No one ever ask...

Discussion in 'Joker’s Funhouse (Off Topic)' started by willi3bx, Feb 28, 2014.

  1. willi3bx Committed Player

    a tank to solo, no one ever wants a troll to solo, everyone hopes the heal can solo, now give me your thoughts on the dps needing 4 to do these raids>
  2. Drifting Dreamer Steadfast Player

    I prefer 1 tank 1 troll 1 heal and 5 of me! :D

    EDIT: (I feel I should note, I'm not asking for 5 DPSs in a raid, I'm jokingly asking for 4 duplicates of me that will do what I do with the original! :) I personally do not care what's in with me. I've run with no healer, no troll, and no tank before. I take what i can get and have fun with it either way :D)
  3. Terri Ashra Committed Player

    My god you're right, DPS need to do 8+times the damage they do now.
    This injustice should be corrected.

    2014 - DPS universe online
    Make it happen.
  4. Drifting Dreamer Steadfast Player

    Nah, I think that the healer, troller, and especially the tanks should get a damage boost.

    I will never understand why there is so much inner class hate in this game. DPSes hate trolls and healers, tanks hate everyone cause "nobody needs a tank anymore" (then go DPS), trollers hate this, healer hate that. I don't get it. We are all people behind those toons, I play a DPS not because I don't or can't learn my other role. I play DPS cause I don't want to heal, or be your battery, or draw all your aggro. I want to attack stuff, mash a lot of buttons, and see stuff blow up. so HURRAY! For DCUO.
    Hater gonna hate, but don't do it round here
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  5. Terri Ashra Committed Player

    Lol, I was being serious. Kind of pointing out that next tier dps will be able to curb stomp this content and we'll probably get t6 before the years out.
  6. nowburn4it Loyal Player

    I, personally, feel that when you get better equipment none of your stats should go down. I can understand some of them only getting a slight boost or no boost at all, but why would my higher tier gear have any lower stats than what I'm currently wearing?
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  7. JonnyD New Player

    That's not true...
  8. willi3bx Committed Player

    its impossible 4 me to hate i have all roles
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  9. Drifting Dreamer Steadfast Player

    same i have 13 alts :)