Thats another loadout i use its pretty good! here is my other loadout that i use sometimes chompers clip inspiration, WM HC-GH-FAN(clip fan with GH)/GH-FAN(clip fan with chompers)/chompers WM repeat!
Yeah, it takes advantage of GH's and ST's precision dots which hit much harder than the might dots. Your rotation sounds interesting, I'll give it a shot. Longer than most, but I'm sure it's got the fun factor.
So an alternative when power is an issue or in an alert with under geared troll where power is an issue. This should be accessible from most standard builds with out need to go respec and is decent damage especially if power is an issue Weapon mastery attack of choice chompers / Inspiration Normal ranged hold attack (non-weapon mastery) old schools clip snap trap or grasping hand delaying on your load out Snap trap or grasping hand - Fan Immediately clip with hand clap ST or GH - Fan / Hand Clap - Hand Clap / ST or GH - Fan / Hand Clap - Hand Clap You can get three rotations in before inspiration comes off cool down and starting over. Ending the rotation with Hand Clap is a quicker transition to a range attack the ST or GH It's not stop the world damage but when power is an issue its nice
Been using this loadout for a little while. Fun to use and reminiscent of the old Light DPS ways. Quick question though. Wouldn't it be better to use GH-Fan > HC-GH-Fan? cGH (c=Combo) would surely do more damage than pGH (p=Power) correct (If spec'd more towards precision than might)? On another note I think it's about time that someone else starts a new guide for Light DPS or Light powers in general. Omaar was great and loved what he did for the Light community but a lot of stuff is outdated. With Lights AM addition coming soon it'd be nice.
Ive wanted to make a guide but im just waiting on all current changes on HL to be final.. there are so many ways to play HL with and without max damage and with new AM on the way! cant wait to play around with it!
Hey King, just wanted to let you know that me and Dr. Strange are going to add in a DPS section to his HL controlling guide and make it a complete guide if you have any new rotations or any tips post them on there and we will credit you. Hey jr1nc, you can come and join us over at Dr. Strange's thread if you have any new rotations, new experiments, or just general dps tips because we will eventually add a DPS section to guide and update it with a lot of base numbers and number crunching for testing and to guide players on each individual power.
I'll do what I can to help. Just let me know. Saw you online yesterday I think. Meant to ask you about Light Battle controlling.
sounds good should i forward anything to Strange so he can present it better? videos or explanations? how would he like to present it.. i really want to work on many rotations!
That's looks good but the melee combo looks kind of awkward. Was it your unfamiliarality with the melee combos or was is the transitioning between combos?
Looks good, still not sold on it being able to compete with WM. Would love to see you do a run on test vs Kaiser playing as gadgets, preferably a 4 man Zam run since I can see this AM being terrible vs Carol and WW in LaW. Zam would probably be the best "testing run" out of the new content
tested it seems really good i think range attacks are great for the carol fight but its up to the player to adjust with all the rotation provided im sure kaizer will test some out soon! im still testing im sure the damage on this AM will work
I tested it on Spark of Parallax (test server has been empty when I entered so can't queue into anything else), no weapon mastery at all, so far the melee combo is amazing on adds, they fall fast and barely touch you, range is great for adds too but it's a beast on bosses, though I would suggest using Empowered Channeling to prevent being countered (Metallo is an issue because of this). So far I've done about 850 to 900k damage and done the duo is 7 to 10 minutes give or take what order of bosses I chose. I can say this AM is probably, under the right circumstances, going to out damage Weapon Mastery, but on a boss that likes to counter a lot it's a bit tricky.
Looks like they ninja nerfed HL on test today The damage boost from doing the extended construct combos is much lower. My single target DPS with 3,000 precision went down by about 1,500. Hopefully this is an error since no word of it in the test server patch notes.
Just reporting my findings and thought you guys would like to know ... I really hope it's a mistake, the AM was really competitive with WM before this update
I certainly hope so, your post on test about reduced windup time may be the reasoning behind any possible reduction. I whole heartedly agree the 4 secs was much better if the cost is reduced damage.