Ode to the tie-down (long time coming)

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by BigAl, Mar 2, 2016.

  1. Grand Shaw Loyal Player

    Or picking up someone in Joker's clown box while their partner is KO'd. Omg.
  2. Grand Shaw Loyal Player

    My statement was made based on doing it myself. Particularly in 1v1s, I'm usually never the first to do it, as I make an effort not to, but if they do it to me, I just shrug and do it to them. Slows them down as much as it slows me down.
  3. BigAl Devoted Player

    My point isn't about the actual tie-down, its more to the maturity of players. Thanks for helping me to point that out. :)
  4. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    I tie up everyone. Sometimes to be butt. Mostly because when they stand up after respawn, takes an extra second. Those add up over a long match.
  5. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    If enough people complain. They will remove it. The change the speed of blocking to eliminate T-baggin
  6. BigAl Devoted Player

    Not true. People have been complaining about bad grammar forever on the forums, and yet, it still exists.
  7. Sir-Ivy Dedicated Player

    Glad I'm not the only one who considers it griefing.

    It's just juvenile.
  8. Grand Shaw Loyal Player

    Just as disrespectful as slowing down people from getting to the node. It's not illegal, but it ain't right either.
  9. Sir-Ivy Dedicated Player

    You'll need to elaborate on slowing people down, trying to spawn kill?
  10. Grand Shaw Loyal Player

    No I mean attacking them to keep them from reaching the node, thus losing points.
  11. Deathmike Devoted Player

    You're reading way too much into it.
    People just see a shiny cog and they press it. Simple as that.
    They're not necessarily mean-spirited, rude, smug or think they're better than you.

    Making assumptions about peoples maturity level, moral inclinations and Zod knows what else based on the fact that they choose or not to press a button which doesn't really do anything significant either way is just plain silly.

    Deathmike out.
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  12. Pathosgrim Dedicated Player

    The Devs cater to their sensitive customers.
  13. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    I would be more inclined to believe this but most cases those who cog will pretty much step outside the node just for a tie down. Or the more mature ones will follow it up with an emote.
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  14. BigAl Devoted Player

    See? And that's what I am talking about.
    I could care less if it was a crucial point of the match and that 3 seconds meant win or loss*. It's the ones that do it for the sake of doing it, then follow it with the "eat" emote. I don't care, it's just childish. I hear in the back of my mind "nyah nyah" from some little kid when they do it. :rolleyes:

    * Like an NFL game that goes down to the last few seconds of the game and the team with the ball is in field goal range for the winning score. The other team calls time-out to ice the kicker. Strategic.
  15. Sir-Ivy Dedicated Player

    That's a viable tactic, especially when you need to split the healer from the troll in 2v2.

    Unless you mean 1v1.
  16. Eminence Dedicated Player

    Lol! Oh boy.
  17. Grand Shaw Loyal Player

    You can win 2v2s without doing that.
  18. PsianideUK Well-Known Player

    So... In a Batcave 2v2, with just a few points needed to secure the win, and your opponents both respawning. One player staying on the node for capture points while another goes to slow the opponents from reaching the node to contest, is considered bad form?
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  19. BigAl Devoted Player

    See, I brought up the tie-down to bring up sportsmanship.

    Its one thing to do something in a match to secure a win (when its needed), another to do it just for the lulz. I like having fun as much as anyone, but I take no pride in cheesing a match.

    In Asylum, attacking my opponents to keep them from capping the node is tactical. In Star, its the same thing. Going for the win, all gloves are off. If you have the win well in hand, there is no need to bury the opponent more. Example, was losing a 1v1 Batcave and the points were ticked down to 6, so I conceded the win to the opponent. The opponent didn't want the 6 points that easy, so they came off the node and down the stairs to fight me. They had the match in hand, so the need to prove their "superiority" was redundant. smh

    That's what this thread is about. Maturity. Some have it, many don't even know how to spell it. Maybe I'm just getting old, but there was a time when people respected each other.
  20. Grand Shaw Loyal Player

    I certainly see it that way. Especially if it's in a scrim or tournament setting. You can win without doing that.