Now Available: Gentleman Ghost & More!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Nov 16, 2023.

  1. OdieBadger Well-Known Player

    Any news if there is a bonus week this Thursday?
  2. Gassius_Spray Loyal Player

    The BatGirl style would be awesome AF.
  3. MchaelAceHunter Well-Known Player

    @mepps where is Nintendo switch update? Still waiting on gentlemen ghost
  4. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    It's coming.... waaaaaaait for iiiiiiiiiiiiittt...


  5. Captain Quasar Active Player

    Any day now lol
  6. Lakeside New Player

    Wow-wee great new styles that almost no-one can get.
    What a waste of time.
    Working hard to get the Bostonian style for my Deadman toon only to see at Batgirl vendor it can't be purchased with Tarot currency till player reaches 402.
    That's just a rotten joke on us under 402 players.
    At least make the style available.
  7. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    They always do this now with the vendors in the End Game Content. The gear also becomes available from both Tempus and Catwoman in the HOL, but you still have to be the appropriate level to see it and buy it.