Not doing alot of damage

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Astolfo, May 20, 2024.

  1. BumblingB I got better.

    Okay, I'm going to let you in on a little secret when it comes to damage comparisons. Those who hits first, wins. Familiarity of content/experience (ie know where things spawn), burst vs dot, and latency all play a factor on your damage. Back in the day, players used to do damage comps and I was a troll for them. (Most boring experience of a controller, btw, since you can't attack anything.) And those that won were just the ones who hit first. You run content enough, you just know where things spawn.

    2 players, exact same build, rotation, etc, will always have one win, because of something above makes the difference. We've been having a lot of lag, latency, delayed damage, etc lately and it seems to impact players differently and to different symptoms.

    Also, here's something that can rule out gear being the problem. (Which it can and has.) When a DLC hits, hold onto your gear to compare it. Never do tests in anything that adjusts your stats (IE clamp), and try using the glitched dummies in the HoL. So you can rule out power feed.

    Final note, when players ask you what your build and rotation is, it simply means:
    What powers do you have on your tray?
    What weapon and power rotation do you use?
    How did you allocate your Stat Points?
    What is your gear item level and quality? (Vendor? Elite?)
    What are your artifacts?
    Do you swap artifacts and trinkets?

    Stuff like that. Most of this thread, your replies required us to try and extrapolate information based on the little bit you've provided.
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  2. Korlick Loyal Player

    After reading this thread, i got the perfect answer to your question (actually...everyone posting here has it too), but youre not gonna like it and probably be edited my moderators lol
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  3. Plowed In Loyal Player


    You proved me wrong…I figured you were doing a flawless rotation, but facing a wall…
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  4. Dev72 Dedicated Player

    In addition to what everyone else is posting regarding sustained damage, your positioning needs work as well. No way you should let the other DPS put damage on multiple targets while also not doing that yourself. Switching to single target while going through sets of ads isn't viable either. That is if that meaningless board number is that important to you.

    2nd, if trying to measure your damage against least find and instance where you aren't having to reposition yourself as often, and/or stop damage to perform mechanics every few seconds to defeat the boss. The new content isn't considered DPS comp friendly by any stretch.
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  5. Astolfo Active Player

    Did anyone check out my videos?
  6. Astolfo Active Player

    When I'm in an instance that be my main focus, is to attack the boss. I hardly had to reposition myself in both of the videos I uploaded.
  7. Astolfo Active Player

    I'm pretty skilled as a precision player and I don't really have trouble using any of my abilities. I've had a problem with damage for a while, that's why I think it's a bug.
  8. Dev72 Dedicated Player

    It's the ebb and flow within each episode. Precision can do well in some instances, where others...not so much and vice versa. Consistency in overall performance (not just damage) is all that matters. Experience eventually begets skill.

    The more sweaty players understand that...the better off the community will be and will improve the overall health of the game in general.
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  9. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    We saw the video and it was clearly a you issue and it a bug issue .. you just refuse to listen .. people have given you advice on how to fix it but you’re too hard headed to realize you’re the issue it must be something else .. either be satisfied with the damage you are putting out or improve yourself it’s not a bug …

    If none of those options work for you the game is in need of more tanks… you should think about tanking
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  10. Astolfo Active Player

    So you're saying that most of the instances I join, I should be getting out DPSd by people a lot weaker than me?
  11. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    If you’re not optimizing you’re gear and powerset arts ally’s trinkets supply drops orbitals pets .. then yes .. you’re not doing what you need to do to put out the most you can..

    I’ve out damaged full elite gear 200 art level 10 high skill point players before on an alt that barely can make it into the instance with 100 sp no arts or allys at all.... because that player was very bad, not even patting my self on the back .. you need to up your game or go support
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  12. Astolfo Active Player

    I have 200 arts, good allies and I use my trinkets and still get out DPSd. I think it's a bug.
  13. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

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  14. Great Architect Loyal Player

    Why is this bug not affecting the other players you are comparing with? Just curious...
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  15. Astolfo Active Player

    I have no idea.
  16. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    The most honest thing he’s said yet
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  17. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    None of that is helping you because your rotations are too slow, you're not clipping/jump cancelling efficiently. If I were you I would switch to a Might based build and you may have better results.
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  18. Plowed In Loyal Player

    It’s not a bug.

    You just look uncomfortable “in combat.” There’s full 5-10 second period where you’re doing zero weapon attacks and you went that whole last boss w/o using your Neo-Venom or your buff soda. There’s improvements you can make on your end.
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  19. Astolfo Active Player

    I'm always buffed in every instance I join and I use Neo-Venom boost as my supercharge. I'm pretty skilled player as a precision DPS now, so most of the time I don't mess up on my weapon cancelling. What improvements?
  20. Ryan_Ragenolds Active Player

    OP: Why im not doing good damage?
    Forums: Its because this this and that.
    OP: Nah...that cant be. Im good. Must be a bug

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