Oh all the things to censor in chat... "suicide".

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by it_was_Friday, Sep 26, 2016.

  1. Balton hero Committed Player

    I found out the other day that "Who're" is also censored.
  2. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    Wait, seriously? That's an actual line from the game? Honestly thought had just made that up, was originally going to use Batman, but couldn't think why he would be sending you to an area in Metro, it would be like having Soups giving you an alert about Arkham

    May be wrong, believe the reason why spoon is censored is because of poon
  3. Deus Ex Machina Committed Player

    Anyone care to shed some light on why the word "Stasis" is censored?
  4. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    What truly makes the whole issue stupid is the fact that the game is rated T for teen (12 years and up). It also has a disclaimer at the bottom of THAT loading screen that states Online interactions are not rated by the ESRB. Yes they still employ the censor but that statement pretty much tells ANYONE logging into the game that while the game itself will have some violence, blood, etc it will not contain any graphic scenes of sexual nature or anything else the Board would consider unfit for those not yet considered full adults.
    And as we are all quite keenly aware .. even with all those legal precautions they still employ a censor program to cut down even more on anything that might be viewed as UNSAVORY?

    Now I spent 20+ years in the US Military so I am by no means shocked and/or offended by the use of swearing. And let's be totally honest in many, if not most, cases by the time kids hit the age of 12 or 13 these days most of them can and some do curse better than my training instructor did back when I was in Basic Training.

    Personally I think an second line should go right under that ESRB warning... "So parents if you can't be bothered to monitor what your kids download onto their computers and what web sites they visit on a daily basis you have no one else to blame for them seeing words in a CHAT BOX you deem offensive. Instead of hiring a lawyer and suing maybe you should actually spend a bit more time paying attention to you kids" YEAH I know that will never happen but that is where at least some of what winds up censored comes from.. SOME parent happens to look over their kids shoulder while they are in game and after the shock and horror of what they read subsides they rush straight to the phone to contact legal representation. And the next thing WE know S P I C Y and S P O O N are unfit to be used in game . Oh and a I'm sure ALL of use know in game, and not to point fingers but especially in Metropolis, the crowd hanging out in Lil Bohemia or having one of the 20 + pool parties a day at Lexcorp get around the censor completely by simply S P E L L I N G the words out like we have been doing in this thread. IF they want it to show up in chat .. they will find a way around that censor.
  5. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    Not a clue but I did just recall another one that always makes me chuckle ...ASSASSIN go in game and type that into a chat box then hit enter.. Assassin will show up in your chat box not a bunch of @$$@$$!^. So its perfectly okay to use a word that has A S S not once but twice back to back but not S POON or S TASIS?

    Oh yeah THAT makes perfect sense LOL
  6. undrline Issue Tracker Volunteer

    eew, what's that you have in your s***n?
  7. undrline Issue Tracker Volunteer

    I've seen a lot of hateful stuff that goes on in chat that could easily destroy some sensitive teen. People saying that someone else should kill themselves and had no right to live, I've seen more than once. It's not a horrible thing that someone typing stuff like that should see a bleeped word here and there to remind them that speech is powerful and words are powerful.
  8. it_was_Friday Dedicated Player

    Not really.

    1) Communication is 2 way, so my message recipient also needs to have unfiltered text.

    And here is where we see that those people looking to avoid profanity, also are forced ino having other words filtered.

    2) It would just be working around the problem. Not solving it.
  9. it_was_Friday Dedicated Player

    Eliminate the bad, eliminate the good.
  10. megamanzero Loyal Player

    Its obviously not a problem though since dbg or dc or whoever wants to censor those.
  11. it_was_Friday Dedicated Player

    The problem lies with the inconsistent reasoning.

    The other problem...
  12. megamanzero Loyal Player

    thats not a problem either. We dont get to decide what should be censored
  13. Defcon 0ne Well-Known Player

    The chat system filter is FUBAR. Hell even the word "Stasis" is censored when you have powers in game like "Stasis Field" SMH
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  14. it_was_Friday Dedicated Player

    Inconsistent reasoning is always a problem.

    They get to decide, and for their reasons, and when they exhibit contradictory reasoning, they undermine their own respect.
  15. Swiftduck Loyal Player

    Did they ever fix that bug that turns your profanity filter back on every time you log out?

    If not, will a dev please comment on why you're forcing this setting on us?
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  16. it_was_Friday Dedicated Player

    Actually we do, since you used the word "should". But that is not my point at all.
  17. Saint Nutella Loyal Player

    They really should see some of the words they're censoring and they should makeep the censoring smarter and censor things in terms of the context it's used in. For example commit suicide should be censored; suicide squad shouldn't be. Same goes for spoon. I understand why spoon is censored but they should only censor the 4 letters when they're separate. Po on is inappropriate but spoon isn't . If they won't do this then at least fix the profanity filter bug.
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  18. megamanzero Loyal Player

    it's working as intended. if you're not happy with it well idk what to say
  19. The Jelly Bean Dedicated Player

    Considering that calculator says b i t c h to oracle and a s s so this game is totally hypocritical in its own censorship. T2 raid I think, oracle wasn't half as b I t c h i n as brainiac was. This is either a 'All or None' thing, you can't have it in the game if it's gonna be censored and yet not censored by the devs.

    Instead of spooning my cereal, in just gonna go fork it now. Thanks devs!
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  20. sillhouette Well-Known Player

    Everything the game says to you is written, curated, edited, and approved by DC and Sony. They know already they are comfortable with using that language in their "story". But they can't allow users to use some of those same words in conversations with each other, because they can be held liable for that conversation and so they filter the pants off it. Perfectly reasonable if you are a corporation, and you remember the filter is to allow them to seem like they are providing a happy and safe environment.