Old Collections and Base Items

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Dominic Blue, Dec 3, 2020.

  1. Dominic Blue Dedicated Player

    So I'm sitting on a lot of collections and some base items from past Seasonals and Episodes just collecting dust in my toons inventories and I'd like to make space so I guess liquidating them into currency on the broker is one way to go. But I've noticed some people use Trade chat (haven't used it myself) while others will shout out in Watchtower and Hall of Doom various items sometimes. Not much of a broker whiz myself but I'm curious if there's other proven methods that work? Any tips to use Trade chat successfully?
  2. Imaginos Dedicated Player

    No idea on trade chat but in the trade window if someone starts to fiddle with stuff back and forth, they're probably trying to scam you, so better to cancel a trade then get screwed over.
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