NOW AVAILABLE: The Stats Revamp!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Jul 26, 2017.

  1. M1234MMO New Player

    Why are the sparring targets not giving power back anymore ???
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  2. azarel New Player

    out of the 242 so far post how many have been to complain and how many to praise its about an 80/20 split at a quick glance so you Wavvy goon are in the minority.
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  3. azarel New Player

    Devs please look at this forum and tell us either to shut up (and you will lose a lot of players) or if you are going to address some of the complaints or provide an alternative solution
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  4. Wavvy goon New Player

    Just like a.m stayed revamp is going to stay get use to it devs care about there legendary members more then casual we pay there bills we support there game
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  5. Wavvy goon New Player

    There aren't going to address the complaints lol because they can't please everyone
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  6. Wavvy goon New Player

    I remember the days wen it was only legendary people playing the community never use to complaint as much I don't like something let me cry about it to the devs LMFAO oh man
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  7. Wavvy goon New Player

    Yeah they need to fix that ain't getting power back either
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  8. StatsRevamp New Player

    As im reading through all of the comments, some of you are so rude. This is a game guys. Its not life. Its not stress. Its a game. Theres no reason to be rude about anything on here. The game went through one of the best changes it could ever go through in my opinion. Again, thats just me. It beats going back to having all the powers unbalanced and having Mental FTW and Nature and Electricity down in the ditches again. This is how the game is suppose to be. The only thing required is to grt those skill points up. Get in a good league and enjoy the game. I know change isnt welcome to most people, especially new players. But you have to start somewhere. This game is headed into the right direction, again, my sole opinion. Everything is balanced (almost) and most people are happy. Of course there are a few tweaks that have to be made, but thats with any game after a huge update like this.

    To sum it up, this update will eventually grow on yoi and you guys willsee that its actually not that bad. The game is so versatile now. Dont give up.
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  9. MastaMind Dedicated Player

    Getting your SP will change things? Balanced? Do you play DCUO at all? This was supposed to be a "stats matter" update. Stats mean nothing. Someone with 16k might will do the same damage as someone with 8k. SP means absolutely nothing. The only thing you may have said that was even close to correct. It is more versatile now in the sense that anyone, even people who are clueless, can come in and perform the same. All this update did was make everyone the exact same. Regardless of work or time put in. Ultimately killing the reason to play this game. People who actually put in work and grinded are rewarded for that grind by having it canceled out entirely. This game just lost the only thing it had going for it. In games like these there will always be people who refuse to put in the work, and those who work their bikini bottoms off. When you eliminate the difference between the two, the game is dead.

    We will see how fun and balanced the game is in a few more weeks. I've watched my friends list shrink drastically. I expect more to come once everyone else worthwhile gives up hope.
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  10. Taerie Active Player

    more or less, so that you can test your loadout rotation to see if it's self-sustaining
  11. ChillCat Loyal Player


    ^Not skilled
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  12. Alrighty Then Loyal Player

    So the skilled will survive. I wonder what percent of the Population that will be?
    I guess mentioning this makes me unskilled.
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  13. Wavvy goon New Player

    If you really think a person wit 8k might can out dps someone wit 16k mightu actually know nothing about revamp your still stuck in the way the game us to b sp does matter alot stats over everything now I can't wait until every1 leaves that don't like revamp I'm getting tired of you kids complaining
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  14. ChillCat Loyal Player

    I think this is the first ever recorded instance of Dev-splaining. You may want to go back through the mountain of posts and feedback over the last 6 months to see how extensively players participated in the testing process. Shouldn't take long to see that the revamp is where it is (server glitches aside) as a direct result of collaboration between the Devs and players who chose to participate in the testing and feedback process. Most of the answers to your questions are there in writing.

    As for your version control,rollback and SDLC suggestions, you'll be better served asking how it's done so you can become educated first before recommending to the Devs how they can do it "better". Listen first.....then recommend when you actually understand what's going on. Important life lesson.
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  15. ChillCat Loyal Player

    That field in the upper right corner is a Search field. Just type in 'revamp' and peruse Test versions 1.1 through 1.8. Happy reading.
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  16. ChillCat Loyal Player

    I'm aware of the tremendous work that went into testing the revamp by both players and Devs. If you want specifics about the internal SDLC , PM a Dev and ask.
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  17. Supreme Monarch New Player

    Good to see its on live servers
  18. Dephyre Committed Player

    All players can take part in the test server though, it's just on PC. Playstation and Xbox will likely never have a test server, as the process to post a patch is a lengthy one, and would most likely result in even more time getting small changes pushed out.
  19. Kurama Active Player

    Saludos comunidad DCUO , me acerco a ustedes con todo respeto para informarles que sinceramente el juego no me está funcionando , el día de ayer no me dejó entrar en USR ( tras varios intentos ) , no hay problema ,el día de hoy no me deja jugar literalmente , ( no puedo tirar poderes , pegar , usar teleporter , NADA ) entiendo que con el revamp y demás actualizaciones ,puede llegar a haber sobre población ,o lag o como quieran disfrazarlo , pero yo estoy perdiendo días pagos , no sé si leerán mi msj , pero por todos los que pagamos legendario mes a mes , cargamos DB , subimos SP , JUGAMOS , hablo por todos cuando digo , hagan algo ,no sé que , pero algo solucionen el tema , así pierdo marcas , diarias ,dinero y TIEMPO etc . Gracias por su atención ! .
  20. monaka Well-Known Player

    The game has never been easier, now people don't even need to have a concept of a rotation.
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