Is there a new blue ghost accessory style in this update? Like the same exact ghost that you need to release from the park benches in the cursed gotham mission. I saw a player at little bohemia wearing it with an aura, so i'd assume it's an accessory. I don't see it in the episode vender or broker.
hmm interesting but the gorgon has had spam feats they just had to balance it out more with the newly added elite alert and raids added with gentlemen ghost i get that it can be annoying spamming world bosses for their feats tends to get annoying after awhile but for feat hunters it gives them something to do otherwise they be bored and just sit there chatting about anything and everything in the chat box in the game
Then just dont do them if you dont want the feats then it's simple to not do them rather than complain about them. Because honestly the majority of players are feat hunters and they wanted to have world boss spamming feats to give them something to do while they wait for the next episode and seasonal event to be released. But hey i'm not big on spamming feats either but the feats help build up skill points that tends to help my characters pack a better punch in the elite and elite plus raids. My own league suggests to build up my sp (skill points) with feats otherwise i wont be able to to do much contribution in damage in the elite and elite plus raids. My league's leader and officers are actually looking out for everyone in the league and even informs us that if we need help with any feats to grind out to just feel free to ask for help and they'll put together separate 4 person parties for alerts, 8 for raids and even help with duo's but solo's unfortunately is a lone wolf act. alot of solo's, duo's, alert's and raid's have spamming feats. But you don't have to do them if your not plaining on doing elite and elite plus versions. But it does make it easier to get the damage output that a player whom let's say wants to deal the most damage in a raid! If they want to be able to do that then they will need to do the spamming feats as well to build up their skill points? Just to get their character or characters to deal the biggest amount of damage that DCUO will allow them to reach before the next episode bumps that amount up more. So while yes spamming feats is annoying they are worth it to make every players character hit really hard to where a single player might just be able to tank elite plus raids, without being a tank build but just a Dps build instead. While the rest of the party just sits there coming up with plans, that tank like Dps player can get the final boss of the raid down to probably past half health before saying "Hey party people making those strategical plans! Feel free to jump on in and get some hits in while you can this Boss won't last too much longer. Also my hands are cramping so some help would be nice while i flex my hands to get them to stop cramping up!" and thats just an example of what could be said and i've seen other players in raids doing well over a billion damage while my character only managed to do just under 2 million damage. But everytime i asked them how they got such high damage outputs, they told me it was a combination of their league mods, base mods and skill points which they built up by doing the feat spamming on world bosses and raids. P.s alot of those players are veterans of day one release of DCUO they've been playing it that long and they are still learning stuff about the game that they didn't think was possible to do.
oh there is already people complaining about the spamming feats being added to the gorgon but i was just on and had to do a shout to get reinforcements on both the moon touched gorgon and gentleman ghost next time i'll just say "moon touched gorgon and gentleman ghost spam feats are active, get them while they're hot and fresh"
well just think of them as bringing the community of players together both hero and villain players working together to get not only the weekly reward but the reward of building up their skill points to put to the stat that they choose
honestly i'm glad that the moon touched gorgon has spam feats my league has been bored with just doing the weekly mission just for a randomized reward with tarot cards and the chance of getting that mats needed for the gentleman ghosts cape to rank it up
Wow, it almost looks like a complete episode ONE MONTH after they released it. Can I pay my membership in bits and pieces at a time and when in looks decent enough I promise I'll finish the payment. If the episode is bug free of course.
You are missing the point, the Devs been doing this for every Dlc for x amount of years and it is getting old and tiresome. I'm sure most players are getting tired of it too. A game supposed to be fun, not boring. And if I want to buy something, I'll buy something, don't need to be on DCUO for hours to buy something.
When did the Gorgon have a spam feat? There were no count feats for her, and the only count feat that was related to that fight was the stone civilians which you could do never throwing a shot a the gorgon, and finish up just doing the weekly 2x as the count was less than you'd get doing 100 twice. She has one now....that was the 'old bounty' one was added to.
Let me check this math. Doing the gorgon 1 time a week for 8 tarot cards and a piece of gear.....boring. Doing it >30x in a sitting for 8 tarot cards and a piece of gear...and less than 1 SP....exciting. I mean that all makes some sense if you have ALL the other feats in the game done.....which I'm guessing you do. If not....welp, math is hard and all.
THANK YOU for the new, more modern Character Creation Styles! BUT... would it have killed you to give us ONE new Slimline Style with an XL Emblem Mesh like the one on Stalwart Defender? Just one?!? Was that really so much to ask?!?!?!?
Well, simply "JUST DON'T DO IT" won't stop them from making them in the future. Complaining and voicing your opinion will. Especially when enough people who shares your opinion also voices theirs too.
The point is,that without these needless spam feats. Players would be free to do ANYTHING else, and there are plenty of feats that are not as mindless as the boss spam ones. Not to mention the massive lag and frequent disconnects.
I don't need the soder vendor as I have the artifact soder. The R&D vendor's been considered, but only for 1 character that does most of the R&D legwork for the rest. I do accumulate excessive SC Extremes, I have Isis on 2 characters bringing stuff every day, and one of those characters also has the Zamaron crystal. So every day I have items to sell, but I don't need to get R&D materials every day. I hope it's an unintended change. My OH liked the duo, but I think the majority are happy not to have it so no problems here, and I don't mind numbers feats. A girl's gotta get ahead somehow
I think the aura looks awesome. I ran Gentlemen Ghost mission 20 times consecutively on one toon and then on 5 other alts. No drop. Another rare drop rate. Lol. Another Juvenile Phoenix Tier 3. I would definitely buy this off the vendor. Maybe during a double currency week with new rewards I can get one. Probably not though. Congrats to the community for all those who get one.
Could be it WAS intentional, although I'm not sure what the purpose of that would be. It would be nice to find out one way or the other. I personally have the other 2 vendors available, but as you say, I hardly need they are not up currently in most of my bases as the 'sell' feature was the most they were used for.