Not doing alot of damage

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Astolfo, May 20, 2024.

  1. Astolfo Active Player

  2. Miserable Dedicated Player

    I'm afraid you actually don't have the best loadout or rotation for fire prec :(

    Let me know if you'd like to know a better loadout and rotation :)
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  3. Astolfo Active Player

  4. Astolfo Active Player

    Can you tell me a better loadout to use?
  5. iLazy Well-Known Player

    Don't play Prec - I think your to slow for it.

    And that's no front - I'm a might noob compared to some of our Prec professionals. But I'm to slow and ond and lazy and don't want to hurt my thumbs
  6. Miserable Dedicated Player

    I haven't been fire prec for a while, but I would try taking meteor strike out of your loadout. Replace it with wildfire for AoE and tornado pull for ST.

    For AoE rotation, don't do any unclipped brawling combos. Use wildfire and the super speed moves to clip.

    For both rotations, don't clip ability + weapon buff every time it's up. Wait for phase dodge. And stop wasting so much time after using your supercharge.