No sales

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Day_Blind, Dec 21, 2023.

  1. Day_Blind New Player

    There was no Cyber Monday this year and usually the Winter sale starts the week of Christmas and nothing. What is going on DCUO?
  2. DoctorP2 Well-Known Player

    I was wondering the same thing. Last year at this time we had a 50% off sale on a lot of things including RP badges. I was hoping to drop some cash this week. :(
  3. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    Hoping we get a sale, there is still today to see if they drop a sale or not.
  4. BUDOKAI101 Dedicated Player

    When a game doesn't make sales it's because it's already making too much it doesn't want to make any for that reason it enjoys making what it's making off you without a sale. The great news about no sales means we are playing a game that's got alot of money to keep it running for years and years to come. so be happy about investing time in a game that's very well off
  5. Jcal Dedicated Player

    Gotta be this Friday (tomorrow). I wonder if we'll see any new Material/Chroma bundles or a new standalone cosmetic for sale? They're on a roll right now with the packaged Cosmic/Comic, the Noir, and the Diamond Chroma. We shall see.
  6. DoctorP2 Well-Known Player

    I guess I spoke too soon -- the Winter sale just dropped. Time to say goodbye to some cash.
  7. Raven Nocturnal Devoted Player

    They skipped a lot of sales this year, so I wouldn't be surprised either way.
  8. Jcal Dedicated Player

    Yup, there it is. Mepps just made the announcement.