Not receiving Loot or Marks

Discussion in 'Old Arkham (Bug Archive)' started by Socalrmd, May 7, 2015.

  1. Socalrmd New Player

    I've run the T6 solo's and the T6 duos and it's showing me the graphic where the loot and marks are coming towards me but I'm not receiving any of it, happened to me yesterday and this morning just ran Spark of Ion and same thing happened no loot from sub boss or main boss, yet now I look at the mission in the on duty menu and it says I'm loot locked. I am cr 105 so I am eligible for all of it.

    anyone else having this problem?
  2. Irvynnge Loyal Player

    ran 2 solos from Mogo today, didn't receive any marks.
  3. Vistroy New Player

    I ran T3 Star Labs today. Received one mark for defeating Lex, and nothing from my Weekly III reward. I dunno, I think you should get 2 or 3 marks from T3 bosses, and at least a mark from a T3 Weekly reward.
  4. Vistroy New Player

    Please disregard my last post. I hadn't realized that Marks of Victory do not scale with Tiers. I had assumed they did b/c the old system marks did scale.
  5. Ghaladh Dedicated Player

    I was able to access the WoTL II duo with my CR 105 character, but I didn't receive any mark. I bought a new piece of equipment and I reached CR 106. I unlocked the duo with replay badges, played it again, and this time I got the marks.