Ode to the tie-down (long time coming)

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by BigAl, Mar 2, 2016.

  1. BigAl Devoted Player

    Ok, before you get too far into my rant, understand that I am an easy going fella and have almost no hate towards anyone in the game or on the forums. But sometimes, just sometimes, things do get to me.

    There was a day (on PC), when in a fight, most good players would not tie-down other players unless it was a strategic necessity. It wasn't because of the extra damage it causes to gear, so much as it was sportsmanship. I have always viewed the "unnecessary" tie-down to be like a touchdown celebration in the NFL. Its not needed, unless its a close match and it will make or break the win. Its even more mind boggling when it done during the match when the opponent could have been more useful helping the team on another player (which is akin to battle looting during raids). Taking time to emote during a fight is silly as well, which falls under the same category.

    Don't get me wrong, I do it. But usually after its been done to me. Sort of like eye for an eye. Does that make me feel better? Yes. Necessary? No. Make me better than them? No, but I never said I was.

    Look, I know this may apply to some, and not others. But the level of sportsmanship has dropped since FTP and again since Xplay. Do I expect it to change? No way. Do I expect it to worsen? Definitely. Do any of you care? Likely not.
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  2. Brother Allen Loyal Player

    Just in case you still believe it causes extra damage to your gear I want to make sure you are aware that it does not. A developer came on here last year or the year before and confirmed that it does no such thing.
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  3. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    I can't stand when people tie others down too. It's like adding insult to injury. I rarely do it to people unless they did something to piss me off, like trash talk in versus chat or just cheesing in general.
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  4. LightOfQuantum Committed Player

    I love to do it.
    The buthurt reaction of the players I tie down is priceless.
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  5. HideTheBodies Loyal Player

    It literally does no harm to you in any way. Except to your ego.
  6. BigAl Devoted Player

    Good to know, I was under the impression it did little, but that's besides the point. ;)
  7. BigAl Devoted Player

    And it shows just how much better of a player you are, too! :D
    Not so much an ego thing, so much as a little kid that needs to get the last hit in.
  8. HideTheBodies Loyal Player

    Admittedly, I'm a bit rusty at psychoanalysis. Id, ego, super-ego- it's one of these things.

    How do you feel about the /eat emote? Or tea-bagging? Or someone typing in the chat box "rekt"?
  9. Soul Dedicated Player

    His bad manners clearly indicate how good of a player he is, I mean, obviously.. :p

    Putting that joke aside, I think tying down is just mean and pointless.

    I wouldn't mind having that option removed from PvP.
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  10. Grand Shaw Loyal Player

    Tie downs are a waste of time and I am totally for their removal. Respawns already screw you over. (Which should also be readjusted by the way).

    In 2v2s (as an example) you or your partner could fall back from a node or the fighting ground to get a health barrell or heal up, or you and your partner could reposition yourselves. Tie downs just use up those precious seconds. Not exaggerating when I say seconds either.
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  11. BigAl Devoted Player

    Does it matter how I feel?

    Honestly, I don't play to demean anyone. I play for fun. Games are an escape from RL for me. Playful banter, like I had last night in open world Gotham, was fun. Some people are too serious, and some aren't serious enough.

    When I compete, things are different. I want to win. But I like to treat others as I would want to be treated. How do I feel when others treat me differently? I usually laugh most things off, as I'm a big boy and can take the normal harassment and name calling. The tie-down is a just simply a waste of time if it doesn't affect the outcome of the match.
    Just using parts of your post to make a point. :)
    Something which definitely needs its own thread, the respawn timer.
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  12. KodyDerp Dedicated Player

    If tying down gets removed, I'll just have to settle for /evillaugh or /eat'ing my victims, maybe even t-bagging here and there. I usually do all of the above after tying down.
  13. Pathosgrim Dedicated Player

    Crybabies :rolleyes:
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  14. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    I've often wondered why the animation for being tied down doesn't happen in PVE when the revive timer runs out.
  15. Scarlet Mysty Loyal Player

    After seeing many of these threads and being surprised that not everyone was as enraged as I was, and as LightofQuantum said as well as others have said, some people use it to intentionally wind you up to throw you off your game, I thought I'd better learn to not let it get to me. Nowadays it's only retaliation, and on rare occasion I don't even do that, I like to feel like in my own way i'm saying 'your not even worth tying up'

    BUT.....I'd love for it to be removed, i'm not perfect, and there are days when it literally just turns me off PvP, I'll just sit on the broker instead or decorate my base. 100% of the time I PvP right now is to learn to get better and for the fun and enjoyment, and to have a good fight. So can look beyond being tied up if the player gives me a good fight: i.e outclassing me with counters and high damage clipping, not just over powering or cheesing me, but rarely do those two traits go hand in hand.
  16. Eminence Dedicated Player

    I laugh when I get tied down.
    There's nothing to be mad about.

    Tag em n bag em
  17. Pathosgrim Dedicated Player

    Whats next?
    Disable the pickup emote and laugh emote? :rolleyes:
  18. Scarlet Mysty Loyal Player

    Not really, I for one I'm not at all fussed about emotes or tea-bagging, don't ask me why, check my sig. Can't tell you why being tied bugs me and being taunted doesn't. But I can tell you that I've never seen any threads asking for taunt emotes to be removed (please correct me if wrong). But i've seen plenty of people make threads complaining about being tied up.

    I'm sure some people don't like to be taunted, but it seems on the whole people don't care about it enough to want it removed like being tied up
  19. CrazyArtBrown Dedicated Player

    I'd like to see tie-down and revives removed from PvP matches because they interfere with interaction maps like the Safehouses. When I want to pick up the Graviton module and instead tie someone down it's incredibly frustrating.
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  20. HideTheBodies Loyal Player

    I get it. And like real life, I try not to demean people as well. My point was don't let it bother you- that's why they do it.
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