Omnipotence Set

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Flightboy, Aug 27, 2014.

  1. Flightboy New Player

    Hello everyone,

    This may have been an older thread or duplicate thread from the past... My apologies if so...

    Since the release of the helm I always wondered if the devs had any plan of doing an entire set.

    If so, something that would be really cool IMO is if you had all Legendary pieces equipped you would get a small extra boost. (Think Diablo)

    This small boost would bring older past tier legendary items collected up to speed to the rest and you would be truly omnipotent.

    I understand this would make certain individuals a bit OP of course, but we are talking about collecting SEVERAL rare items...

    This would also give incentive to run multiple different instances where all said items drop.

    Discuss :D
  2. TheRealDeathern New Player

  3. CowHideEmpire New Player

    An extra boost for being lucky? There is already enough luck involved in getting sp and raid gear, the last thing I want to see is another tangible luck over skill boost.
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  4. Flightboy New Player

  5. Flightboy New Player

    Luck with getting SP?! Really??? No you are very mistaken... o_O

    You can buy your 94 gear and still be top notch...

    Tangible luck over skill boost you say? IMO 94 Raid Drops to 94 Vendor Gear is the same as Norseman to T4.

    So my question to you is do you have any real rebuttal to anything I wrote or do you just want to express how much you dislike the loot tables and drop rate for the current end game content??
  6. Korlick Loyal Player

    I always loved those special sets in Diablo 2. Those were really hard to get.
    That aura makes your character looks pretty cool. The transformation of the Necromancer was awesome.
    Besides...the special benefits for completing the whole set (or partially).

    It would be nice to have something like that in this game. But it would be just another way for elitists to exclude people from content : "LF 110 cr players must have full Omnipotence Set for Dox Feats"
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  7. Flightboy New Player

    I agree it would probably lead to a bit of eltism with our community, but in reality what doesn't these days ya know... It's quite unfortunate tbh..
  8. Korlick Loyal Player

    Well...there are a lot of SP based on luck. Styles feat are mostly based on luck.There are people who still couldnt complete the Traces in Time or Time Traveler set. I have both completed, but Ive been playing since 2011 and im still missing pieces of Raptor Tech and Oolong sets. Just to name a couple from a long list.
    Those who cant buy all the collections from the broker have to rely on luck to get all the collections for the feat and the styles.
    Same with the Base items feats.
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  9. MENTaLCAsE XIII New Player

    So by mixing the 97 and the 93 gear you average out to 95 OP set? lol
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  10. Flightboy New Player

    It was the way he presented it. Trust me when I say I know some feats are VERY luck based, but to use it as an arguing point is kinda moot.
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  11. Flightboy New Player

    No no no lol. This thread is my younger brother's suggestion (Diablo(s) Master ;) ) with a similar idea with how Diablo's set items are. My twist is you have to complete the set to get a boost (small) to all items and your stats and not just get stat boost with every piece you get in Diablo.
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  12. Badname4445 New Player

    I understand how you say it's luck but it's also a grind. Do the missions daily raids weekly that drop the pieces you need. I still can't get that damn time traveler head but I completed all of my other styles except 1 with a little grind. GRIND NOT LUCK being the key factor here.
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  13. Flightboy New Player

    This ^ sure it's luck based, but you HAVE to grind it out and it will eventuallllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllly drop.
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  14. Korlick Loyal Player

    I know. Im cool with the grind. But if you dont have a little bit of doesnt matter how much you grind, you still gonna miss that piece you need.
    Like i said. Im grinding Oolong and Raptor Tech for a couple of years now...and im still missing some pieces.
    Luckly, GU40 its going to solve my Oolong problem.
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  15. Mad9 New Player

    I would not totally reject the proposition of luck in obtaining SP. Most of the style feats which I guess are about 122 (excluding DLC Style Feats) in number requires a lot of luck to favor you to be able to complete them. That's about some 35 SP in total and a pretty big chunk in the SP equation.
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  16. TheRealDeathern New Player

    I would love to see a progressive set of OP armor, quest items, or anything that would encourage and reward long term players. It's far too easy, and pretty unfair IMO, that individuals whom started playing about a month ago, are capable of having the same exact gear as a long term player. Where is the reward for committing not only hours of play time but also personal resources for extended periods of time?
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  17. Minecrawler New Player

    I like it. More geared up you are more fun to beat you at scoreboard ;)
    and yeah I chase scoreboard:eek:
  18. MetaMax75 Devoted Player

    If they did add an entire set I doubt anyone would complete it. And even if they did, I can't imagine the devs would spend any time making a boost for .00000001% of the player base. My two cents.
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  19. CowHideEmpire New Player

    I already said my rebuttal to this dumb idea, you can dismiss if you want, but that doesn't change the fact that it's annoying enough to not have all the style feats due to bad luck and it doesn't need to be compounded by this awful suggestion.
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  20. Flightboy New Player

    Ok, repsectfully we have gotten wayyyyyyyyy off topic. I understand that some dislike grinding for a chance to get something. Heck, I even dislike it at times. BUT it is in many MMO models...

    I was offering a cool idea that I think would entice people to run older forgetten about content. Also, as per the current releases of Legendary Items this wouldn't come into play until way later in the game's life. :)
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