Oddyssey's video GU47

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Marine Death, Apr 13, 2015.

  1. Marine Death Committed Player

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  2. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    Well this is going to be a blast.
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  3. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    eh I have all T1-4 iconic/vendor styles so this isnt going to effect me that much.

    hell i doubt if anything in this GU will effect me tbh, aside from not being able to go in and solo older content anymore if they keep the extremely high stat clamping that is around, and before anyone says "its a bug" I know but doesnt mean their going to tone it done much from where its at.
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  4. Juxes Committed Player

    Rune Carver is 30 Marks of Victory, man they can go kick rocks with that price.
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  5. Crimson Mayhem Loyal Player

    All those happy people who will buy "Power I" plan for 25 marks... :D
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  6. Nemeses Prime Dedicated Player

    Well, I think I will stop to play with my alts... I will just use them to make sessonals outside missions (because inside with Stats Clamping I refuse).

    Well we will see....
  7. Nemeses Prime Dedicated Player

    The winter is coming!
  8. DarkSyde79 Loyal Player

    The current system, while not perfect, with some minor tweaks could’ve remained with no problem.

    For some reason, the devs think reinventing the wheel and making major changes to currencies is the changes we’ve been wanting.

    For starters, the devs argue that lower level content MOT rewards are devalued once you reach the higher levels, and while this is somewhat true, this is more a problem of their creating than anything else.

    Who was it who determined that MOT values would have a quantum leap from 125 MOT for MOW to 625 MOT for MOR?!!

    You obviously saw that this was a problem when you reduced the initial value of MORs from 3125 MOT to 1560 MOT.

    Now that we won’t be able to earn marks from content outside of our CR range, you’ve drastically inflated the value of R&D materials, Home Turf generator abilities, lower tier vender items to that of the current tier’s gear and Rare Style vender items.

    This is even without mentioning the (and I say this again) ridiculous and problematic 100 MOV cap, which is an issue many had with the MOF cap.

    In end, if you wanna make the change then fine but the plan that exist ATM is FLAW’d, to put it kindly, and we’re going to need to see some systematic changes before GU47 goes lives!!!
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  9. MentosTroll Loyal Player

    Oh my god, that is just ridiculous
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  10. Sectumsempra Dedicated Player

    The issue is, we're all playing the game WITH you. o_O
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  11. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    yea you may play this game too, but how long have you played it?

    if you have played at least a year then why havent you gotten the T1-T5 vendor styles yet?

    b/c the current state the game is in it takes 4 days without replay badges to hit CR103, FOUR days...

    and you earn marks of fury for T6 vendor gear / those styles / rare vendor styles.
  12. Sectumsempra Dedicated Player

    4 days?

    Please I need to see a sped up video of this for USPS villains and without buying any over leveled pieces or using old lockbox necks or a league.

    And the answer is, I took breaks. So in you're opinion if you you're constantly playing this game you're just SOL when things shift from being convenient to inconvenient? SO if the 5000 barrel feat turned to 50,000, 'who cares i have it' doesnt seem like the wisest way to look at things.

    Also remember we're not in a bubble. We aren't the only 2 players.
    The person who downloaded the game yesterday is NOT getting to 103 without someone telling him how.
    He's barely reaching 30 in 4 days without 4 hour + sessions.
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  13. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    thats fine 5k to 50k? I can get that in a day, simply go to area 51 and there's the area above the 2nd boss that has 6-8 barrels that spawn endlessly ;)

    stay there and bust those til the 50k feat pops ta-da ;)

    tbh I'd love for the do 500 alrts/duo's/solo's were raised, same for merits and barrels and treasure chest feats. Make em like like 25k more then what they are atm.

    so merits being 25k now would be 50k, and duo type feats would be 25k ect ect
  14. VIRALITY Dedicated Player

    Man, I hope they rethink some of this stuff.

  15. Sectumsempra Dedicated Player

    Cool so you like spending hours around barrels and missed the point that i said changed, not added.
    you already have it, people after you wouldn't
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  16. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    yes like anyone who likes putting effort into their characters they will do what it takes to some degree.