I'm not going to get into a rage, i'm not going to insult the devs, i'm not going to call out the people that like this revamp, i'm not even going to complain. I will only say this: I had fun with this game before. I'm not having fun with it anymore
Its not down the drain yet if they want our continued support on this game with our money. There are too many people screaming about losing our progression for it to be ignored, on these forums and in game. Best believe aint no one but a very very small number liking things the way they are right now. Hope they are wealthy.
No Mepps, content is most certainly not. We also sure as all get arent seeing that much of a difference even 100 sp off from others running content with them. This is ridiculous. Please get the DEVS to fix he problem with the content difficulty. Some of us have supported this game for years in memberships, extra money every month for legends or even replay badges, as customers and fans of the game. Grinding feat after feat to have our progression and growth as characters- what we have played this game for- to this??? No. There are far too many people upset about this for us to be ignored. We wanted a STATS MATTER REVAMP to benefit the players and their characters who put in the work and money into this game over the years in comparison to the CONTENT and those player's who have not. This is just outright wrong on so many levels, and none of us are laughing. Every one of us supported this game as fans and customers for years to earn where we have come in this game. Fix the content and our stats to reflect their appropriate tiered level.
This! 100% agree with you. That is my biggest & only gripe with this revamp. I shouldn't have issues with freaking Bizarro & other classic bounties with a cr150 with 147sp
Personally I am liking the revamp so far. Playing Quantum for so many years I have gotten used Low DPS numbers. But I instantly felt the difference after the update, I'm dropping Npc'S WITH ease now. As for people complaining about being dropped by O bot and other bounties. These bounties were never meant to be soloed. You used to have to get a group of 6to 8 people to drop him. They are supposed to be tough to beat. We shouldn't mind picking up a buddy or two to beat them. I beat him with 1 other league mate, it was a bit tough but doable.
Before the revamp for me the game felt like a braindead timesink, as a healer I pressed 2 buttons and spammed weapon attacks for no reason but to pass the time while I saw the dps fighting over who can out-cheese each other to win at the scoreboard. I only kept playing in hope that the revamp would make it worth the wait and effort Now as a healer I'm always on my toes measuring when to use what power most effectively, balancing healing the group and doing weapon attacks to manage my power pool, it feels like a role you can learn and try to master. I only had some fun doing it on raids before the revamp but now after every alert I feel I earned that victory, it feels like an adventure that leaves you with a story to tell This is my completely subjective opinion but I'm having fun playing this game again for the first time since I started and I'm thankful to the devs and testers for their work. There are bugs to fix and things to iron out so everyone can get their rewarding experiences out of the game but I just hope they don't nerf it too hard because I'm enjoying every moment I spend playing the game
Its NO WHERE NEAR where we were stats wise before advanced mechanics and weapons mastery. We have lost our characters progression and growth that we have EARNED and PAID for in game as customers compared to the way our content is set right now.
Nope. I hated AM/WM, and have played for 5+ years, but I sure as hell am not going to continue to support a game I have played and PAID for as a customer as a member, and with $100+ a month to see every bit of progression and growth our characters have EARNED get taken from us like this. Content will be scaled to its Tiered Level as content, or they will be losing many of us. Heres a hint too, in case you havnt notice, theres a whole lot more of us angry about this than the ones that are fine with it. Theres also a large issue with these stats not mattering no where near the level they should be for people that have been playing with friends and league mates that are 100-150+ and barely out doing the other, if they are at all. My Complaint is the loss of our character progression, the growth and power we have earned over years of gameplay. This game has always been about advancing our characters progression and leveling. That aint sitting well with the majority of us that Our Stats aint mattering one bit in content right now. Not the way we have Earned them to. You probably need to stop making assumptions and thinking everyone is a cry baby about advanced mechanics and weapons mastery just because we are being vocal about the state of the game and where it is at right now. That gets old, but only serves to show your witty come backs to the rest of us. Many of us are older players AND have been die hard customers, and we aint going for this. Not without our money going else where with us. True talk.
I'm holding out some hope that some of this will be reversed. I remember a couple years ago, when some other update dropped, and all the old content was buffed up should any higher CR enter. That seemed to fall pretty flat, and this is nearly the same, though the reasons are obviously different. A lot of the changes seem alright, but I feel like I've wasted my time grinding for gear/mods/SP, and it doesn't seem like there's any real benefit to grinding for more. If nothing changes before my membership's up in couple months, I won't be renewing it.
You know what memphis? How many likes you got on that post calling everyone cry babies? There were dozens and dozens of threads from testers voicing their concerns about how content is like this, and now that its live, its even worse...and guess what? You are a very very small minority who isnt upset. Every older player I know, before the days of AM and WM are upset, aint just anyone with a cr differential- which I hated- and we are upset because years of growth and progression that we earned and paid for has been taken from us. You can insult people all you want...no worries there bud...juist keep on insulting and showing people the kind of person you are as we get our content rolled back the way it was. To its appropriate Tiered Level that reflects the growth we have paid for and earned in game. Removing the CR differential and balancing powers was what we wanted...but we wanted STATS to matter- NOT lose everything we have paid for and earned through the grind in game.
Actually the DEVS and daybreak WILL care. Way too many upset and angry people compared to those few in the minority that are fine with losing everything they have ever paid for and earned in game. Ultimately, this is a business, and we are its customers. Believe that or not, do with it what ever you like. For many of us, thats our problem...as you put it we "got good" a long time ago...and earned what we became through years of work. This aint flying. Not without my money being pulled from the game, and I sure as hell was never a broke free to play player. I buy legendary, and I spend on average $100+ a month on replays and capsules, if not more when new capsules and content drops, so stop making assumptions and take your comments where ever you like, but they aint applying to many of us.
I agree with all your points but... I do like the new stats tree, having all powers unlocked at 30, the descriptions of powers and stats are much better, the powers being more alike (some would say cookie cutter) actually makes sense and I'm willing to trade that for new powers (assuming that happens). The added health / lack of crowd control doesn't make the game more difficult to me, just waaaaay longer to complete alerts / raids, solos and duos are not that much longer to me, not sure why but it's a pretty consistent experience. Again, can't argue with any of your points valid, some I think will be addressed with tweaks / nerfs but the 1st point, yeah, I fired up the PS3 where I have more SP and yeah, the "get your SP up" talk seems to indicate a lack of testing on the part of people that are having some kind of plecebo effect when they fill up those stat point nodes. Someone wants to put up a vid where they show their combat logs with the might / power 1/4, 1/2 and fully filled with the SAME rotation and PROVE it makes that big a difference, have at it hoss. I already did it with a few powers, but knock yourself out.
Fill your might / power 1/4, 1/2, and full. Post video showing how much of a difference it makes on the dummy. You may be skilled, games not that hard but... this SP talk is not based on reality, numbers are numbers. Damage log not just looking at your stats. I could be wrong, prove it. Maybe I tested it wrong.
1. You implied your rhetorical masterpieces contained no insults yet... "naive" come pretty quick in your cold reasoned argument. 2. If your so damned bothered by people expressing their frustrations on FORUMS (I assume you know what they are since you are here) why do you keep replying?
Dang man, I'm sure they are gonna tweak it. "Killed" is a little strong isn't it? Maimed maybe..., (we can't see population logs so NO ONE really knows) but killed? That may be a bit hyperbolic. Having said that I have noticed longer queue times on EU server even with open content, not a good sign. If that trend happens on US servers (again, I can't see population logs, could be a bug or something, some people are getting kicked randomly from what I heard) I expect a MASSIVE NERF, the update lovers trying to "chase away the babies" might be acting in a way that is counterproductive to their desires. We shall see.
I don't care how many likes revice I or someone else. I like stat matter update because it is make game fun again. And I know people who came back and enjoy the game now. Those people who can't adapt(or don't want) are just crybabies, it is the fact. All your posts about "I will not give DB any cent anymore"... You can be specific and not yelling about money? If not, take your money and go away. It's not kickstarter. You pay for access to certain things, nothing more. No one takes these things from you and no one should fulfill all your whims. You not special, here a lot of people who spend much more than you. And stop spreading misinformation about progression. No one take away nothing. Just if you can't follow to mechanics and hold block when it is needed - you very bad player, thats it.
Ice power, why does cold snap have a cool down ?? I mean, the offensive mode kind of cool down, and why is the animation, glowing ice hands not there like the weapon buff (forgot the name). ?????