Ode to the tie-down (long time coming)

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by BigAl, Mar 2, 2016.

  1. PsianideUK Well-Known Player

    Oh I agree, I'm pretty old too (have just now finished playing track and field on my mame arcade cab, a game I blistered my fingers on in my teens!)
    I've always found tie-downs insulting, except perhaps when a few seconds mean the win, for either side. In that case it's a tactical move I guess.

    But in a node match, surely keeping your opponents off the node is the idea? I am talking about queues here, and not scrims.
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  2. Infyrneaux23 Dedicated Player

    The place where it really drives me nuts is in Lair Battles when the fight is over and it's nothing but an added insult to a loss. Do I do it? Yes, because it's been done to me so many times I just hope the person I tie-down is in the habit of doing it themselves. If not: I'm sorry.
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  3. bareheiny 10000 Post Club

    I tied folk down when I first ventured into PvP. Back when I knew nothing (as opposed to my current state of knowing next to nothing).

    I don't bother now...unless somebody ties me down. Because there's nothing that conveys your anger at being tied down like....tying somebody down.

    I did accidentally tie somebody down the other day on my latest alt. By the time I realized what was happening, it was too late. Oddly, the fact that I couldn't cancel out of it made me angrier than being roundly trounced during the entire match.
  4. Pathosgrim Dedicated Player

    Sensitive players here would consider it bad or an exploit and then make the Devs do something about it :rolleyes:
    No need to bring this up, play how you want cuz players here just cry about seemingly unfair things as if balance is actually going to happen.
  5. BigAl Devoted Player

    Again with the sensitive. If you weren't so single minded, I suppose you could see what is being said. :rolleyes:
  6. Mint Stiletto Loyal Player

    Removing tie ups is silly. Almost as silly as being upset when someone does it.
    It's an easy fix tho, don't like being tied up? Don't get knocked out! Easy!

    I do admit though I do grumble a bit when someone ties me up at the end of a match, sucks having to lay there till you can leave:eek:
  7. BigAl Devoted Player

    If only it were that easy. An easier solution would perhaps be to not pvp at all?

    Look, I don't pvp to measure my epeen. I play because pve is predictable, and you can usually control the outcome. Pvp is wild, and usually unpredictable. Sometimes, its more fun. I love when a match comes down to the wire and at the end both teams say GG or bow. I just shake my head and laugh at the "rude gesture" or the "u suk scrub" comments. Now that's silly.
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  8. Mint Stiletto Loyal Player

    I agree, I prefer to play with folks that aren't jerky. It was a joke(I get knocked out a lot).
    I'm just not bothered by it personally, Sure I wish everyone I ever deal with was polite and showed good sportsmanship but that's never going to happen ANYwhere. So I don't sweat the small stuff.
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  9. Astral Lantern Well-Known Player

    Give it up Dread.....he's the type that refuses to see...and he's an abuser of it as well.....obvious from his posts.............but I am getting a kick out of how much he is whining in this thread.......every post of his has some whine in it.....maybe he should have some cheese with that whine. :D

    If tie downs weren't being abused by a slew of A**Hats...keep them in......so why not try an interim period of not having tie downs and see how it goes?

    These Devs like their little pilot projects....they should give this a whirl.
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  10. BigAl Devoted Player

    Got to thinking about this part. I've encountered more of the same lack of sportsmanship, and I'm thinking that even though you are dead right, I can still hold some hope that someday it can change. They have to grow up some day, don't they?
  11. light FX Steadfast Player

    Ikr. This is just silly. If someone ties me up oh well. Idc at all.