Not doing alot of damage

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Astolfo, May 20, 2024.

  1. Astolfo Active Player

    You can't see if my augs are maxed or not,,
  2. Astolfo Active Player

    So, is anyone gonna fix the problem?
  3. iLazy Well-Known Player

    Maybe the guy just calculated what your stats should be with max augs.
    Just my thoughts.
    And fixing this problem? What problem? Doing not enough damage is not a bug.
  4. Astolfo Active Player

    I'm not doing the damage I'm supposed to be doing. I get out dpsed by people that are a lot weaker than me.
  5. iLazy Well-Known Player

    It seems that they weren't weak. And still it doesn't mean that it's a bug related thing.
    Different powers are on different types of combat better than others etc. So many different things thats involved into doing damage.
  6. Astolfo Active Player

    They had weaker arts, weaker gear and a lower precision than mine.
  7. iLazy Well-Known Player

    That means not anything. Maybe they had better timing,clipping, burst, luck etc etc.

    There is no bug at only your char that prevents your damage to be bigger. It's about understanding what to do and when. I don't need an aoe effect if the adds are gone in 2 claps as example.

    It's not a bug. It's fine tuning. Knowing the game.
  8. Astolfo Active Player

    We all had the same rotation as a precision DPS, so clipping and burst dosen't matter.
  9. iLazy Well-Known Player

    It's hopeless imo.
    I recommend: go open a ticket and explain your thing there.

    Here it's 99% just players and I hard cases some devs.
    1 players who thinks his damage should be better is not a hard case and the game has way bigger problems at the moment.

    Good luck with... Ah anyways....

    The way to the support:
  10. Astolfo Active Player

  11. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Having better equipment/stats doesn't guarantee better performance in this game.

    Not to split hairs but that's not entirely true. You were the only Fire DPS, the other DPS were: Rage and Nature.
  12. Astolfo Active Player

    Why am I so weak then?
  13. Astolfo Active Player

    How do you know that I was fire dps?
  14. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    v v v
  15. Astolfo Active Player

    Ok, why am I so weak with really good stats, the best allies for precision, high SP and the best 200 arts for precision?
  16. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    None of us can answer that without seeing how you play. Two people could have identical stats, identical loadouts, identical arts etc. but they could both have completely different timings on how they do things. Even a small variation in something like that can make a big difference in the final damage output between the two people. Your stats don't automatically make you good. Don't forget there's also the difference in how many crits you get, how many times you die, how long you're dead for etc.
  17. Astolfo Active Player

    I don't do the damage I'm suppose to be doing in all instances, not just that one. Most precision players play the same and have the same loadout.
  18. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    1. I already told you good stats does not guarantee good performance in this game. Neither does best equipment. I don't know who you are. I've never watched you play. Next time record a video of a run and maybe someone can pick up where your character is going wrong.
    2. You refuse to tell us what you're loadout is. There could be an issue there.
    3. You have not mentioned what allies you are using so we have no idea if you do or don't have the "best" allies.
    4. Your SP isn't that high. You have more SP than the top DPS in that run and like I said stats do not guarantee performance.
    5. You mentioned you are using Eye of Gemini which was nerfed a while ago. Top artifacts for Precision DPS outside swapping are Transformation/Strategist/Quislet.
    6. One of those DPS was Nature and Nature is an underrated DPS especially with Poison Ivy ally.
    7. I spy the other two DPS are "power hoppers" and one of them just switched to Electric. I am assuming they have more DPS experience than you. The top two powersets to play Precision are Electric and Gadgets because they're unbalanced in favor of the player.
    8. In your screenshots you conveniently cropped out the column showing how many times everyone got knocked out. If you're taking a knee, you aren't doing damage. If you're taking a knee through most of the run then you're not going to be at the top of the board.
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  19. Astolfo Active Player

    What do you mean by timings? The top dps was using the same rotation as me. I should not have been bottom dps.
  20. Astolfo Active Player

    Why does this happen in every instance?