ObsidianChill did you leave DCUniverseOnline?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by BƖack, Jan 20, 2025.

  1. BƖack Dedicated Player

    1 month without any activity or updates on his YouTube channel also his last activity on this forums was on 4th December. For me it's a red flag, but maybe I'm wrong and maybe he's somewhere around here?

    If so, let us know you're alive man!
  2. Pale Rage Dedicated Player

    Long story short:
    He's not dead.
  3. Prindacerk Dedicated Player

    Ask him in his Discord channel rather than the forum. You may get quicker response.
  4. BƖack Dedicated Player

    Idek his discord... but is he active there?

    Edit. Agreed on that, the forum is abandoned.
  5. ObsidianChill Community "Trusted"

    • Like x 10
  6. BƖack Dedicated Player

  7. Aiden_Warren Committed Player

    Don't know what else is there to say about dcuo? Other than the producer letter. We waiting to see.
    Likely everything else is covered up through his videos.
    If anything new comes up, then likely you wouldn't expect him to not make videos on it.
  8. Proxystar #Perception

    Who? Can I have their stuff?
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  9. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I thought maybe he had a full mental breakdown and was now disguised as BUDOKAI101.:eek:

    Good to see OC's still around...how else will 'lete players know how to set their loadouts and artifacts?;)
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  10. FaithfulJudgeDC Level 30

    How amusing hehehehe Mr chill is one of our last warriors. Did you REALLY BELIEVE he would abandon us to the savages of Gotham and Metropolis and NOT make a video about it no no no no Nopeee. Our beloved Mr smooth would well inform us if he would take that course of action.

    As it stands there isn't anything going on atm that will grab his attention but I assure you he would make a statement if he was to leave Unity and peace my dear friend.
  11. Rejchadar Inquisitor

    For some reason it seemed to me that people go to Obsidian's channel to watch meta builds, artifact tests, allies, change reviews... even pet tests... and not for news like "a new DLC came out, or a new TC"... for example, I can bet that after the release of new mods, people were waiting for Obsidian to test them in detail(detail...)
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  12. Andreas Denali Level 30

    LMAOOO that’s a really scary thought
  13. Pale Rage Dedicated Player

    Please no more boodie-ki lol. I think I finally have him blocked on all characters. Got so tired of him preaching to every person on how to do their role lol.
  14. BƖack Dedicated Player

    I was more afraid that those guys from Daybreak got on him as he said last time ''He made them upset''. :D
    But he's fine, he's fine!
  15. ObsidianChill Community "Trusted"

    Yea that was my fault. Year-End is really busy IRL and always end up neglecting DCUO.

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  16. Dominic Blue Dedicated Player

    What's funny is I know a lot of players are holding off buying the new mods until OC does his analysis video of them so in a way Obsidian might be impeding sales by his delay. :D
    All good you'll get to it when you can as others have said it's kinda slow in DCUO so good time to take a break. Thanks for the eventual video and your time informing players on DCUO topics that help.
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  17. LeagueOfV Dedicated Player

    Yeah, I equipped the obvious ones on my main, like the head, legs, and feet. I'm waiting to see if the hands and neck make sense because of the long cooldown, or just keep the current max damage mods.
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  18. Korlick Loyal Player

    Back Mod is great for Tanks and Healers (probably Trolls too, but i know nothing about Trolls). Id say it would be a MUST have if it didnt cost real money. But it makes a huge difference.
    And the Chest Mod, also great for some Tank Powers.
  19. KidKretz Committed Player

    i too pondered this question the other day. glad to see the outcome of this thread :)
  20. Jaelia Committed Player

    Literally me with my YouTube channel :D