy with the dps. That tactic was talked about and agreed upon. And everyone accepted the highs and lows of that choice. But again that was just a league thing and wouldn't be done for every raid either.
    But for pugging pot should always be at the ready...no matter the vit. Of course common logic should apply as to he/she who hasthe most vit should cast, but both should be ready to go...
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  17. Delta795 New Player

    ^^^Terrible advice
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  18. The Lone Stranger Devoted Player

    Having a troll without PoT is like... Having a blind seeing-eye-dog. What's the use?

    If I'm second troll, I change my loadout. I'm a pc player.
    Instant Power is always on 1.
    2 is PoT if I'm first troller, shield if I'm second troller.
    3-5 are debuffs
    6 is PoT if I'm second troller, shield if I'm first troller.

    By moving the PoT, I make myself less likely to accidentally overwrite the first troller's PoT. But, I still have it if needed.

    If I'm first troller, I'd rather have the second troll ready to pick up PoT if needed (maybe I'm stunned).

    I'll only say something about second troll hitting PoT if it's constant. I had a run where second troller kept hitting PoT all through. He didn't seem to understand what I was saying about PoT. I'm CR 72, helping a friend who's CR 43 in Khandaq. So my tick is 27 points higher than second troller's tick, and even more if I hit a trinket. (He's ticking 110 - I hit 134 and can get up to 188 with my best trinket.) And he didn't double tick - just spammed his PoT power.
    Finally, I remember which mental power is PoT, and tell him not to hit the tendrils because its overriding my PoT. His reply? "But it's my favorite power!" And he kept spamming it. I just gave up on PoT and kept using my instant power to keep the bars full.
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  19. willi3bx Committed Player

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  20. Minnion Devoted Player

    Bonus points if he's wearing PvP armor.
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