Not doing alot of damage

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Astolfo, May 20, 2024.

  1. Astolfo Active Player

    I'm doing doing the damage I'm supposed to be doing.
  2. Astolfo Active Player

  3. Astolfo Active Player

    Can someone help me with my damage please?
  4. vRad Active Player

    Apologies, I don't play prec. However, regardless of prec or might, the base number is only the tip of the iceberg. One has to consider which combination of arts, allies and augments are equipped (and their levels), which of their perks proc'd (how often, duration, interactions), consumables used, art swapping, clipping, who was actually pausing to perform mechs... it's like placing the exact same engine into two different vehicle models- the sum of the differences will determine how each vehicle performs. If you're on good terms with those other DPS, perhaps one would be willing to offer pointers?

    Assuming your toon is who's highlighted in the pics- I see you revived people 5x, which is awesome from a team perspective, while the person you messaged had 0. Sometimes that's how it goes (wrong place, right time), but the reality is one can't actively dps while picking up or clicking cogs. Personally, I'd rather run content with a decent dps who stays on top of mechs and pickups in their vicinity over any uber dps who ignores them (not saying they ignored stuff, I've just seen people who do).
    • Like x 1
  5. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Did the batteries in your generator expire?
    Did your lair bonuses expire?
    Did your league proficiencies expire?
    Did you double check your equipment? (correct role, correct tactical mods, etc)
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  6. iLazy Well-Known Player

    Offtopic but I like a good BUG report....
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  7. Astolfo Active Player

    Did the batteries in your generator expire? No
    Did your lair bonuses expire? No
    Did your league proficiencies expire? No
    Did you double check your equipment? (correct role, correct tactical mods, etc) Yes
  8. Astolfo Active Player

    I have all my augments max out and allies too. I have better arts then the top DPS and he wasn't art swapping at all and still managed to be top dps
  9. Astolfo Active Player

  10. Astolfo Active Player

    Thanks for the response.
  11. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Is your damage low all the time or was it just that one time?
  12. Astolfo Active Player

    It's low all the time.
  13. Dirty Paw New Player

    A lot also has to do with how you use your belt, or whether you use soda and comp.

    Ps: your passive allies are not really helpful to make good DMG. And your CR is not the highest, this can also make a big difference at the moment they are all fully equipped.
    AAAANND Your augs are not at the highest rank, all these little things together make a big difference
  14. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    What is your build? (Powerset/Artifacts/Augments)
    Rotation? (Weapon Combo/Loadout)

    Assuming it's something outside of your control:
    Some DPS are just more experienced and perform better.
    Some DPS are more experienced at cheating or relying on exploits.
    The current server issues could be affecting your damage output.
  15. Astolfo Active Player

    What is your build? (Powerset/Artifacts/Augments) Fire,200 arts,max augs
    Rotation? (Weapon Combo/Loadout) Precision

    Some DPS are just more experienced and perform better. I was stronger than the top dps
    Some DPS are more experienced at cheating or relying on exploits. Nobody was cheating
    The current server issues could be affecting your damage output. There were no server issues
  16. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    When someone asks you what your build is you need to give more information than that.

    Which artifacts? Which augments?

    You already told us you're precision. Which weapon combos are you using? What is your loadout? What is your rotation?
  17. Astolfo Active Player

    My rotation is the same as all precision loadouts. My loadout is the same as all precision loadouts. I was using weapon master brawling and weapon mastery dual wield. My arts are: 200 trans, 200 strat and 200 gemini. I have max augs. I was stronger than the top dps and still didn't do enough damage.
  18. >>>KIra<<< Dedicated Player

    check out obsidian you tube's channels for your specific build, and power. You can use that as a base and make adjustments.
  19. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    I don't believe anyone is using Eye of Gemini anymore since it was nerfed. Someone can correct me if I'm wrong but I believe Quislet took Gemini's spot outside of artifact swapping.
    • Like x 1
  20. Dirty Paw New Player

    In the picture you posted, your augs are not max...