NOW AVAILABLE: The Stats Revamp!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Jul 26, 2017.

  1. Dephyre Committed Player

    Lol, okay. First off they didn't take away anything at all. You just think they did because the number is lower than what you're used to. They revamped ALL of the stats, not just the little numbers you see in the box, but the stats of NPC's the damage is dealt how certain stats affect certain abilities, ALL of the stats across the ENTIRE game have been changed to reduce the sheer amount of bloating that weapon mastery and advanced mechanics introduced. We all get you're p.o.'d about what you perceive as lost money, but if you were to take the time to relearn the mechanics of this game, which would only take you a day at best unless you're freaking 5, you would see that nothing really changed, the content is still fun and rewarding.

    Second, you didn't pay for ANY extra advancement in this game, you paid for convenience. Which if you would have taken the time to read the TOS you would know they are not accountable for what you do with your money, unless your money results in an actual loss of content bought, which again you DIDN"T LOSE ANYTHING. /rant /thread
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  2. LePurr New Player

    Two characters 200CR, one with half the skill points as the other, and the one with lower skill point does more damage. Much more. Must be the combat rating differential. Right? Right? RIGHT?!
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  3. Tarif Committed Player

    They need to listen now, about the content and how OUR STATS ARENT MATTERING AT ALL that we have earned in game. They need to fix the content to its appropriate tiered level to reflect everything we have done and paid for over the years to reflect that growth in comparison to the content in game. I didnt spend years progressing my character, paying for legendary membership and supporting this game with $100+ a month just to have them say STATS MATTER and show us otherwise with this. I sure wont pay for it further until theres a fix, like many many others.
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  4. Tarif Committed Player

    Not five, and yeah, I know the terms, as well as I can see your trolling insults. Have a giggle all you want, but I promise you this, with as many people as upset over losing OUR progression, Progression we have seen even before the advanced mechanics and master were in place, Progression that we have EARNED in game- we will get that fix, or the money can go elsewhere. They are paying attention to the feed back of this community, just as they will pay attention to their customers wishes if they want to continue to be successful as a business. Thats the bottom line.
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  5. Dephyre Committed Player

    Oh man you really aren't seeing what I'm selling mate. You didn't lose progression at all. Period. Are you still wearing the gear you had before stats revamp? Do you still have all the skillpoints you earned before the revamp? Are you still at level 30 and whatever your combat rating was before the revamp? Because guess what? If you can answer yes to all those questions (which let's face it, you know you can), then you've literally lost nothing but your mind and your patience.
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  6. Tarif Committed Player

    Im not your mate, since you chimed in and trolled me with insults, Let me spell this out for you with one of those big, red, remedial crayons. It might help you to better understand why so many of us are mad. People with 201 CR and 300+ skill points are dying left and right on the chat doing cr 80 bounties and ALL lower tier content. That isnt progression. That is not growth, and it sure as hell aint making stats matter in relation to the work we have put into our characters with content having been set like that.
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  7. Tarif Committed Player

    Please. Im not the best but you best believe Im a beast. Ive got the feats to back it too. Im a fan and a customer to a game that I have supported and paid for five+ years, and I sure as hell am not going to stop feeling like they have taken the progression from our characters that we have EARNED AND PAID FOR over years, because you want to chime in and call someone a cry baby. You've got one of those Double O Triple x, xxx character names, dont you? ...And Im done with your opinion and your existence. You have a good one Captain Keyboard.
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  8. Dephyre Committed Player

    Lol, if people are dying to lower tiered content, it's either a nasty bug OR, they're just so used to face rolling content that they have forgotten how to do mechanics. If you perceive my use of rhetoric and facts as insults, I can't really say anything to that, as some people will always see the use of proper English and the use of facts as insults to their intelligence, which I apologize for lol. That being said, if there is indeed a problem with people dying to lower tiered content, perhaps you should make a detailed post in bug reports, including pictures or video to show just what is happening. Complaining will not get their attention.
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  9. Tarif Committed Player

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  10. Tarif Committed Player

    Your proper english should have given you enough insight to understand insinuating someones a child is an insult. It should also help you to understand that with as many of us being vocal about this problem, most as paying customers for years that have supported this game as fans for its business model, that they will pay attention to what we are saying and address what we are upset about.
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  11. Tarif Committed Player

    No, I dont want that. I am proud that the DEVS seen how unfair the CR differential was to players that invested money and time into their characters to build them to where they are in comparison to players that did not. I like some of the changes that we were promised. I DO NOT LIKE the fact that our STATS DONT MATTER in the content after we invested so much time and money into our characters as fans and customers. Content needs to be adjusted to ITS APPROPRIATE LEVELED TIER to reflect that player character growth and OUR STATS that many of us spent years EARNING AND PAYING for in game.
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  12. Dephyre Committed Player

    Believe what you want, but in the seven years this game has been up and running, never once have they implemented something based off of what the "paying" customers want, and furthermore, to think so is quite frankly naive. Afterall, wasn't it the "paying" customers who screamed that they didn't want weapon masteries? Wasn't it the "paying" customers that screamed that they didn't want advanced mechanics? Wasn't it the "paying" customers that screamed they would leave them game and not pay another dime and so would "an army" of other like minded people? You keep referring to what you've paid into this game, and I can see that is your hitting point, you think you've been cheated. I get it, we all get it. But the reality is you didn't have to pay them. At all. It's a free to play game afterall. Yes you did provide some small amount of revenue over the course of your playing, but let's just face one cold hard fact, they aren't responsible for what you do with your money. They are a company, and they will do what they feel is necessary to keep their game alive (WM/AM,replay badges, mega servers, the switch to free to play, servers merging). You're literally just keeping yourself frustrated by thinking you have some impact by threatening to leave or not pay. They already have your money, if you're so damned bothered by what they did, simply uninstall the game.
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  13. Tarif Committed Player

    I disagree. If they care about their customers, wish continued financial returns from them, growth that we have earned in game as players, and what many people are saying, that they said they are listening too, they will make an amendment. That, or I know my money will go else where. Theres too many of us that are feeling like our stats are NOT mattering now, in relation to the content, and all that we have put into building our characters over YEARS of gameplay and financial support for the game we have enjoyed has been taken from us. They are paying attention to that, best believe it. How they decide to act is up to them as a company, your right on that at least.
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  14. Dephyre Committed Player

    Glad we could see eye to eye on at least one thing. Enjoy your evening, and best of luck.
  15. Supreme Monarch New Player

    I wanna ask how stats matter in your opinion.
    I was one of the testers in this huge project and Believe me I'm nowhere near biased at this point. I want to really know how you feel about this.

    I read some of your posts but I'm having trouble understanding what you mean.
  16. Tarif Committed Player

    ~Alot of older players, myself included are mad as hell. I like the new skill tree, I absolutely love that they have gotten rid of the CR differential that players did NOT earn in game yet allowed them to play on an equal playing field with players that spent years grinding feats to build their characters...BUT I DO NOT LIKE feeling like the lower Tiered content of the game has been set at a much higher difficulty, while my own STATS- THAT WERE SUPPOSED TO MATTER now, mean absolutely nothing in the games content now. I did not spend years of paying as a customer, purchasing Legendary membership each month and spending $100+ dollars a month in support of my character and this game, YEARS grinding through feats and content, purchasing items from the market place and capsules for the progression of my character only to be set back like this. To me, the content needs to be adjusted, and fast. Many players feel the same. Stats matter revamp was supposed to show the work and growth people have put into their characters over time, in comparison to the content AND in comparison to the players that have not put in the work for their own characters. Taking the progression and power from characters that are 200+ cr and rocking 300+ skill points after they EARNED where they were in game, was not the STATS MATTER Revamp any of us wanted. DEVS need to adjust the content to reflect its appropriate Tiered Level. What it is right now, is just plain garbage and a slap to the face to the games customers that have worked long and hard on their characters to get where they needed to be in substance, and progression. This was supposed to be a Stats Matter Revamp...and our stats aint helping us one bit when you have things set up that a CR 80 bounty can knock the teeth down a CR 201 with 303 stat points throat. Thats just hot garbage right there. And it sure as hell smells foul. Adjust the content to reflect its Proper Tiered level. I would be okay with an option to run older content at level upon queue, and thats all. This game has always been about the progression and development of our characters over time, building our power through Feat grinding for skill points, collections, style collections, EARNING and purchasing TIERED armors in a progressed level one after the other. PAYING FOR THAT PROGRESSION AND GROWTH through Memberships each month, BUYING REPLAY Badges and Time capsules...and I sure as hell dont want to see that growth and progression that I have enjoyed and EARNED in game taken away with the content being set the way it is right now. THAT IS NOT progression. That is not a reflection of the money I have spent in this game and the growth that I have made as a character in the game. A choice for that option upon queue, sure, forced and now my characters STATS DONT MATTER in content the way its set right now? No! They need to fix the content to its Appropriate Leveled Tier to Reflect our Level and Stats that we have EARNED in game.
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  17. Ashuraman Active Player

    Tell me something, do you REALLY think that's a good thing? Meaning having all the powers follow the same template, thus eliminating much needed diversity?
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  18. Ashuraman Active Player

    Melhor update em anos? Como é que remover o fazia o jogo divertido para muitas pessoas, aumentar a dificulcade de tal maneira que ate jogadores veteranos tem dificuldades onde nao deviam ter, fazer o jogo ser mais "grind heavy", onde é que isto é o melhor update em anos? So se for na Tera Bizarra, porque aqui de certeza que nao é
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  19. Ashuraman Active Player

    No, no it's not. And even if it is, it's making WAY more people leave so, in the end, it doesn't matter if the old players come back, the new ones will leave and the player base wont really change
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  20. Ashuraman Active Player

    Do you have issues reading? Cause he didn't say OUT DPS, he said PERFORM THE SAME!
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