Oh DCUO Gods I kneel down to you and beg you to please fix the catastrophic screw up Sony made before the new ownership took over and revert the PVP "especially open world" back to role dominace. PVP has not been the same since then and quite frankly being in PVE gear and pretty much one shotting someone in full PVP gear should be considered taboo. I do understand that the financial side of the PVE and I can agree it makes a killing. On the other hand the PVP side of things is where the life of the game lives. You have countless of old fighters that are waiting for that day to come, and can guarantee that a lot of the older players that pretty much quit would propbably return. Just a penny for your thoughts type of post.
I remember a time when pve gear was useless when it came to someone in pvp gear. Still don't know why the pvp gear stats aren't many levels above pve gear but at the same time balanced as far as pvp gear vs pvp gear goes.
Unfortunately I think it's a waiting game until the revamp is complete. Be interesting to see the impact on pvp. Til then, play something OP and spam MA lunge, that's generally what you're going to face if you queue/scrim.
PVP needs a total overhaul. theres no reason you should be locked in a toe to toe fight in a game about superheroes, should be able to break free and fly around throwing fireballs or duke it out in the sky or chase somebody down with superspeed and clock him out and so on...ya know...like super heros fight. Also theres like....zero utility to PVP its all heals blocks and kills. thats it. no reverse damage no heal reducing abilities nothing that brings depth to the PVP also like many others have said before me. in PVP. PVP gear should rein supreme. getting one shotted by people who have no idea how to PVP is just crap. and i know this because i do it myself. my Munitions character will go out in full PVE DPS gear and full on wreck people like its a joke. im talkin one shotting CROWDs of people like "no russian" its fun...when youre the one doing it.
Wrong. Healers are near where they need to be and some healer sets actually need a buff. The lack of debuff system is what is wrong. What needs to happen is the RPS system needs to be slotted back in without movement mode debuffs. Fire tanks and Atomic tanks need to be brought down but not healers. Even some of the DPS still needs to be dampened. (For example Celestial). Daybreak cannot do anything until the stat revamp is done.
My biggest issue with the PVP now is people practically 1 shot groups of people with a single power. Thats total BS lol. I miss the massive 30+ vs 30+ wars in open world. Those are highlights that should be posted not "oh look how fast i can do this raid" lol.
your looking at things in a peep hole. The reason why healers are OP is because they nerfed the hel out of DPS. All they need to do is bring back roles and let people use utility and home turf in pvp to have a chance against a role in arenas.
I am sorry did you not understand my statement? Nothing matters at this point until stats matter is out the door and stronger debuffs (w/ the RPS system) are put back in the game. And yes I have done 2s. It's possible to kill a healer relatively easy if you know what you are doing. Me and another player did it reguarly against healer and troller combinations. Two celestial players can burn a healer in a matter of seconds. I am sorry for your short comings and delusions. Btw I am a healer. I hope that sizzles on your heart a bit. This game was NEVER meant to be DPS eccentric. I encourage you to try healing. It's not that easy at times
PVP is 100% better than it was after it was ruined after SOE 2014. It was a total spam fest nightmare before PVP was worked on a few months ago. PVP gear was nerfed because players were using PVP gear to exploit T5 instances and other PVE stuff like bounties.