Back around two years ago now, DCUO was divided between several small servers. When the one "Megaserver" was implemented the players were given free emblems that represented the server they originated from. Next to the Batman Legends PvP avatar, these emblems are one of the sure ways to identify an "Original Player" (a player that has been in the game since its opening). The DCUO wikia is attempting to gather and list the emblems along with the servers but you can imagine how difficult it is to find them, let alone identify from which server they came from. So we are asking for help, if you have an emblem, or know someone how has an emblem that is not visually shown on our [ Emblem List], odds are that it is one of the rare Server Emblems that we are looking for. We ask that if you would be so kind as to post a screenshot of the emblem and post it here, along with the name of the server if possible, we would be most thankful. The following is a list of the servers of which there should be an emblem for each: Absolute Power Birthright Bloodstorm Blood Will Run Brave New World Countdown Crisis Crossfire Cry For Blood Darkness Falls Death and Glory For All Seasons In Brightest Day Justice Justice For All Last Laugh Looking For Trouble New Frontier No Man's Land Public Enemies Reality Lost Redemption Relentless The Killing Joke Virtue and Vice Zero Hour The following are emblems which I believe may be server images but are yet unidentified. If someone knows what they are, please speak up: Devs. If you are reading this, it would be an immense help if you could perhaps help with this. Perhaps give a list of the images in question as I would imagine you guys would have access to such things.
I'll post the Public Enemies one when I get home if no one beats me to it by then. Love this idea by the way.
Hope this help, took a screen shot of the one I have. In Brightest Day (EUPC) Also I have a feeling the first image you posted could be Reality Lost, EUPC. A Reality Lost Odyssey member could probably confirm that.
Public Enemies Vice and Virtue Zero Hour Last Laugh Cry For Blood Death And Glory Darkness Falls New Frontier Brave New World
Thanks for this! It's too bad that most of the cool emblems are the ones we can't get anymore. (Death and Glory would have been perfect for one of my characters.) I swear I saw someone with an emblem that looked like this once. Was I hallucinating? - I rarely tough out most of the races enough to get the emblems. This will be a great resource to see which ones are worth the effort. Also, it really shows how this game needs a lot more emblems...up triangle, down triangle, crescent moon, infinity, pi, 13, anchor, better wings, owl, question mark, exclamation point, a bat that doesn't infringe on Batman's copyright, happy face, snake, deer, bull, lion, unicorn, etc, etc.
I noticed the Wiki was missing a couple of emblems - Winsome Heart Jaguar Also, I have all the USPC PVE emblems in black and white, if you want to use them. Brave New World Darkness Falls Last Laugh New Frontier Virtue & Vice Zero Hour
I have the No Man's Land emblem on 2 players. It sort of looks like a longhorn skull. I'll get a screenshot and post it here. Edit: No Man's Land emblem
I have the Redemption emblem that I can post when I get back on the game. Pretty sure I kept my Blood Will Run character too, though I am not sure.
I have it. I'll try to take a screenie for you. It's not very impressive. (In before "that's what she said".)