I just wanted to know if you are claiming it as your own. I got my answer. Scoreboards don't account for a few variables such as death or boss location etc. It is not easy to tell how efficient a combo is against other DPS if you just post the scoreboard damage result. A few other things have to come into play. If people are adamant on posting scoreboard results, a video would actually go a long way to truly show the effectiveness of combos. It would include all variables and show the effectiveness of combos.
Very good question, but i already answered it on my earlier posts. I dropped Neo Venom Boost because of Light Barrier which saves me countless of times to continue my DPSing. What's more important for me is to be able to allocate a minimum of 5 Power Points on the most viable power on each Tree to get the bonus buff on each Tree. And just like what i also mentioned before, N72 is not for everyone coz each one of us got his own gameplay style to have fun with. But as for me and N72, i use coz of the freedom/mobility it gives me while continuously attacking and i'm having fun with it plus the awesome damage-out its capable of. I agree with u that using just Chompers and Weapon Mastery is very boring, but i'm using Recharge and not just using Chompers and Weapon Mastery which allows me to be mobile and buffed at the same time. I know it's not much to look at, but it's effective for me and so i prefer to use it. I guess, that's my gameplay style Game Update 41 Note: • Advanced Mechanics Burst Improvements Chompers: The following tray powers recover a portion of their cost if used immediately and repeatedly against Dazed enemies:
Bro can i just ask you if why are u obsessed in asking about names and stuffs? Just relax and enjoy the game, lol... And about scoreboards and combo efficiency. Don't worry coz i'm not gonna be posting anymore scoreboards and combos. I'm just gonna keep all my combos to myself from now on coz spoonfeeding is really really bad
The last time people were naming combos it led to a giant unconstructive argument. And also, its not very polite to claim something as yours when others have already tested it etc. I understand naming it for your own personal reference, but parading it in that way seems like you are referring it as your own. Its not obsession rather just observing an upcoming trend. Thats exactly what i mean, the combo you named is not even "yours". But like i said to you before, any and all constructive help is welcome in this thread, competing and putting people down is not. And HL is established through experimentation, those who experiment with the power are normally the ones who play it the longest, those who want to be spoon fed normally leave when things don't go as they are supposed to. Not many current HL players care for being spoon fed, most are more than capable of handling experimenting. It just comes down to the number crunch, its why people post load outs here, so people who are good at numbers can test out their efficiency i.e. look at the beginning discussions of this thread
About the combo name again, your words here reveals your true intention bro. And who do u think people will listen about combos? You (Jax Prime) or Kaiser? Answer is obvious right? And pls don't look at my Member status under my avatar coz i can assure you that i'm with this game way way back from it's Beta Stage . Ingame Status and Forum Status are entirely two different things. And with that, you're not gonna be seeing any of my posts in this thread anymore, since your tone clearly points me out the door.
There are no obvious answers. Players will listen to everyone in the HL community but use their own judgement when it comes to combos and rotations. Again, I have high regard for Kaiser but he's no HL god or the best HL player out there. In fact, he's currently gadgets and not even playing HL. That's entirely up to you. This thread was created to help each other and every person posts on his own volition. It is natural for others to ask questions and like you can see for yourself that a lot of those may not seem pleasant to you and may or may not have a valid point. Nobody is showing you the door except you yourself.
I would recommend you to confirm to forum rules when posting on the forums to avoid its deletion. It's true scoreboard screenshots don't help much. The easier way is to simply share rotations which one wishes to share and for players to test it out themselves and report back to validate or invalidate its strength. As far as showing base damage comparisons and damage per second comparisons are concerned, it was a handy work of lot more people including Omar. Most of those players have stopped playing DCUO. The current community of players should instead of asking someone to do the math for them should perhaps do it themselves and share their results. The forums and this thread stood on the strength of how each player contributed to the discussion and that's the only thing that will make the thread gold again.
How does it matter if a person wants to name or call or claim a rotation whatsoever? It's not like he's getting a copyright ownership over such rotation which precludes you from using it. I understand that you may not favor naming rotations and perhaps the community favors dispelling the idea of ownership in combos and rotations by any name called to be simply attributable to one person, it should not at any point dissuade us from engaging constructively. The law of claim/ownership of published material on the interweb depends on who published it first. Looking at N72, the creative naming and publication was undertaken by Nemesir and accordingly the creative name belongs to him. No one else has come forward to claim the name or first knowledge of the combo. At the same time, using chompers and simply weapon mastery as one amongst many possible rotations is common knowledge and whether or not most people used neo venom and/or recharge with it in a rotation is questionable. Personally, I never thought about clipping recharge on my DPS for the tiny boost in precision and might and therefore would give Nemesir the credit for introducing it to me irrespective of the fact whether I use it or not. I say dispel the combo on its merit and not merely because somebody chose to name it. It's not the first time combos have been named, initially when OMAAR did it, he chose to name them in a utilitarian manner, whereas, later on other contributors chose to name names directly attributable to their in-game character. I don't see any harm.
The combo was already posted and I never had the problem with him naming it, ask him yourself. We had a conversation where he outlines that it was for personal reference only, not claiming ownership or creation. Check back a few pages before he posted the rotation. I can even show you the PMs if you think I'm just attacking him. Also, the naming part, its not that I don't approve of it, it just causes friction. There are a lot of experimental players who play HL and have improved the quality of HL without needing to name combos. This whole thread is testament of that.
The answer may be obvious to you, but 335+ pages of discussion does not revolve around what Kaiser posts on youtube or Starry. They are helpful players and in all honesty more times than not, come up with original ideas (though i do fault them for claiming ownership without consideration that HL is an experimental power set and many have probably tried that rotation). I don't see what relevance this has to anything I'm saying. Like Mad9 said, this is entirely up to you. No one is telling you not to post, just asking to keep it constructive. If you wish to post and name a load out after yourself, ensure that it is an original concept. If you have more rotations, the HL community will be more than happy to accept and test them. If you wish to keep them to yourself, then thats fine too, Omaar quit the game but the thread still lives on, so I don't see a problem either way. Once again, like I've said to you millions of times, constructive help is welcome, arrogance and needless competition is not.
The whole discussion of naming moves, it's all about ego in my opinion. Liked Omar's original naming system because it was based of the powers used for example RSF= ram snap fan. As for that chompers loadout I tested it back when dw was op. Was good damage but boring so never went back to it. And just didn't see a point in naming something so simple. Chompers loadout... Lol Now for the score board discussion. They are fine to post but better to also post the pages showing power consumption as well as deaths. Now I think the devs should add "time in action" or an actual "dps ratio" in the scoreboard to show true lvl of the damage.
all this talk about a load out that is not good, let him have it, name it, share it, tweet it, Facebook it, you tube it. It's just not good, if you put in on pc with the combat parser you would have the number to show it.
It's good for some people and very simple which helps. I'm glad it works for him and you if you use it. Put it on a combat parser then talk to me. You can not make up every second of a raid or alert another HL player will have two powers doing damage while he or you have one. Not to mention the single target dots your missing from snap trap or grasping hand which are not huge but add up over thirty minutes to an hour. You like it, he like it, it's an average load out at best and IMO, which means nothing to anyone else here, poor.
That's not true though. It's much better than average and can beat great DPS players. And I'm not on PC.
Well, i just couldn't help pass on this one . I'm actually on PC and i don't care about your combat parser. Invite me ingame on any T6 Raids just like jr1nc did, so we can see firsthand if you can prove your words here on actual gameplay. Oh and i'm already using an upgraded version of N72, this time i named it for myself as N73 Loadout. Yes you read it right, i named and claimed it as N73. And it's not a combo name, it's a loadout name Now stop whining here and invite me ingame for a T6 Raid.
1st the guy(TOM) that came up with chompers rotation is on ps4. Not u know who 2nd it is the best rotation for hard light because chompers single target hits 5-7k including dots. Mixed in with wm we are looking at 8.5-9k+ per second. Any time you stop to do a construct instead of moving forward onto wm from power u just lost dmg because we all know constructs are iffy on dmg, unlike wm. 3rd Its really sad that this is the rotation hl is putting out the most damage with considering where hl use to be complex and timing meant everything. Even the guy(TOM) that came up with it even said it is a pretty sad rotation. 4th. because hl uses a grp buff that is why it wll not be able to beat fire(gives fire 15% precision buff), gadgets(gives gadgets 15% precision buff, 10% crit ability/wep), earth( gives earth 10% crit ability/wep), sorcery(gives sorcery 15% precision buff and 10% crit ability/wep), and ice(gives ice 15% precision buff) I hope the buff can be a self buff only and somebody stop taking credit for other people work
WM Chompers is the best rotation for adds but it is not the best for single target. You guys should test out rotations involving HL combos; you'll find that some do more single target dmg than WM chompers.