No pay pal Button

Discussion in 'PC Account Support' started by Inconforme+, Dec 3, 2013.

  1. Inconforme+ Active Player

    Well i wanna to use pay pal with my account, but i don't see the place to use the option of pay pal, i read before in some forums that is an option and read that in game too in the marketplace, but i can find the way to do that, now can't use paypal in america to purchase?
  2. Patrick New Player

    Same problem here. I was about to buy some DLC, but no paypal, no way! :(
  3. compasionate grenade Committed Player

    Add $$$ to station cash u can go to and do it there. Log in select add sc. You'll be given the option for paypal there.
  4. compasionate grenade Committed Player

    To buy dlc go to, log on and select the game dc universe. Next select shop tab then dlc packs. From there u'll have the paypal option .
  5. Inconforme+ Active Player

    There are only two options (credit card & code), maybe becouse i'm from america, i don't know if in the prosieben are the paypal option.
  6. TSR-AlexS New Player

    Please create a support ticket and pm both me and Sean so we can look over your accounts to assist you with your paypal issues.
  7. Inconforme+ Active Player

    Well i have two accounts one is musrrom & the second is xjoint, and about the ticket i really don't wanna do that becouse i do a lot of tickets useless, i learn through the time here: if no is obvius the solution, then do not insist because you can not create any kind of solution for my kinds of troubles, is really sad for me, but i all ways found a way to solution my trouble by myself or found another way or just resign to any of my kind of troubles
    As allways say: thanks a lot for your attention and have happy hollidays.