Not doing alot of damage

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Astolfo, May 20, 2024.

  1. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    And yet you were. It's also possible he was cheating. Who knows?
  2. Astolfo Active Player

    1. I shouldn't be bottom DPS with the best gear, arts, allies and high SP.5
    2. My loadout was the same as the top DPS loadout.
    3. I'm using Batman, Krypto and Batman Who Laughs.
    4. My SP is 468 and I have more SP than him.
    5. I don't use EOG anymore.
    6. This happens in every instance, not just that one.
    7. All the precision players were using the same loadout. You don't really need a lot of experience to use a precision loadout.
    8. I only got knocked out once that game.
  3. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    1. You don't have the best arts. You don't have high SP, you have 468 SP. The other DPS had 627, 364 and 613 SP respectfully.
    2. Not possible when the other DPS are a different power than you.
    3. You're not using the best Allies for Precision DPS.
    4. Like I said maybe he was cheating.
    5. That's not what you posted earlier. What artifacts are you using then?
    6. Maybe you have bad luck pugging with cheaters?
    7. False.
    8. Prove it.
    You're throwing out a lot of red flags. All I can tell you is record a few runs and post them. Maybe someone can spot what's going wrong.
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  4. Astolfo Active Player

    1. I had better arts than top DPS and it really does not matter if he has more SP than me because I have all my weapon stats maxed out.
    2. I was last place with better gear and stats.
    3. I was using better allies than the top DPS.
    4. Nobody was cheating.
  5. LowFlyingMoon Loyal Player

    It does matter, because Prec DPS still benefit from specing Might/Power after they max out Precision. Although, obviously, if you're being outDPSed by players with lower stats, that's kinda beside the point.

    Maybe you're not pressing buttons fast enough and other DPS clip their animations better?
    Maybe you're pressing buttons too quickly, causing you to cancel weapon damage? Both those issues can be caused, or made worse by bad internet connection, or long ping, if you're far from the server. Very small differences in timing make a huge difference for Prec players.

    Maybe you're not positioning yourself correctly, so you're losing damage due to being out of range, or not hitting the optimal number of targets?

    It's impossible to tell what you're doing wrong, without seeing a video of you play. It could be many things - there is a lot of ways to not be good at something.

    Have you considered the possibility, that maybe Precision playstyle is not for you? Fire is extremely strong as Might, especially for ST, so maybe try that? And if you have played Might before - did you have the same problem?
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  6. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    Next time record the instance so people can actually see how you're playing. You could have the highest stats in the world, but if someone is a better player than you then they're going to have higher damage. Your stats help, but it's how you play that matters.
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  7. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    Wait, are you telling me that skill is involved in this game, not just adding up potential numbers to find out who wins?

    That's crazy talk!
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  8. Astolfo Active Player

    I was playing the same with the top DPS and I'm gonna record next time.
  9. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    This is going to sound harsh but everyone has been trying to sugar coat things for you and you don’t want to listen.

    Here’s the thing. The number one factor when it comes to dpsing is skill. A high skilled player can put perform a low skilled player even if the low skilled player had higher arts, augs, gear, allies, etc. you were out dpsed because the others have been better since it seems like you are trying to rely entirely on stats to do damage.

    Time is everything with prec. If you clip your weapon combo to soon you won’t get any damage from shuriken storm. If you clip to slowly than you have lower dps. Then there is positioning. If you’re just going through the motions without ever even trying to reposition mid battle than the other dps could just be hitting more enemies. Then there is also situational awareness and thorough knowledge of your rotation. Are you aware of when mechanics will happen that can impact dps? For example throwing out an orbital when the enemy is taking 1 tick of damage. Or knowing your rotation enough to understand what the weak point of your rotation is. Like using an orbital when your stronger/faster clips are on cooldown.

    Dpsing is more than “I’m using the same thing as everyone so I HAVE to be doing better!!!”.

    My advice is to go to the sparring targets and actually practicing the basics.
    • Like x 3
  10. Astolfo Active Player

    I've been a precision DPS for a while now and I have skill. I also know when to use my dual wield weapon and brawling weapon etc.
  11. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Time does not equate to knowledge. If you aren’t willing to accept that there’s a chance you could be doing something wrong than what is anyone here supposed to accomplish? If you actually believe that your toon is bugged than just submit a ticket and see what they say,
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  12. LowFlyingMoon Loyal Player

    Were you doing good damage before and only now it's gone down by a lot? Because if you've always been bottom DPS, then what makes you think you have skills?
  13. Astolfo Active Player

    Yeah it's been like that
  14. lllStrichcodelll ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    What was your CR and in which area of the game were you standing when you took the base-prec pic?
  15. Some rando Active Player

    Well, I have 220 ish SP and my arts are 1 at 160 rank and two at 140 rank, allies are at rank 6 not max. And sometimes I out DPS players with higher art rank and SP than me.

    So it all really doesnt matter. just enjoy the game bruv, try not to worry about the numbers.
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  16. Astolfo Active Player

    My CR was 427 and what do you mean by area of the game?
  17. lllStrichcodelll ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    Open world or HoL for example. Or event instance.
  18. Astolfo Active Player

    It was an instance.
  19. Astolfo Active Player

    That makes no sense at all. I guess having good stats doesn't guarantee that you'll be top DPS. If you have higher stats than someone and better gear, then you should out DPS them, that's how it should be.
  20. lllStrichcodelll ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    If their playstyle, and powerset are identical, yes.
    But thats rarely the case.