Few moments ago I finished regular elite alert. In Deadman, boss not transform me (tank) to poltergeist your changed or bug?
Honestly im at a loss at this point, i and others have mentioned the issues with the changes made to Brick and Crystal, why even bother wasting your own time and not take any advice? Brick is still terrible, he dies instantly from the charge/flame pool/fire breath in 1st boss CHMe+ complete waste of time even touching him, why even dangle the carrot with such a pointless buff. Crystal buff = nerf.... i mean why even bother testing stuff at this point?
I like some of the changes but really more open world boss spam? Didi we really need that? I was happy we didn't have that. Then you added the spam count. Then made Gentleman Ghost 100 times. We are already beating a dead horse here. How many more times we have to beat the dead horse? Do the Devs think this these are fun? Try doing the same thing 100 times and tell me it's still fun? A game should be fun, not work. I already have a 40+ hour job, don't want to come home and jump on a game and do more work.
You could just...not? An unfinished feat doesn't make you a lesser person or player. SP reach a pretty hard point of diminishing returns.
Meh....sure you could...but 100 is excessive for a boss count that wasn't in at launch. 100 pretty much means you WILL have to sit there spamming for at least a few sessions, or you'll be coming back for 2 years. 50 count would have been just as productive, and less obnoxious. I'm trying to think of the last 100 count boss....Injustice? And let's face it...he was easier AND he was in the DLC from jump. The only thing more annoying would be a timer....like Wonderverse. So I guess there's that.
I'm sure at some point, a metric was implemented to increase login time, because "more login time = more buying of stuff". Probably by someone many levels over the designers themselves. But the only imposition of getting the feat is...on an individual. Maybe it has to do with getting to be on the older side of things, but for such a minor gain, doing long, drawn out stretch goals/feats isn't really worth it. Hanging out with people and chatting with the league and mashing a few buttons while you're doing it? Hey, sure, bounty farming palooza. Gives you an activity to do. Trying to OMG HAVE EVERY FEAT!?! A great poet once wrote "There's more to see than can ever be seen, more to do than can ever be done...". And that's OK.
Yes...and we have plenty with E+, Survival mode, Time Capsules, PvP and feats in long dead content for most users to 'not see'. Not sure we needed 1 more, added a month into a DLC people are already kind of burnt out on. You are making it sound like 50 wouldn't have kept people almost as busy. The spammers will have the 100 knocked out in a day or 2...it would have been slightly less with 50 for those people. It's double the amount if you aren't going to work on it as spam. No one is expecting a 5 count max.
Looks like he drops a accessory from the mission cache itself, but I don't even know what it is or what it looks like lmao
That would mean to either remove one of the other useful amenities from a dive-sized lair, or use any other type of lair with amenity spots all over the place. Sounds like a lose-lose situation.
Or....and hear me out...if it was an unintended removal, seeing as many people don't have those other vendors but they DO have the dispenser....they could just remedy it by putting it back. If it was intentional...fine, but it wasn't listed in the notes, so it might have been a side effect of another change.
Devs, as far as I can tell, these new basic styles have not been added to any vendor on the Watchtower. Please add them.