NOW AVAILABLE: Gotham Time Capsule and Vendor!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Sep 27, 2017.

  1. Johnny DCUO Well-Known Player

    I think it's because they don't want to shock the players too much. :p
    Look at what the 5000+ cost does to the players.
    Imagine what the players will say about the cost of those 2 items. ;)
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  2. Maxwill Dedicated Player

    Agreed, well said brother :)
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  3. Captain Entropy New Player

    I was gonna buy some stabilizer things to catch up but this is not right. Going to send some $$ to Puerto Rico instead
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  4. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    You might want to fix this description.
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  5. Perseus Chase Committed Player

  6. Dysania New Player

    I agree. As a customer, I also like getting what I pay for. It's too bad that the Marketplace doesn't earn as much money as Flashpoint Thomas Wayne's Casinos.
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  7. John C Level 30

    All I can say is WHY??? Why are the provisions/gear/emblem capsules all account bound now? My luck with opening them has never been good but at least I used to be able to get what I wanted by selling the unopened capsules. Now all I get is rubbish and less than 1/3 the cash I would have earned before this update because I get nothing rare to sell. What possible reason could there be for this extra slap in the face on top of the ridiculous vendor prices?
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  8. John C Level 30

    Somehow what I actually typed above has been changed to "kind gesture" which is most certainly not what I said...
  9. Giga Vamm Dedicated Player

    Let me guess: Wallop to the face?
  10. Doom Patroller Active Player

    Another "Feats for (BIG) Money" Extravaganza; everything looks interesting to me, but the perennial feat-bait aimed at the Big Fishes just makes me repudiate the whole; as you are selling progression regardless of the indignation coming your way from playing (and paying) customers, at least try adding a featless version to the marketplace. That way the effort you put in making them could even be appreciated by your entire playerbase.
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  11. Rockhound665 Steadfast Player

    Another DBG money grab. And, of course, legendary/all access subscribers are shoved to the back in favor of Freemiums.
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  12. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    "Tell me what emblems you see... from left to right please." (doctor)

    ", wait...Bane...Scarecrow...The Riddler...Man-Bat...Scarecrow and Catwoman."

    "Which is clearer? One or two? One or two?"
  13. rimvader Well-Known Player

    It's my fault that emblems are untradeable! I bought my Emblems and Styles off the broker and/or trade for them to bypass buying capsules. I did not realize keeping some of my Real Money would harm some so many. Will I continue buying capsule items off the broker? Yes, that I can afford until all are untradeable. Sorry for Not being Sorry.
  14. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    Can I offer a small bit of constructive criticism here? This is some thing that has been going on any time this game has anything new and I think maybe its time to address it. Now I have read over the entire post that started the thread very slowly and very carefully. Then I clicked on the link provided and went and checked out the web site message.. At some point do you think it just MIGHT be a good idea to actually tell people where you placed the vendor? It isn't mentioned at all here and all the web site says in in out Head Quarters.

    Now my GUESS would be that at some point during the 45 minute long video where you all discuss the Qwarks and what is in the new capsule there is a scene where you at least wander BY the vendor so players have a clue where to shop? I assume that because I missed the original broadcast and didn't feel like sitting through almost an hour long presentation just to find out where to spend the Qwarks.

    But see not everyone that plays the game even bothers to come to these forums often let alone sit through a podcast. This announcement is available to any player by clicking the link on the log in screen .. Might have been a really good idea to show people where to shop HERE. I wanted to check out the prices and after a quick look around had to go to shout and ASK for directions. Some thing to think about for the future. Yes we like the parts about what is inside as well but if you want people to use the capsules and get the Qwarks it would be a great plan to let them know where the vendor is as well.
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  15. John C Level 30

    Just so you know you can use the map to search for a vendor. There's a list of locations on the right including teleporters and vendors, if you click on one it gives you a line leading to the location as long as you are on the right map. It's a safe bet when something like this comes out that it is in the Watchtower or Hall of Doom so all you need to do is scan that map. I found the new vendor in less than 30 seconds that way. New stuff is usually at the bottom of the list too.
  16. John C Level 30

    Yep that's right...
  17. BƖack Dedicated Player

  18. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    Thanks John I have played the game for 5 plus years and I do know that.. but the point is in a lot of cases for some reason when they put stuff like this together they get so consumed with showing us the "pretty" stuff (which is fine and is some thing we all want to see as well) that they neglect the obvious.

    I have watched podcasts about new DLCs in the past where they gave us maybe 5 or so minutes looking at a mission map .. Not actually doing the mission because as they love to point out "we don't want to ruin the surprise" Okay fine I can buy that but .. how about giving us a hint as to what combat rating we need t obtain to even walk in the door? LOL Things like that kind of fall threw the cracks at times. I watched a pod cast on one DLC and for the life of me I can not recall which one now.. but when it ended I logged on to the test server .. why? because I wanted to see what CR I needed to do those new missions and it never got mentioned. Now it was probably an oversight since it doesn't happen all the time but you'd think they throw together some sort of checklist to make sure stuff like that get a mention at some point. :D.. hey the armor looks really pretty but am I even high enough to get into that zone and get the currency I need to buy it?
  19. rimvader Well-Known Player

    That's what I did, for what felt like 10 minutes, as villain (21 alts , 240+sp, 5 years, etc...) zooming in and out on the map to find it where the old mail box was, and pvp phase is. Making it an 'info' mission from Booster Gold sponsored by the Wayne Foundation could have been little bit quicker and enjoyable.
  20. Atomis Maximus Level 30

    How do I get permission to post in other sub forums?
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