Omaar's HL dps guide.

Discussion in 'Oracle’s Database (Guides)' started by OMAAR, Feb 15, 2013.

  1. Clip New Player

    Horrible rotation! Numbers might be good, but good god can a fight be more boring than that?
    I was some weeks away but if i remember correctly it was you who said WM isnt needed as HL player.
    And now you advertise a rotation that doesnt even use the AM of HL, only WM + burst?
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  2. DarkNovaBlaze Dedicated Player

    Spike is weak. Unless they changed it very recently, it hits for way less than chompers, fan and other burst powers. And as for the rotation you gave above, it may be good idk, but personally I would never recommend Fan. 1) For aoe, chompers is much better since fan's cone is so narrow it won't hit all the enemies unless they're super close together. 2) For single target, I believe a rotation involving a HL combo or two will out do WM-burst.
  3. Nemesir Well-Known Player

    The text in red is exactly my loadout/rotation for the past 2 weeks up to now bro, we think alike, lol... And i'm not using Robot Sidekick anymore as well :D. I still have Recharge on my loadout but i only use it now for clipping Supercharge and Trinkets.
  4. Nemesir Well-Known Player

    sup Dark, please check ur PM for N73, a bit surprising i guess, lol... Thanks buddy
  5. Nemesir Well-Known Player

    N73 HL DPS Loadout

    Weapon: Hand Blaster/DW

    N72 Loadout:
    1. Recharge/Robot Sidekick
    2. Fan
    3. Chompers
    4. Inspiration
    5. Light Barrier
    6. Strafing Run

    N73 Rotation:
    * Use Recharge ONLY for clipping Supercharge and Trinkets
    * For AOE/adds spread apart, Weapon Mastery Combo to Chompers clipped with Inspiration.
    * For Single Target/adds close together, Weapon Mastery Combo to Chompers clipped with Inspiration, Weapon Mastery Combo to Fan. Repeat Cycle.
    * Use Light Barrier to pick-up you butt fast so you can continue DPSing.
    * When using Strafing Run and Orbital Strike, be sure to use/activate the 93 or 94 Trinket plus Inspiration and Recharge to buff up Precision & Might and Critical Attacks and clip it again with Recharge.

    Note: Fore more damage output, you can use Might Soders or ATK Consumables and Back-Ups and Sidekicks.

    So this is the N73 HL DPS Loadout i've mentioned on the previous pages. Guys pls do some test runs with this and make some feedback here for more improvement. Thanks ;)
  6. Nemesir Well-Known Player

    My latest Lockdown Result using N73 [10/24/2014]
    Raid Results: [Damage Out, Power In, Deaths]
    Note: I do NOT use any Precision Soders/ATK Consumables or Might Soders/ATK Consumables. I also DON'T use Supply Drops, Side-Kicks, and Back-Ups, or Robot Sidekick on this run :D

    Damage Out

    Power In

    Deaths :D

    What can i say about my 7 Deaths but i'm just so noob that Grenaders got so much love on me :p

    4 DPS Stats:

    Power = Hard Light
    SP = 186
    Might = 5026
    Precision = 3061

    Power = Fire
    SP = 184
    Might = 5894
    Precision = 2660

    Xilulu SEAL
    Power = Hard Light
    SP = 193 :eek:
    Might = 5501
    Precision = 2943

    Power = Quantum
    SP = 135
    Might = 4931
    Precision = 1892
  7. La Shark Dedicated Player

    Hi, i like to say those are some great numbers.
    I'm a ice dps that'll love to run lockdown with you. Maybe we can set something up.

    my hero is xAloha PewPewx
    my villain is xxAloha PewPewxx
  8. Nemesir Well-Known Player

    Sure bro, i'll try to catch u up ingame tomorrow starting at 6AM GMT+8 at USPC Hero Side. Thanks buddy and see u soon :D
    • Like x 1
  9. La Shark Dedicated Player

  10. DarkNovaBlaze Dedicated Player

    Just wanna say that I like your YT vids;)
    • Like x 1
  11. jr1nc Dedicated Player

    you are correct i did say this! im still waiting for yet another revamp that will prove that WM is not as good as AM ! i can put about the same amount of damage but with SM and the latest raids the boss fights are longer and AM needs plenty of power! as you know most groups and pugs want fast burn! HL WM and burst seems to be the best choice for a fast and easy run! im not all for WM but the point is to get the job done! its just facts ... its a horrible rotation but i will continue to use this and play the safe zone to put in a decent amount of damage!
  12. jr1nc Dedicated Player

    fan is narrow but still hits hard! even with a burst as long as my pi is up! i dont seem to have a problem with this rotation is just plain simple! everyone seems to be comfortable with many rotations that work for them, this seems to work on newer raids! im close to finishing up some other rotations but i happen to go with this rotation cause of less power usage.
  13. jr1nc Dedicated Player

    the loadout you are using i would like to invite you into a league run as i troll and you can go against my top players! EXHAUSTED NYC, CAS NYC, MATHALOS... RAGE,GADGETS,SORC these three players are well exp on there loadout and puts me to shame! if you accept please allow me post the scoreboard if you are at the bottom of dps! i will record this video ( we have a ICE dps that is even better but we wont include this person)
  14. jr1nc Dedicated Player

    lol can i troll this! this will be interesting! xAloha seems like we played before!
    • Like x 1
  15. DarkNovaBlaze Dedicated Player

    This would be interesting. Do it Nemesir! :p
  16. Nemesir Well-Known Player

    Hello jr1nc, of course bro, i would love to run with all of u. As a matter of fact, i don't know if those guys u mentioned above remembered me already coz i've run with them before already on T6 Raids with EXHAUSTED NYC and CAS NYC, Mathalos in particular. Mathalos was even actually with me on the 2nd group on our 8v8 Australia (Outback) Arena just the other day, lol... You and those guys are great and i enjoy running any instances with u guys. ;) Oh and yes, you have all the rights to post scoreboard screenshots but please include Power In results as well for more clarification. Thanks buddy.

    Hello too Dark. Of course bro, i will do this with them and i know that it'l be lots of fun :D
    On a similar note. I just ran Lockdown again yesterday after seeing that i already got replay badges in my currency to reset it. I ran with this Gadgets DPS named ShadowInNoir and he topped DPS Scoreboard. His damage out speed was tremendous and he was able to get a bit wide Damage Out gap with me, him around 15 million Damage Out while me only 11 million Damage Out, i was KOed 5 times and him only once. We didn't managed to finish the raid due to lots of wipe-out and time constraints with only like around 7 minutes remaining before daily shutdown when we started on Kalibak and Mantis fight, lol...

    The catch is when i looked and inspected him on, his Might and Precision stats was way up there around 6,000+ Might and 4,000+ Precision so i'm very sure that he drinks something. Coz after an hour, i inspected him again on and his Might goes down to 5,461 and Precision 2,997.

    I wrote this here about ShadowInNoir's DPS Output coz he's one Gadget DPS i've seen that exactly knows what he's doing, what a great DPS this guy is. As you very well know, i'm not a Buff Soder or ATK Consumable user, but now i'm wondering if how much Damage Out our HL DPS can still crunch out on using those buffs? :rolleyes:

    And this led me to re-allocate Skill Points as well, Might now is 5,227 and Precision now is 3091. Gonna test this new build this weekend :D
  17. LanternLove Well-Known Player

    Hello, I am fairly new so I thought I'd chip in with my loadout. I dont want to be flared at I am just a noob. I use robot sidekick, inspiration, strafing run, snap trap, chompers AND sidequake. I use both chompers and sidequake because hey two aoe's I like chompers more but correct me if I am wrong but SQ does more dmg when enemies are dazed and the dot lasts longer.
    • Like x 1
  18. DarkNovaBlaze Dedicated Player

    Since I'm not sure what your stats were before, did you go up in Might and down in Prec? Or up in Prec and down in Might?
  19. Nemesir Well-Known Player

    Done doing 3 Test Runs on Lockdown with new build and Damage Out went down by around 30%.

    I'm going back now to my SP allocation at 4x Precision Based Weapon Trees and 3x Might Based Weapon Trees, Gear Mods are Full Precision-Based, with my Base Gen Mods at 3x Precision 6.3 and 1x Might 6.3, and HandBlaster Weapon.
  20. La Shark Dedicated Player