Not doing alot of damage

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Astolfo, May 20, 2024.

  1. BumblingB I got better.


    I skimmed your videos. You were awkward. You were using single target a lot. You don't clip a lot, which I know is a lot harder with a controller. You also had missed a lot of damage by hitting a wall. Surprisingly, your lag wasn't bad, are you EU?
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  2. Astolfo Active Player

    No, I'm US. I only use single target weapon on a boss.
  3. Plowed In Loyal Player

    Your bottled city soda buffs your might and prec for 8 seconds, another buff
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  4. Plowed In Loyal Player

    Also, play with your 30 sec combat parsers up. You’ll be able to see where and when your dps drops.
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  5. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    Dude, I'm sorry but there is no bug here. I watched a little bit of your videos and your timings are WAY off. You either clip too fast, missing out on weapon damage entirely, or you clip too slow. For example, at around the 2:20-2:30 mark in your first video you're clipping Shuriken Storm Mastery, but half the time you missed out on the actual Shuriken Storm damage because you clipped it with an ability too fast. And then with your single target Flurry Shot Mastery a lot of the time you were clipping way too slow, which cost you damage. A lot of us have tried to sugarcoat things in our earlier replies but the fact of the matter is that currently you just are not skilled at this type of gameplay. That doesn't mean you'll never be good at it, just that right now you are not. You should practice your timings on sparring targets and get them down to a tee, or you should learn to play Might so the clipping will be far less of an issue.

    I might be wrong, but I feel like you read/watched a Prec guide and just rolled with it without absorbing the part about getting the timing correct.
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  6. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Since everyone else is handling you with kid gloves I will once again be blunt with you.

    You say you’re skilled with prec. You’re not. Im sorry but someone had to say it.

    When you clup your weapon combos you do so slowly which lowers your damage. After clipping with a speed ability you let the ability run for to long before clipping and going back into your weapon combo. This too lowers your damage. Your battle awareness is also not that good. Within minutes of your first video when you get to the 2 elite adds you are in position to damage both enemies but then reposition yourself to only be able to hit one. Then for some reason you switch from drawling to DW guaranteeing that you can only hit 1 enemy.

    Then there is the time it takes you to actually swap weapons. You do this slowly which again lowers your damage. Even when you reposition you are not attacking which once again lowers your damage.

    The issue with you getting out dpses is not a bug. No one is out to get you. The issue comes from your current skill levels.

    Imo prec is not for you. You’re better off using might. If you’re adamant about remaining prec than you have to actually work to improving. This whole thread has shown that you refuse to improve and instead want to rely on your stats. Whether you improve or not is up to you. Take the advice or don’t. This won’t affect any one else here.
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  7. Ryan_Ragenolds Active Player

    Watched a Prec guide? More like someone who just bought an account with the promise of "youll be top dps with this build and this arts" lol
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  8. Astolfo Active Player

    I already have the timing down for each cancel animations.
  9. Plowed In Loyal Player

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  10. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Sorry. No you don’t. Not at all. You can clip those speed abilities instantly which is why they are popular choices with prec dps. If you let them run and can literally see the animations of the abilities than you clearly do not have the timing down. If you believe that you’re as good as you think you are why are you constantly being out dpsed? Do you actually believe that this is a bug that’s affecting you specifically and only you?

    Either you accept that you’re not as good as you think you are and let all these people, who have been trying to help you, help you. Or you continue to blame everyone and everything else and never get better.
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  11. Miserable Dedicated Player

    I initially skimmed your videos and was going to write a whole comment about the poor execution of your clips, but after watching more carefully, I don't think you were doing as bad as everyone's saying. And some of it can certainly be chalked up to lag.

    That said, you still have room for improvement, so I'll leave a few comments.

    Weapon Clips
    • The worst thing you were doing is sometimes clipping your brawling combos too fast with dervish/vortex and getting no damage from the shuriken storm part of the combo. You need to be more consistent with that because you lose a lot of damage every time you miss a brawling combo.
    • Your dual wield flurry clipping was good for the most part. You were getting 4 ticks most of the time, which is something many players fail to do. Again, being more consistent with this will help. Sometimes you clipped your flurries too fast and only got 3 ticks.
    • Some people also mentioned you getting stuck in dervish/vortex animations. Maybe this was partly due to lag because sometimes you were clipping them perfectly and other times not so much. So once again, consistency is key.
    Other Clips
    • You were never instantly clipping your damage ability with your weapon buff together. There was always about half a second between the two casts. You need to be able to hit your buttons faster.
    • I'd suggest doing a triple clip: damage ability > weapon buff > phase dodge - (instead of using phase dodge to randomly clip a weapon combo). This lets you cast all 3 abilities seamlessly between weapon combos with almost no animation time.
    • With the triple clip, you only need to use your damage ability + weapon buff whenever phase dodge is ready. Don't use your weapon buff off cooldown.
    • You were often using Neo by itself and then wasting time casting meteor + weapon buff, and then running around (repositioning?) before you finally started attacking. Every second of a Neo is precious and you need to get into your weapon combos immediately after activating it.
    • Incorporate Neo into the triple clip: damage ability > weapon buff > neo > phase dodge - (the middle two are interchangeable)
    • Learn to incorporate your trinkets (pets, orbital, supply drop, buff trinket, omac) into the above clips to save time and increase DPS. You'll get better at this with practice.
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  12. iLazy Well-Known Player

    11 days of discussion, dozens of people offering help, and the OP still insists it's a bug...
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  13. Raven Nocturnal Devoted Player

    Well said. And people say prec is easy and not complicated xD
  14. Astolfo Active Player

    I have the loadout most precision players have and I use the same rotation too. There's no reason I should be getting out DPs by people a lot weaker than me.
  15. Astolfo Active Player

    I'm going to upload a better video for weapon clipping.
  16. Plowed In Loyal Player


    You got this.
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  17. Astolfo Active Player

    I got what?
  18. Korlick Loyal Player

    THE POWER!!!
  19. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Out of
    curiosity, do you know your own dps?
  20. Miserable Dedicated Player

    We all got trolled so hard lmao
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