Now Available: Time-Torn Time Capsule!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Jun 1, 2017.

  1. Lantern_AdamK4 Committed Player

    Here's a question. I love the emblems, but I noticed the Green Lantern emblem seems to be the Ion Emblem, and not the classic Alan Scott Emblem. (Unless he wore the Ion emblem at one point) Was the original emblem hard to make for players or something?
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  2. light FX Steadfast Player

    Here is the issue. It took what, 8 months to change it over 3 TCs and then its changed to go with the dlc that has the longest grind we have ever had to finish everything. Was any explanation given to why it was done with this specific dlc? I havent seen one. Maybe ive missed it. But im not going into a long explanation on this. If u cant see why this was done NOW then idk what to tell ya.

    People complained about it with shim tar. Never saw anyone complain about it with qwardian or green arrow gear. I cant even remember one complaint tbh. For shim tar gear yup there was complaints. So it was requested to be changed a long time ago. Why is it changed only when there is a dlc and there is no vendor gear to go along with TC gear? ;)
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  3. DCUO Addict Committed Player


    Concerns about pay to win are by far the biggest complaint.

    I absolutely, emphatically disagree with this!
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  4. IamINC Dedicated Player

    To be fair I didn't see any complaints with the gear from the capsules being the same CR as dropped gear and should it really be an issue because aren't time capsules also actually a drop?

    For me it wasn't an issue as i'm paying for the content and the stabilizers so getting the same reward from both things I am paying for was cool and the lowering of the TC gears CR , seems obvious as to why it's been done but i'll let you all figure that out for yourselves.
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  5. Harlequin Devoted Player

    But grinding can be fun!
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  6. light FX Steadfast Player

    So the TC gear is not giving the feat for the 8 chronons? How come? And is this feat tied to the OP collections dropping? Because if it is and its only achieved by getting the vendor gear then it means players have to grind the vendor gear 1st to then be able to get the OP items o_O

    Did anyone request this change with TC gear? Cause i certainly dont remember seeing anyone complain about this before.
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  7. XPerfectX Well-Known Player

    I notice the same thing about the TC gear and i'm really disapointed! They find a way to enslave us to the grind and no one notice! I hope it is a mistake from them and they fix it soon as possible!
  8. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    We did not want to retroactively reduce people's gear levels, and we also did not want to release lesser gear in subsequent time capsules. Players requested TC gear not shortcut the next episode's progression, so we implemented that change the next time it was possible.
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  9. light FX Steadfast Player

    Ok thanks. Now that does make sense. I posted about the new TC gear not giving the 8 chronon feat. Is this intended? Bugged maybe?
  10. XPerfectX Well-Known Player

    Use the TC gear to earn points for a feat that help us to obtain the OP collections wasn't a shortcut, it's just a choice of our priorities as players. So why removed that? I mean, when have we lost our way to play? Did we made a "pact with the Devil" when we have obtained the reduce of vendor prices?
  11. IamINC Dedicated Player

    Yes :p
  12. Revafall Well-Known Player

    probably copyrights
  13. XPerfectX Well-Known Player

    This is the emblem from the comic book "Earth 2 Society"
  14. light FX Steadfast Player

    Ikr. Today i spent about 40 mil getting all the TC gear because i thought it was like b4. I spent that $ to get the feat to then get the OP collections to start dropping so i could sell some and make my money back plus more. This allows players to get the large amounts of money needed to get some of the TC items off the broker. Mainly the materials. Trust me when i say lots of players do this. Remove it and its now harder to make money. I dont want to be critical but we ask and get no answer. I dont get why this is removed. Its not gonna make me buy more TC keys. If anything it will have the opposite affect. Its being said they are addressing the TCs but no one asked for this to be removed. Im hoping its a bug. Hoping we get an answer 2mor on this too.
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  15. light FX Steadfast Player

    Not sure where to post this. Probably put it in the bug section too. But the dr mid-nite cape is bugged. I put it on and nothing appears. And once i save my style changes i end up wearing the last back piece i had one.
    U can see in this pic i put the back on and nothing is there. Not sure if this has been talked about yet as ive been busy running content most of the day instead of reading the forums :p
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  16. Maxwill Committed Player

    Is it intended that this new time capsule gear doesn't give Chronon Particles for the feat?
  17. DC Urban Committed Player

    This is how you create costumes. That robo arm looks like a piece from Champions online. I had to do a double take. I am already wondering if the next TC will have a pleasant creative surprise, wait, did I just say that:eek:. Snap out of it, TC are bad
  18. Perdition Committed Player

    i would like to know this aswell, then i know on which i can use my marks first.
  19. 1 ncmike Dedicated Player

    It looks like it's the new 52 earth 2 Green lantern emblem also the Atom Smasher emblem isn't even his it's actually Damage another newer JSA member so there's issues all the way around with the time capsule stuff
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  20. Sugr Bear Committed Player

    I'm so bummed out that that awesome collar/cape part is on the head style and not the back. I would have gotten that cape for so many characters.
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