No New Powers!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Errorcode1058, Jun 20, 2014.

  1. kAiSeR007 Dedicated Player

    There's a difference between tweaking and major gaming mechanic changes.
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  2. Drakonicus New Player

    Still part of the genre. Just take a look at Gw2 recent changes, or one of the WoW's path notes, especially the next one.
  3. JoshuaBagwell Committed Player

    I wanted to make something like this but I kind of thought that people would go against this idea.
    Frankly I don't think we need new powers for atleast a year we already have 4 powers for each class that's 12 powers more than any other game I have seen.

    Heck rage still hasn't gotten its big nerf we all know is coming. I think new dlc content is needed also better styles. Power balance maybe even new sets to weapons. Like add a lasso move to shield or whip trash like moves to melee weapons. That way they don't have to add new weapons but make old have new moves that add new weapon mechanics.
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  4. DarkSyde79 Loyal Player

    I’m pretty sure we’ll get 3 more powers, taking us to 15 (5 per role).

    But if we do, we still have some time before we have to deal with it, seeing as we wouldn’t get another Lantern based power until WOTL2.

    That said, by the time WOTL2 is introduced, they should be done revamping all the existing powers and adding their “awesome” power mechanic.

    I just hope when they do introduce these new powers, we get the Controller and DOT powers in addition to the Healer API power, in order to add further balance and variety to the DPSing of each role.
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  5. DaKrushmor Loyal Player

    Where'z dislike button? :mad:
    l agree. They already delaying with DLC #11, & before WoL we've 4 months. So if two update 2 powers per month - it's more than enough. And complete balance can't be achieved at all, it's a rule!
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  6. Ghostof91 New Player

    This game will die if they stop with Powers, it's one of the main spotlights of the game, at least to me.
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  7. Titans1373 Dedicated Player

    Whatever they did with the nature and sorcery revamp should have been the blueprint going forward cause they nailed it.
  8. Phil Miller Committed Player

    A lot of people in the community, since day one, have asked for bugs, power balance, etc. to be fixed before new content or powers were to be released. Again, this has been asked for since this game first launched and people are still asking for it?

    If we have learned anything from the history of this game, its fixes and balancing will never truly stop. So please stop asking for fixes to happen before new content/powers. I will take the new content or powers over the fixes any day because I am not going to sit around and continue to pay for a product that does not move forward.

    Imagine this: lets say the Devs create a Black Lantern (Villain) and White Lantern (Hero) for the launch of WoTL 3. Because we all know power sets and combat mechanics will not be balanced by WoTL 3 release date, do you really want to wait until HoP 3 drops to get these Lantern powers? Makes no sense and would be horrible execution.
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  9. EPHEMERAL titan New Player

    Where are the Bronies...they would buy that DLC in a heartbeat!
  10. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    But that ruins half of DCUO revenue.
    1. Release power.
    2. Make it more powerful than current powers.
    3. People respec
    4. Destroy the power.
    5. Make people switch back
    6. "Balance" the power a year later.
    7. Make people respec again.
    8. Profit.
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  11. Great Spirit Devoted Player

    What if there's one thing this game could use its more powers! Or at least the option to change the colors so that it could look like some other power. I'm not sure how that would work with lantern powers though.
  12. TheDarknessWithin Loyal Player

    Agreed, but as long as Shadow powers are on the look at list ;).
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  13. Minnion Devoted Player

    No offense but... By that logic wouldn't fans of Adventure Time also go for a Liza Frank power-set?
  14. Ghostof91 New Player

    The balancing situation = Make more room for new powers and weapons mechanic> Shortened animation in powers= more RAM freed up.
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  15. DaKrushmor Loyal Player

    You're confused. There's 2 types of additions - first to increase diversity of characters - they are Powers, Weapons & Movements. Second - to enhance their combat abilities, it's like Utility Belts, HT Mods & Weapon mastery. & l can assure - second type is more balance ruining! Let's recall when HT mods goes on scene - then channel imporvements overpowered Photon Blast & Quantum due 60% DPS mod, that quantum was nerfed after that. And WM required anim timing changed, which completely knocked settings of powers, gimping already balanced at that moment Powers (HL, Gadgets, Mental), due jumpcancel nerf & anim time standartizing. That is reason, why we must get revamps for these powers as well.
    And if Devs make artifact weapons, in DLC #11 as somethin' enhancing addition - l'm afraid it will be another setting knock. While it becoming wunderwaffe when used by certain powers - with another powers it become completely useless. So all balances, those devs dealt with HL, Earth, Electricity (& Fire + Gadgets in GU 39) may go down the drain. So, for sake of everything l hope devs won't do that.
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  16. Wickedone New Player




    Whip it real good muahahahaha

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  17. BerzerkerUnit New Player

    A new weapon would throw the WM balance out of whack. But I want whip too.

    The game needs to keep adding powers, though I think pushing for more "iconic" viability would be a better idea vs developing whole new sets. Mostly I think expanding Iconics to include bastardized versions of role powers with "stat free" or "tier locked" CR based effects seems like a good way to open up options. A Saint Walker style lantern drop power that pulses a power refresh for allies and AoE KB that generates a standard Amt of power based on tier. An invulnerability power that taunts when you activate it and raises defense to a CR based mean. There are a few heals in comics already, but they're all self only, some 3 person heal maybe based on Mr. Terrific or something also based on CR for amount of healing.
    Maybe have it set up so if one is equpped the others can't be?

    I'm just spit balling, but I really want my mental toon to be able to off tank.
  18. Kira_kun Active Player

    Well, yes and no to new powers.

    Yes, simply because it can add variety to the already vast library of available powers. Although it would still be limited to being DPS and Tank/Troll/Healer. New powers means more money to SOE. DC lore is so vast and deep it would be great to have every single possible power be put in game and animated.

    No because you are technically limited to 4 classes, DPS, Tank, Troll and Healer, and the various powers pretty much only produce cosmetic differences. Most core skills have the same function as their counterparts in other powers. Only variation comes with power interactions being unique to each power.

    Besides, I think the powers can be limited to what's available now for now. If anything, they should be adding new weapon styles and more character creation options, not to mention focusing on game balance and removing bugs.
  19. AtrocitusOmega Committed Player

    Just fix the powers we have now then eventually move on to a new power, but at the same time as long as a lot of people possess ps3 the devs won't be able to do what they really want with the game. I'm surprised the devs haven''t put anything in the works in progress thread for fire users to make suggestions, just make sure you guys through gadgets in there and maybe mental for gu 39.
  20. erckboy Active Player

    This+ fix HL