Now Available: Cursed Gotham Time Capsule!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Oct 11, 2018.

  1. Agruesgirl New Player

    is it still going on? could i log in and get?
  2. Earth742 Well-Known Player

    Yes. It is the current TC and should be dropping all month long at least. New TCs are announced in advance, so you should have plenty of time to make a nice stockpile! Happy Halloween!
  3. OneBadBoi Active Player

    OK so you get a feat for consuming your first material out of the Cursed TC, and that's great. But I'm really upset that after opening the hand aura box there was no feat, and no feat after consuming the first one, so I passed some around on alts. I was then told that you have to consume all hand auras on one toon to get a 50pt feat! (((arghhh))) Would you please consider changing the feat for opening the box, or like the mats, receiving the feat after consuming the first one?
  4. Wandersturm New Player

    Yeah, I can't afford to buy their keys to do so. Not even worth it. as most turn out to be useless trash, anyway.