Omaar's HL dps guide.

Discussion in 'Oracle’s Database (Guides)' started by OMAAR, Feb 15, 2013.

  1. bartngaue Well-Known Player

    ok, i'll bite. wats your single target rotation. I'll go ahead and do a parse of your rotation vs chompers.
  2. DarkNovaBlaze Dedicated Player

    Not gonna share it.
  3. bartngaue Well-Known Player

    Bruh, you argue there's another rotation that hits single target bettah than chompers i ask for you to back i t up and you say, "Not gonna share it." since you ain't providing da proof your statement is invalid. der for CHOMPERS HITS DA HARDEST MULTI AND SINGLE TARGETS.
  4. Nemesir Well-Known Player

    Totally agree and support with u here bro.

    Please do not share anyone here your loadouts anymore Dark. Let them test and grind it for themselves. They're talking here like they're the best and know everything so let them find it out for themselves. It's like spoonfeeding these ungrateful cry-babies if we tell them our loadouts again.

    You are just blabbering without any proof and only tries to steal loadouts from others. Nice try but failed :D
  5. Nemesir Well-Known Player

    1st my N72 is not just Chompers rotation, duh :D
    2nd Chompers rotation alone is not the best rotation :p
    3rd Chompers rotation alone is not the best at putting out the most damage :D
    4th There something wrong with u if you can't beat those powers u mentioned above and blaming HL's group buff for it :p

    Oh and i'm already using my N73 Loadout which is far more effective than my N72. I'm not gonna share it here because of people like u :D
  6. bartngaue Well-Known Player

    Oh look, its mr RECHARGE:D

    I agree with you that tom's hl rotation of chompers is the best for damage, however, bruh, your add on of recharge is terrible suggestion. That idea of using recharge has been kicked around in the past but the power cost out weighed the ant size bennefit( which you strangely hold dear to your heart). 1min rotation using what you propose cost 6000 power at dmg less than 1k. THATS 6000power for a whopping total of less than 1k.Besides that you claim it allows you to be mobile, well clip a soder, trinket, breakout trinket, consumable can do that, bruh at least it didn't cost 6k powah.:D

    I get it. You felt like you came off with an E=MC^2 break through with the RECHARGE approach, and thought it was the greatest thing next to slice bread. With that, you decided to jack a dude for his rotation, put your add on to it and call it yours der for putting you up there with the other hl greats like Omarr, Obsidian, Jeebie, and kaiser. I get it man. We all want to be liked and envied. I ain't going to hate on you for trying:D
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  7. bartngaue Well-Known Player

    If you ran those power top dps rotation and parsed it you would HAVE KNOWN their dps is 300 plus or minus hl dps of chompers.
    (Bruh, do U NOT RUN youre competitiors rotations to compare it you yours own?)

    NOW with HL buff (15% precision, 10% crit ablility/wep) they is at 300 to 1k dps above hl dps.

    Bruh, have you tested ice dps, wm/ibs/reflect and parsed that next to chompers?
    Bruh, have you tested fire dps, Inferno/fw>wm/sc>ah/jump cance>wm/sc>fc>inferno/fw>fc>wm/sc and parse that next to chompers
    Bruh, have you tested earth dps, wm/rc/rf>df>wm/ss/unstop>wm/rc>wm/ss/rf>df>wm/rc>wm/ss and parse that next to chompers
    Bruh, have you tested gadgets dps, emp/dis>wm/sb and parse that next to chompers
    Bruh, have you tested sorcery dps, .......... yea, i can go on and on but what's the point you obviously didn't do your home work

    If you did test your competitions loadout and rotations than it should be clear as day, but i guess you didunt.
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  8. Nemesir Well-Known Player

    You are a total mess bro, better do some actual ingame runs and post results here so you can sort things out before coming out here crying. :D
  9. Nemesir Well-Known Player

    Again, better do some actual ingame runs and post results here so you can sort out things for yourself before coming out here crying but proving nothing. :D

    Oh and if u are on PC, u can run with me anytime on real raid so you can prove all ur words here in actual gameplay :D
  10. DarkNovaBlaze Dedicated Player

    Your claim has no more validity than mine. What I said may or may not be true. I believe it to be true, you'll either just have to test it or continue thinking WM Chompes is the best. I don't care.
  11. ACW37162 Loyal Player

    Unfortunately the earth buff is only 7% crit chance weapon and ability, you have to pick up totem to get the other 3% percent which is ridiculous because that is two bottom tier moves.

    It is a personal flaw of mine that I tend to tone out people who ask or want group buffs to become self buffs. It's a personal flaw for me but it immediately tells me that person is more concerned about themselves then the group and after that it's all just white noise.

    I know how good chompers is I was one four of ice people on the test server asking for them to give its burst back when they made it a full strength dot that had no WM crit.

    I'm really glad it works for some people.
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  12. Tai Long New Player

    ive been reading this guide and the old one since they first came out and it pains me to see what has become of the work omaar invested and of the hard light community in general (if one can call it a "community" anymore).

    dont you guys think its time to get back to the topic at hand? talking about hardlight, the combos and such? and not ******** around, cursing other ppl, trying to find out who named what and why. its completely irrelevant and doesnt serve anyone or any purpose. i know many ppl like to wank off the sound of their own voice (or the words they write), but this here shouldnt be the place for that.

    i just hope we can get back to the good ol' times, when ppl shared their ideas and the comments on them were constructive.
    this is my first ever post on the dcuo forum and it deeply pains me that it had to be this kind of post.

    sincerely yours,
    a heartbroken hardlight player and guide reader
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  13. Nemesir Well-Known Player

    Really appreciate your deep concern regarding this thread bro. Problem with most here is so simple, they tend to write/reply with destructive criticism on one end and yet they don't even got anything constructive or helpful to write and prove on the other end. It's like them simply saying "oh ur wrong at that", and that's it, they don't bother proving on what's right and putting results. It's actually just common sense, if u know what's wrong, then u must know what's right with proof. :D

    Another thing, some will reply here attacking u, but their only sole purpose in attacking u is just for you to reveal and prove to them your loadout so that they can copy and use it for themselves, dirty tactics really even here on forums. ;)
  14. dr strangeonline Loyal Player

    I just want to say using recharge as a DPS is not a new approach. This is something that's been around for a long time. The thing is it was deemed an inefficient waste a long time ago. Recharge has a similar animation time as many of Light's other regular power attacks. Power cost is based off of Item Level. Meaning if a DPS is using recharge at 108 its going to have the same cost as a Controller(at 108). The main difference is the Vit stat is significantly lower. The amount of power that is given out isn't worth the power cost.

    The time that is saved by clipping is minimal because the user will still have to end the Recharge animation. Light doesn't have many long clippable animations. The long animations are Channel Beam type powers that end damage if cancelled. So the only advantage that is really being gained is a paltry +62 Precision and + 77 Might.

    Those stats are a drop in the bucket at high levels. Which is why controllers have for a long time been asking for this stat increase to become based off of a percentage. Or to be changed to a percentage once players reach a certain CR. In the end its not a significant increase to be worth the power cost and its not applicable in the sense that we're cancelling long animations(like back in the day when a gadget player would clip Neural Neutralizer with Defib).

    Players can use whatever they feel. The important thing is to finish content and get loot(while having fun). I just wanted to point out that that isn't new or really all that helpful. It is an option that players can use. I wouldn't advise it or promote it but it can be used like any other power. It'll be up to the user and how they want to play.
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  15. Nemesir Well-Known Player

    Very well said dr.

    Your clarification and explanation about Recharge is exact to the point. And about using Recharge, i don't know if it was just coincidence but it was actually about Gadgets DPS that led me to add it on the N72 Loadout, specifically EMP Pulse. If u compared the Power In numbers of both Hard Light and Gadgets DPS, the latter uses vast amount of Power In to do maximum Damage Out. It is also true that Rechrarge's Power Cost:power Out ratio is like a see-saw at rest where Power Cost is up there while Power Out is down low on the ground. So with all these factors in mind, i've timed my Recharge now to be used once in 2 N73 rotations if using Dual Wield and once in 1 N73 rotation if using Hand Blast. Those factors all mentioned above also led me to state that using Recharge is not for everyone coz one needs general awareness of himself and everyone and everything around him in using it.

    Thanks dr. for this well written Recharge guide u shared with us all here.
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  16. jr1nc Dedicated Player

    ok so the best loadout rotation as follow imo is WM chompers clipped with insperation, WM fan, until reapplying chompers! there is no name to this cause its just a simple loadout for massive damage! granted its boring but it gets the job done! make sure you have max damage mod! if you go straight pre, drink a might cola and fan will hit hard with WM as long as the PI is up ! AOE i use WM chompers or Spike! robot sidekick is ok not a fan ! and my SC is Strike! try it out ! until there is another update this is what i will be using! BTW weapon of choice is the key! the faster you pull off your WM the more damage will come!

    ive tried many rotation and this is what i see! ive also notice some bugs for melee that is OP , i wont get into my rotation cause its a problem that should be looked into!
  17. jr1nc Dedicated Player

    chompers is NOT the hardest hitting power for HL in multi and single target! Lets just leave it at that!
  18. jr1nc Dedicated Player

    i dont believe WM chompers is the best as well! its an intro to part of a rotation and i would never spam because i feel like im losing damage! now if you spam Spike there is more damage to it! reason being spike does more damage when there is a PI , chompers applies a PI but does not do extra damage , spike applies PI and does more damage on a target that is tagged with a PI!
  19. jr1nc Dedicated Player

    i think we are missing to point here where some are not understanding what PI and rotation are meant for! keeping in mind without max damage mod! you have to be smart how your rotation plays!
  20. AhshawnZ New Player

    Loadout:Chompers|Inspiration|Recharge|Fan|Robot Sidekick|Strafing Run Rotation:WM-Chompers-Inspiration-Recharge-WM-Fan. Just a loadout off the top of my head, if someone could test this that'd be cool.